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Inve st or Aler t I s s ued Fo r Friday Ma r ch 1 7t h. WE TOLD YOU TO W AT CH. IT'S STILL NOT T OO L A T E .. . TRAD ING ALERT! Timin g is eve rythi ng ! ! ! We see thi s company makin g a m aj or move i n the next 7-10 days... Date : 17 Mar 2006 Compa ny: Chi na Wor ld T r ad e Cor p o r a tio n Symbol: C WTD.OB Price: $ 1.25 7-Day Ta rge t: $3-4 3-Mont h Targ et : $8-9 Sta tus : S t ro ng B uy Ratin g: 5( 5) About China W orl d Trade Corporation China World Trade C orpor ation (CWTC) has established its business in three distinct areas : the club a nd busi n ess centers througho ut major cities in China, busin ess t r ave l-re lated servic es, and busin ess valu e-a dde d s ervi ces. The Club and Bus iness Cen ter D i vision is devoted to t h e building of the World Trade brand th roughou t China via the opening an d ope rat ing of busin ess clubs in C hina's major, positioning th e CWTC t o act as a p la tform to facilitate trade betwee n China and the world mar kets. The acquisition of C EO Club s China Limited ("CE O Club s" ) i n May 200 4 further complements CWTC's o ff erings by targeting high-level co rpora te executi v es fr om pr em i er comp an i es. The B usiness Travel ing Ser vices D ivis ion, New Gen erat i on, provide s CWTC ac ce ss to the r api dly growing trav el -rel a te d industry. New Gener ation is a pioneer and market leader in t h e tra ve l agency business th rough it s strong network of t icketing sales operations throughout So uthern Ch ina. The Busin e ss Valu e-Added Ser vi ces Division focuses on value-added se rvices of c redit cards, merchant - related bu si nes s services, as we ll as consultancy servi ces t o CWTC mem b ers and cli ents. Guangdong World Tr ade Link Informat ion Services Li mi ted ("WTC Link"), a s ubsidiary of CWTC, ma nages t h e Compan y's c o-bra n ded cre di t card pro j ect and is an active provider of CRM soluti ons and services in China. WATCH O UT! STOCK is re ady to ROC K !!! We could se e a GREAT ST ORY I N THE MA KI NG !!! GOOD LUCK A ND TRADE OUT A T THE TOP .
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