[NatureNS] Causeway Birds

Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 16:57:11 -0300
From: David Johnston <dwj.jem@ns.sympatico.ca>
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Today, at the Canso Causeway, there was a Southerly breeze rather than 
the Northerly gale that has been blowing at full force for the past few 
days. There were fewer gannets but still a couple of hundred along with 
many gulls including Bonaparte's  gulls. Also a number of eagles. The 
strange thing to me is that all the mature gannets seem to be missing 
today - just the dark immature birds left. Why would this be? The water 
was calm enough to see the small billfish occasionally breaking water 
but I didn't see any other fish.
David Johnston   Port Hawkesbury

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