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<html> <style> More insomniacs get their news from "News Now" than from any other source. - CBS promo Regarding their 4am CBS news program A host is a host from coast to coast And no one will talk to a host that's close, Unless the host (that isn't close) Is busy, hung or dead. </style> Communications Research, Inc. (CRHI.OB) <br> Current price: .04 on Friday January 13, 2005<br> <br> CRHI (OTCBB:CRHI)<br> <style> Someone with Attention Deficit Disorder edited this film! - MST3K Once you're a pickle you can never be a cucumber again. Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils. -- Hector Berlioz Rich Cook: "Programming today is a race between software engineers </style> TeleWRITER Corporation, a subsidiary of Communications Research, Inc. (OTCBB:CRHI - News) Mahwah, NJ, announced that they have formed a strategic relationship with the Digital Products Division of Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. for marketing of their products into courts and legal offices in the United States, as well as distance learning and corporate markets. TeleWRITER's parent company, Communications Research, Inc., has been authorized as a Gold Level Preferred Partner in the Toshiba Solutions Provider Program. Coinciding with this announcement, TeleWRITER Corporation unveiled a new software system targeted at the legal and court systems to be named CourtWRITER. <br><br> For More information on the TeleWRITER or Toshiba, Please visit www .com with your internet browser. Click on "Solutions" and then click on "Solutions by Industry", Then Click on "Education" to view page. <br><br> With names like Toshiba on board you might want to take a VERY close look at CRHI. <style> striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." It is by will alone that I set my mind in motion. -- Dune, by Frank Herbert Say it with flowers. Give 'em a triffid. </style> </html>
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