Checking on drug company policies and practices
How well are Canadian consumers of patented medicines protected against over-pricing of the drugs they need?CONTINUE
Differing concepts of property underlie debates
Differing views about private property ownership are at the heart of today's debates about such diverse questions as patenting life forms, environment degradation, stem cell research, widespread poverty, and even assisted suicide.CONTINUE
Openings for discussions about modern technology
Can people enthralled by science and technology be moved at least to discuss that perhaps we should not do everything we can, such as human cloning?CONTINUE
Does Catholic Social Teaching Really Matter?
In an earlier editorial, "A Missed Opportunity," I noted that the recent Couchiching Conference began with a negative bias in its title: "God's back -- with a Vengeance." CONTINUE
A Missed Opportunity?
For the first time in its 73 years the Couchiching Institute has studied the influence of religion in public affairs. CONTINUE
Catholic s-words and the Canadian Parliament
Two s-words from Catholic social teaching are helpful for discussing Canadian politics as the new Martin cabinet begins work. CONTINUE
Book explores Globalization and Catholic Social Teaching
The rise of the Green Party was a hopeful "sign of the times" in Canada's recent frustrating general election. CONTINUE
Challenging the Earth Charter
Two correspondents have challenged us for presenting the Earth Charter on our website. CONTINUE
Two Paradigms
The subtitle of the latest report of the International Forum on Globalization proclaims “A Better World is Possible.” CONTINUE