[NatureNS] Fwd: [ForestAlerts] Standing Tall -- Call for Action on the Natural Resources Strategy!

To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
From: Patrick Kelly <patrick.kelly@dal.ca>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 18:10:25 -0300
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Hello everyone:

I thought that where so much of Nova Scotia's natural habitat is forest  
that this and the following letter would be of interest to many.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Joanne Cook <forests2@ecologyaction.ca>
> Date: October 23, 2006 1:41:06 PM ADT
> To: eac-forestalerts@lists.ecologyaction.ca
> Subject: [ForestAlerts] Standing Tall -- Call for Action on the  
> Natural Resources Strategy!
> Reply-To: forests2@ecologyaction.ca
> Hi everyone,
> It appears that Cabinet may make a decision as early as Monday,  
> October 30, regarding the steps involved in developing the new Natural  
> Resources strategy. David Morse, Minister of Natural Resources, has  
> gone on record with the Herald and with Standing Tall staff as being  
> willing to involve Voluntary Planning for public consultations, a huge  
> gain for us. But ... Morse is adamant that the actual development of  
> the strategy and all final recommendations will stay in the hands of  
> DNR staff.
> CABINET in the next few days, to push for the entire strategy process  
> to be put in Voluntary Planning's hands.
> Please -- take five minutes and send an email right away. All Cabinet  
> addresses are at the bottom of this email.
> Some key points to consider:
> ---------------------------
> When Voluntary Planning develops policy reports and recommendations,  
> it incorporates at least 5 major factors:
> ---> citizen input and engagement through wide variety of means
> ---> stakeholder input
> ---> knowledge from experts, whether local or from away
> ---> thorough background research, looking at both local and global  
> information
> ---> debate, discussions, and synthesis by a task force of  
> knowledgeable volunteers.
> This is far more thorough, rigourous, objective and transparent  
> process than could be carried out by staff of one department.
> ---------------------------
> This is an issue that crosses departmental boundaries -- all of  
> Cabinet should take an active role in decision-making (as opposed to  
> rubber-stamping a DNR recommendation).
> ---------------------------
> The forests of Nova Scotia are of great importance to many legitimate  
> interest groups, not just the forest industry and environmentalists.  
> Voluntary Planning is the only agency which can cut across the  
> departmental silos and ensure that all the voices are heard.
> ---------------------------
> The objection has also been raised that using Voluntary Planning would  
> put policy development in the hands of an outside body. VP does not  
> develop policy -- they develop policy recommendations which go  
> straight to Cabinet. The government isn't shirking its responsibility  
> by using Voluntary Planning-- rather, it is making use of a body which  
> ensure the very best recommendations will be developed using the very  
> best data. Cabinet still has the final say.
> ---------------------------
> Thanks so much for your help! I'm also going to forward separately an  
> excellent email from Standing Tall advisory committee chair Paul  
> Pross, which may give you some useful ideas.
> Best,
> Joanne
> -----------------------
> Here are the email addresses of Premier MacDonald and Minister Morse:
> mailto:premier@gov.ns.ca
> mailto:morsedm@gov.ns.ca
> Email addresses for the other members of Cabinet are:
> mailto:bakermg@gov.ns.ca (Michael Baker - Finance)
> mailto:karencasey@ns.aliantzinc.ca (Karen Casey - Education, Youth)
> mailto:healmin@gov.ns.ca (Chris D'Entremont - Health)
> mailto:mlataylor@eastlink.ca (Brooke Taylor - Agriculture)
> mailto:min_dfa@gov.ns.ca (Ron Chisholm - Fisheries and Aquaculture)
> mailto:dooksbf@gov.ns.ca (Bill Dooks - Energy)
> mailto:min_immigration@gov.ns.ca (Carolyn Bolivar-Getson -  
> Immigration, Seniors, NSLC, Status of Women)
> mailto:barnetbe@gov.ns.ca (Barry Barnet - Heath Promotion,  
> Volunteerism, Communication NS, African-NS affairs)
> mailto:justmin@gov.ns.ca (Murray Scott - Attorney General, Justice,  
> Human Rights)
> mailto:markparentmla@ns.aliantzinc.ca (Mark Parent - Environment and  
> Labour )
> mailto:bakermg@gov.ns.ca (Michael Baker - Finance, Aboriginal Affairs,  
> Utility and Review Board)
> mailto:tpwmin@gov.ns.ca (Angus MacIsaac - deputy premier,  
> Transportation and Public Works, Chairman of Treasury and Policy  
> Board, Gaelic initiatives, Sysco)
> mailto:streatjl@gov.ns.ca (Judy Streatch -Community Services)
> mailto:mlagoucher@ns.aliantzinc.ca (Len Goucher - Tourism, Culture and  
> Heritage)
> mailto:elf@ns.sympatico.ca (Ernie Fage - Human Resources, Energy  
> Management)
> mailto:hurlburr@gov.ns.ca (Richard Hurlburt - Economic Development)
> mailto:SNSMRMIN@gov.ns.ca (Jamie Muir - Service Nova Scotia, Municipal  
> Relations, Tenancies Board)
> --  
> _______________________________
> Joanne Cook (mailto:forests2@ecologyaction.ca)
>  Coordinator, Standing Tall Campaign for Environmentally Responsible  
> Forestry,
>  Ecology Action Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
>  902.429.1335 (voice); 902.422.6410 (fax).
>  http://www.novascotiaforests.ca & http://www.ecologyaction.ca
>  * Do not meddle with the Forces of Nature, for you are small,  
> insignificant, and biodegradable. *
>  _______________________________
> _______________________________________________
> EAC-ForestAlerts mailing list
> EAC-ForestAlerts@lists.ecologyaction.ca
> http://lists.ecologyaction.ca/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/eac-forestalerts

