The Phantom*

Number 11
February 2017
Editor: Gary Welch


This is the newsletter of the Nova Scotia Square, Round, and Contra Dance communities. Please send news of events in your corner of the dance world to the Editor at the address above.

The 2016 Apple Blossom Dance

Everything is going well.

Barb Walker wins the Photo Shootout!

Tommy Collins and partner head home.

The front square is concentrating.

Barry Walker at work.

Sharing a giggle moment.

The lucky 50/50 winners are....

Susan and Gary Lucas!

Federation President Dottie Welch presents
   the Caller Longevity Award to Barry,

and the Dancer Longevity Award to Claire.


A Milestone Award

At a Lake City Swingers dance in January Don Scott, Federation Central Region Rep., presents a certificate from the National Society to honour Doug and Shirley Walton on their 60th wedding anniversary. The big date actually ocurred in the previous fall, but the ceremony was delayed "by one thing or another".


Fundy Squares' Big Three-oh

The Fundy Squares held their 30th anniversary dance on October 12. Wilmot Community Hall was rockin' that night.


Parading the Banner in Des Moines

The summer travels of your Editor and his Wife took them to Des Moines, Iowa, the host city of the 65th US National Square Dance Convention (22-25 June) - four days of dancing, calling, and of course The Parade of States.

Yup, Iowa is farm country.

Tuesday, 21 June: Nearing the turnoff for our hotel.

A rather uninspiring view from the 3rd floor of the Leaders Hotel. A waining gibbous moon hangs over the
Wells Fargo Arena, adjoining the Convention venue. That's our Aliner trailer and 4Runner beneath the Quality Inn sign.

Representing Canada: Lenora MacEachern and Dottie.

International dancers sort themselves out.

The ladies from Down Under

Organized at last!

See ya next year in Cincinnati!

Iowa dancers walking in proudly.

The State Capitol Building

Sunday: heading west into arid country.


Your Federation at Work: The 2016 AGM

OK, perhaps our annual general meetings lack the dynamic impact of, say Verdi's Aida, but they still do affect our Nova Scotia dance scene. "How?", you ask? Check out the minutes of last fall's meeting here.


Afternoon Fun in Windsor

On a sunny Wednesday afternoon in November a square of enthusiastic dancers from the Sackville-Windsor area entertained folks at the Windsor Elms Village. The crowd was small, but reportedly very appreciative.


Regina, July 28-30, 2016: The Canadian National

View towards NE from the 22nd floor of the Delta Hotel. Prominent landmarks are the CN Railyard,
Casino Regina (left front), and Saskatchewan Drive.

Nova Scotians queue up for the Banner Parade.

Dottie keeping the C1 dancers happy.

Looking along Scarth Street toward Cornwall Centre from
in front of the Copper Kettle Restaurant.

New Brunswick dancer Richard Goodick has arranged
supper here.

Looking over the menu.

Applause for our servers after their first square dance lesson.

The Society Board of Directors. At left: outgoing Nova Scotia
Reps. Inge & Bob Ruohoniemi (front) and incoming Reps.
Wilma & Laurie Illsley (second row).

The Ruohoniemis are presented with the Society Award
of Excellence by President couple Eric & Dianne McCormack (New Brunswick)


A Christmas Supper

After dance night cancellations due to weather and NS Teachers work-to-rule the Sail Sets finally got together for their traditional Christmas feast at the Clayton Park Swiss Chalet. Surprisingly, the most popular entrée was ... chicken! Various desserts were also consumed with gusto ('tis the season...).


Your Federation at Work: The Winter Executive Meeting, 2017

It's become customary for the Executive to meet during the afternoon preceeding the annual Winter Wonderland Dance. The Sobey's Greenwood store provides an inexpensive (free!) and cosy meeting room with refreshments included. These are the folks who help keep things going in the Nova Scotia Square and Round Dance scene.


The 2017 Winter Wonderland Dance

These didn't last long.

Caller Ralph MacDonald has 'em rolling.

Focused on the moment.

The Langilles enjoy themselves.

Ralph's in charge.

Claire and Laurie prominade.

Wilma and Barb tend the door.

This spectator seemed to approve.


* Want to dance the next tip but can't quite make a square? Experienced dancers know the solution: ask a phantom (or two) to fill in! Phantoms are spirits who come when needed, and do their part of the action so the real folks can dance. They are, however, quite mischievous, and their antics can cause all sorts of hilarious bloopers by real dancers! Thankfully, phantoms disappear when no longer needed. Like its namesake, this newsletter first came when needed - to fill in for it's predecessor Between Tips. It's antics have been largely harmless, and it was expected to "go poof" when a new Between Tips editor was found. Such editors, however, seem to be rare birds; expect The Phantom to haunt the SRDFNS web site for awhile yet!
