Your Comments
"Before we plunge into support for the Green Party we need to get some critical analysis. We need to put the Greens in juxtaposition with social democrat parties. Why? In supporting the economic status quo, despite pollution controls, the Greens will continue to miss the root causes of pollution in the shortcutting that is done to maximize industrial profits. For a discipline to emerge regarding the multi-nationals, labour rights and income distribution programs must first be considered. Popular political and economic input has to either precede or run concurrently with a strong emphasis on environmental protection. Correct me, but so far the teaching of the encylicals favours the rights of labour, and at this juncture has less to say about the environment. Environmental concern without social democracy is motherhood. In this context I am not referring to Ralph Nader or Petra Kelly but to the Canadian Greens under former Tory Jim Harris." -- Rev. Bob Lindsey, Beamsville ON