Patrick Kelly
Director of Computer Facilities
Faculty of Architecture and Planning
Dalhousie University
PO Box 1000 Stn Central                5410 Spring Garden Road
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4           Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4
Canada                                 Canada
Phone:(902) 494-3294    FAX:(902) 423-6672   E-mail:patrick.kelly@dal.ca

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Hello everyone:

I thought that where so much of Nova Scotia's natural habitat is
forest that this and the following letter would be of interest to many.


Begin forwarded message:

</color></bold>Joanne Cook <<forests2@ecologyaction.ca>

<bold><color><param>0000,0000,0000</param>Date: </color></bold>October
23, 2006 1:41:06 PM ADT


</color>[ForestAlerts] Standing Tall -- Call for Action on the Natural
Resources Strategy!


Hi everyone,

It appears that Cabinet may make a decision as early as Monday,
October 30, regarding the steps involved in developing the new Natural
Resources strategy. David Morse, Minister of Natural Resources, has
gone on record with the Herald and with Standing Tall staff as being
willing to involve Voluntary Planning for public consultations, a huge
gain for us.<bold> But ...</bold> Morse is adamant that the actual
development of the strategy and all final recommendations will stay in
the hands of DNR staff.

CABINET in the next few days, to push for the entire strategy process
to be put in Voluntary Planning's hands.

Please -- take five minutes and send an email right away. All Cabinet
addresses are at the bottom of this email.

Some key points to consider:


When Voluntary Planning develops policy reports and recommendations,
it incorporates at least 5 major factors:

---> citizen input and engagement through wide variety of means

---> stakeholder input

---> knowledge from experts, whether local or from away

---> thorough background research, looking at both local and global

---> debate, discussions, and synthesis by a task force of
knowledgeable volunteers.

This is far more thorough, rigourous, objective and transparent
process than could be carried out by staff of one department.


This is an issue that crosses departmental boundaries -- all of
Cabinet should take an active role in decision-making (as opposed to
rubber-stamping a DNR recommendation).


