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<HTML> Age should be nothing more than a number<br> It's okay to want to hold on to your young body as long as you can<br> <br><a href="">View more about a new lifespan enhancement press here</a><br> <br> "With increasing longevity for an increasing segment of the population, this is THE frontier for the new millennium"<br> - Dr David Howard<br> <br> <br>update: exciting new breakthrough not now, then the post office address is listed in link<br> <br> <br> Rob took out his box of tablets, ate one of them and offered another to his enemy The fellow accepted it ungraciously enough, but seeing Rob eat one he decided to follow his example, and consumed the tablet with a queer expression of distrust upon his face<br> <br> Brave man! cried Rob, laughingly; you've avoided the pangs of starvation for a time, anyhow, so I can leave you with a clear conscience </FONT></HTML>
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