[NatureNS] Fisherman's Cove and Hartlen Point Saturday September 9

Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 17:04:26 -0300
From: Bob McDonald <bobathome@hfx.eastlink.ca>
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca
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Just a short supplement to Ulli's posting on shorebirds, Bernard Burke 
pointed out an American Golden Plover to Suzanne B and I as we drove up to 
Fisherman's Cove late last week.  It was our first of the year.  Later on, 
on the golf course nearly every hole had a small flock of Whimbrel according 
to a group of golfers I spoke with.  There were likely hundreds spread out 
over the 18 holes!

Bob McDonald

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <uhoeger@dal.ca>
To: <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 4:24 PM
Subject: [NatureNS] Fisherman's Cove and Hartlen Point Saturday September 9 

> Time to catch up with some recent observations.
> Saturday afternoon I went out to Fisherman's Cove, before the
> afternoon crowd of people arrived. Tide was still going out and a
> good part of the mud flats was exposed.
> Shorebird numbers are definitely down from a week earlier.
> Species observed:
> SB Dowitcher 1
> BB Plover      3
> SP Plover      ~150
> SP Sandpiper ~120
> Least Sandpiper  <10
> White-rumped Sandpiper  3
> With increasing people traffic the birds became more skittish, and
> when within 15 minutes a Merlin and a Peregrine tried for lunch, the
> Peregrine successful, most took off for good.  Both falcons came out
> of the sun, and I noticed them only after all the shorebirds took
> flight.
> No Yellow Legs!
> A bit down the road towards Hartlen Point on a stretch of sandy beach
> Sanderlings ~20
> SP Plovers ~40
> SP Sandpipers ~40
> Least Sandpipers ~15
> White-rumped Sandpipers 2
> At Hartlen Point on the beach along the road just a few Least
> Sandpipers, a Whimbrel, and several Greater Yellow Legs.
> Back Cove had several BB Plovers and Willets and additional Greater
> Yellow Legs.
> Two Harrier and two Osprey were hunting in the area.
> Ulli
> -- 
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