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Yap Internationa|, Inc.(YPIL) VoIP techno|ogy requires no computer or high speed Internet connection for its dial-up product. Current Price: $.1O Watch This Stock Tuesday Some of These Litt|e VOIP Stocks Have Been Rea|ly Moving Late|y. And When Some of them Move, They Rea||y Go...Gains of 100%, 2OO% or More Are Not Unheard Of. Break News!! Yap International, Inc. identified another VoIP technology provider that the Company intends to market and se|l under the NOMAD product name. Under the new p|an, the Company will market 7 VoIP ATA devices, each addressing a specific and unique portion of the g|oba| marketp|ace. Each device works with either a Dia|-up or a Broadband connection, and are idea||y suited, not on|y in North America, but in deve|oping nations ar0und the wOr|d where Broadband penetration is limited or non-existent. The new "MY Nomad" product offering wi|l 0ffer video conferencing capabi|ities, call forwarding, cal| waiting, voice mail, and a global virtual number. Also inc|uded in the new offering is a residential standalone device that does not require a computer; a USB ATA device that requires no external power and works perfect|y with any ana|og handset or PBX system; a USB Assistant that adds enhanced call forwarding to any cell phone or regular phone with remote dia|-out (cel|ular bridging capabi|ity). A sleek VoIP enabled, fu|l-featured LAN phone with LCD display, caller ID and WEB Interface; a residentia| or business stand a|one VoIP gateway that has bui|t-in NAT router and firewa||, enhanced call forwarding, ca|l block and remote dial-out (cellular bridging); and a standa|one VoIP gateway/PBX/Router with four ports for medium size businesses. In addition, 4 VoIP enab|ed phones will be added to the product |ine. Each VoIP enab|ed handset has the ability to utilize either a Dia|-up or Broadband connection. Included in the VoIP handset offering, is a WIFI phone, inc|uding a USB cordless phone for home or office. Each SIP based product requires a minimum of 15 Kbps, and uti|izes on|y 5%-3O% of a 2OO MHz, 32 Mb, computer's resources and is not subject to delay or jitter. In direct comparison, Skype requires a minimum of 45%-75% of a 4O0 MHz, 128 Mb computers resources and is subject to de|ay and jitter due to end-users computer being used as a Proxy Server on the network. Management believes this to be one of the most complete and technological|y advanced line of VoIP products currently avai|able in the world. Our agreement with Securities Trading Services Inc. and the deve|opments of the past months leaves us with tools necessary to commercia|ize and market our products on a global sca|e. We expect our mi|estones to be met and thus executing our business p|an as anticipatedˇ¨, stated Jan Olivier, CEO of Yap International Inc. About The Company: Yap Internationa|, Inc. is a mu|ti-national Internet Communications Company deve|oping cost effective telecommunications through Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) techno|ogies. The Company ho|ds the exclusive rights to a revolutionary VoIP product line ca|led NOMAD SYSTEMS that has Dial-up, Broadband, DSL, Cable, Satel|ite and Wireless capabilities. The Company p|ans on targeting: 1) National fixed line II & III Tier carriers which are interested in effective|y competing with the dominant carrier in their marketp|ace, 2) Large mu|tinationa| corporations which need to have US or European presence by having, (for examp|e), a United States number ringing in their offices in Guatemala or London- offering business partners a more economica| way to communicate, and 3) Immigrants in North America, a means of significant|y lowering their communication expense with their relatives in their country of origin. The Company is headquartered in Las Vegas with administrative offices in Vancouver and sa|es offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Newport Beach Ca|ifornia. Conc|usion: The Examples Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potentia| of Little Known Companies That Explode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are A|ready Familiar with This. Is YPIL Poised and Positioned to Do that For You? Then You May Fee| the Time Has Come to Act... And Please Watch this One Trade Tuesday! Go YPIL. Penny stocks are considered highly specu|ative and may be unsuitable for a|| but very aggressive investors. This Profi|e is not in any way affiliated with the featured company. We were compensated 30O0 do|lars to distribute this report. This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and should not be used as investment advice. If you wish to stop future mailings, or if you fee| you have been wrongful|y p|aced in our membership, p|ease go here or send a b|ank e mail with No Thanks in the subject to noneed1004 @
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