[NatureNS] Tagged Shearwaters

Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2006 14:40:05 -0300
To: NatureNS@chebucto.ns.ca
From: Angus MacLean <angusmcl@ns.sympatico.ca>
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About a month ago Laurie Murison drew our attention (see below) to the fact 
we could track the southward migration of six Greater Shearwaters to their 
nesting gounds in the South Atlantic at the Tristan da Cunha archipelago. 
All six have now reached the same location along the Argentina coast 
(presumably good feeding conditions there) but have yet to make the trek to 
their nesting grounds which is closer to South Africa than S.A. I note one 
(Robert) route was such that it travelled 17351 kms. so far rather than the 
straight line distance of 8941.
p.s. I was surprised to find so many web sites devoted to Tristan da Cunha!
- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --  -- -
At the Grand Manan Whale and Seabird Research Station this summer we have a 
team of researchers who have been attaching satellite transmitters to the 
backs of greater shearwaters.  We have 6 transmitters attached and some of 
the birds have started migrating to their southern breeding islands in the 
South Atlantic.

If you wish to follow their progress, please check this link 

The movements of the greater shearwaters will be updated regularly (click 
on individual birds or view the combined tracks).  Information about the 
project, individual birds being tracked and our funding sources are 
included.  We are still adding some information to the website but 
everything should be completed shortly.

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