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(H)(u)(g)<e> <N>(e)<w>(s) To Impac^t [C]<Y>(T)(V) Chi^na You#TV [C]<o>[r]{p}{.} Sym*bol: [C](Y)<T><V> We (h)<a>(v)(e) alr.eady {s}[e]<e><n> C*YTV's ma.rket imp_act b*efore clim`bin`g to (o)(v){e}{r} $2.0-0 (w)[i](t)(h) (n)[e](w)(s)[.] Pres_s Re+lease: C`hina Yo-uTV's CnBo_o [W]{e}{b} <S>{i}{t}<e> Ran#ks <N>[o](.)<1> on M_icr*osoft {L}<i>(v){e} Se`arch Eng`ine CnBo_o T,raffic In.crease-s [4](9)[%] {O}(v)<e>{r} (T)(w)<o> Mont`hs <R>{e}(a){d} (t)[h]{e} n^ews, th^ink a.bout <t>(h)(e) impa.ct, and [j]<u>(m)(p) on (t)[h]{i}(s) fir-st thin_g T+omo_rrow m#o,rning! $0.,42 is a {g}[i][f]<t> at (t)<h>{i}[s] price...#`.. Do (y)[o][u]<r> hom+ewor*k [a]<n><d> w.atch (t)[h]<i>{s} t-rade Mon+day morn#ing.
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