[NatureNS] Late Summer Trouting

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Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2006 04:35:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul MacDonald <paulrita2001@yahoo.com>
To: Nature NS <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Hi All
Yesterday evening was perfect for some late summer
trouting. The water is at a good level and is cooler
than can ordinarily be expected at this time of year.
Perfect temperature, no wind, no bugs and lots of
eager trout - what more could an angler wish?
BB and I went to a stillwater. The maples are turning
but there has been no frost yet. The asters and
smartweed were blooming to provide a little color
other than red or green of the big pines. 
There was a considerable number of warblers and
sparrows in the bushes beside the stream. Also a
Barred Owl was calling softly - like "whrrrr".
Big dragon flies were depositing their eges on the
water. Oviposting or something like that I've heard it
called. Anyway the trout were trying their best to
have them for supper - no success as far as I could
One trout had developed an unique form of feeding that
I should tell you about. Unique to me at least. It
swam along the weeds by the edge of the water and
would jump up into the weeds to grab an insect. Saw it
do that several times - a typical NS brookie about 25
Have a nice summer - visit a stillwater!

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