[NatureNS] Special blue jay

Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 10:54:34 -0300
From: Eleanor Lindsay <az678@chebucto.ns.ca>
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To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
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Two days ago I removed my hummingbird feeder and put up the first of my 
winter seed feeders (more to be added later). This  morning I was 
impressed beyond all measure to see that a blue jay with a broken and 
severely malpositioned R leg has returned for the FOURTH year in a row. 
The leg sticks out at an awkward angle, making perching on slender 
branches or feeder perches very awkward, necessitating much wing 
flapping and burning of energy to stay  in place. It is somewhat smaller 
than the others, but appears otherwise as feisty and lively as ever.
Is this unusual, for such - or any birds? And is the average lifespan 
known for blue jays?
Eleanor Lindsay

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