The forests of Nova Scotia are of great importance to many legitimate
interest groups, not just the forest industry and environmentalists.
Voluntary Planning is the only agency which can cut across the
departmental silos and ensure that all the voices are heard.


The objection has also been raised that using Voluntary Planning would
put policy development in the hands of an outside body. VP does not
develop policy -- they develop policy recommendations which go
straight to Cabinet. The government isn't shirking its responsibility
by using Voluntary Planning-- rather, it is making use of a body which
ensure the very best recommendations will be developed using the very
best data. Cabinet still has the final say.


Thanks so much for your help! I'm also going to forward separately an
excellent email from Standing Tall advisory committee chair Paul
Pross, which may give you some useful ideas.




Here are the email addresses of Premier MacDonald and Minister Morse:


mailto:<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>morsedm@gov.ns.ca</fontfamily>

Email addresses for the other members of Cabinet are:

<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>mailto:bakermg@gov.ns.ca</fontfamily>
(Michael Baker - Finance)

<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>mailto:karencasey@ns.aliantzinc.ca</fontfamily>
(Karen Casey - Education, Youth)

<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>mailto:healmin@gov.ns.ca</fontfamily>
(Chris D'Entremont - Health)

<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>mailto:mlataylor@eastlink.ca</fontfamily>
(Brooke Taylor - Agriculture)

<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>mailto:min_dfa@gov.ns.ca</fontfamily>
(Ron Chisholm - Fisheries and Aquaculture)

<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>mailto:dooksbf@gov.ns.ca</fontfamily>
(Bill Dooks - Energy)

<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>mailto:min_immigration@gov.ns.ca</fontfamily>
(Carolyn Bolivar-Getson - Immigration, Seniors, NSLC, Status of Women)

<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>mailto:barnetbe@gov.ns.ca</fontfamily>
(Barry Barnet - Heath Promotion, Volunteerism, Communication NS,
African-NS affairs)

<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>mailto:justmin@gov.ns.ca</fontfamily>
(Murray Scott - Attorney General, Justice, Human Rights)

<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>mailto:markparentmla@ns.aliantzinc.ca</fontfamily>
(Mark Parent - Environment and Labour )

<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>mailto:bakermg@gov.ns.ca</fontfamily>
(Michael Baker - Finance, Aboriginal Affairs, Utility and Review Board)

<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>mailto:tpwmin@gov.ns.ca</fontfamily>
(Angus MacIsaac - deputy premier, Transportation and Public Works,
Chairman of Treasury and Policy Board, Gaelic initiatives, Sysco)

<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>mailto:streatjl@gov.ns.ca</fontfamily>
(Judy Streatch -Community Services)

<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>mailto:</fontfamily>mlagoucher@ns.aliantzinc.ca
(Len Goucher - Tourism, Culture and Heritage)

<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>mailto:elf@ns.sympatico.ca</fontfamily>
(Ernie Fage - Human Resources, Energy Management)

<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>mailto:hurlburr@gov.ns.ca</fontfamily>
(Richard Hurlburt - Economic Development)

<fontfamily><param>Lucida Grande</param>mailto:</fontfamily>SNSMRMIN@gov.ns.ca
(Jamie Muir - Service Nova Scotia, Municipal Relations, Tenancies




Joanne Cook (mailto:forests2@ecologyaction.ca)

 Coordinator, Standing Tall Campaign for Environmentally Responsible

 Ecology Action Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

 902.429.1335 (voice); 902.422.6410 (fax).

 http://www.novascotiaforests.ca & http://www.ecologyaction.ca

 * Do not meddle with the Forces of Nature, for you are small,
insignificant, and biodegradable. *



EAC-ForestAlerts mailing list





Patrick Kelly

Director of Computer Facilities


Faculty of Architecture and Planning

Dalhousie University


PO Box 1000 Stn Central                5410 Spring Garden Road

Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4           Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4

Canada                                 Canada


Phone:(902) 494-3294    FAX:(902) 423-6672  




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