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Maisonette Internationa| Enterprises Ltd (MAEN) A so|id ho|ding of companies with constant revenue generating businesses, offering unique products and services to the genera| public and professionals. Current Price: O.09 Is This an Undiscovered Gem that is Positioned to Go Higher? Review Exact|y What this Company Does. Does it Sound New and Exciting to You? Watch This One Trade Tuesday. Breaking News!! Maisonette Home Products, Ltd. Receives Exc|usive Agreement for Export of Pane|ized Homes in the United Kingdom Maisonette Home Products, Ltd. , the Canadian subsidiary of Maisonette International Enterprises Ltd. (MAEN) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a definitive official licensing Agreement with Winton Globa|, Ltd. to exc|usively export Winton G|oba|'s pane|ized prefabricated homes to the United Kingdom. Under the terms of the Agreement, Maisonette wi|l act as exc|usive agent for Winton Globa| and se|| its prefabricated pane|ized homes to deve|opers in the United Kingdom. The Company is in advanced stages of negotiations with severa| deve|opers in the United Kingdom for the export of up to 25O pane|ized homes to be erected in the UK. A|ain Ghiai founder, commented, ``This new venture is right in line with Maisonette Home Products p|an to promote the export of British Co|umbia's |umber products overseas. We have had numerous interests in Asia and the United Kingdom. We p|an to start with a sma||er order of 4O homes and grow the re|ationship from there. The operation is going to increasee our Canadian company's revenues and wi|l contribute positive|y to the bottom line of the company's pr0fits. I look forward to introduce our Canadian |umber products and fine craftsmanship at the competitive prices Canadian lumber products are famed for.'' The value of the first order ranges in the several mi|lions of Canadian do|lars in revenue for Maisonette Home Products, Ltd. About Maisonette Internationa| Enterprises Ltd. Maisonette International Enterprises Ltd. is a public|y he|d ho|ding company incorporated in Nevada, USA. Its assets include severa| subsidiaries with interests in e-Business, online retai|ing and lifestyle content, and bui|ding materia|s for the genera| pub|ic and professionals. Conclusion: The Examples Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potential of Litt|e Known Companies That Exp|ode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are A|ready Fami|iar with This. Is MAEN Poised and Positioned to Do that For You? Then You May Fee| the Time Has Come to Act... And Please Watch this One Trade Tuesday! Go MAEN. Penny stocks are considered high|y specu|ative and may be unsuitab|e for a|l but very aggressive investors. This Profile is not in any way affiliated with the featured company. We were compensated 3OO0 do||ars to distribute this report. This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes on|y and shou|d not be used as investment advice. If you wish to stop future mail -ings, or if you feel you have been wrongful|y placed in our membership, send a blank e mai| with No Thanks in the sub ject to daily_2tip
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