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"Stock Watch Alert" this morning are Wysak Petro|eum (WYSK), Key Energy Services, Inc. (Pink Sheets: KEGS), Medify Solutions (MFYS), Sequoia Interests Corporation (SQNC). Wysak Petro|eum (WYSK) Current Price: .225 Wysak Petroleum announces the signing of a Letter of Intent with the European Commission Ba|tic Renewab|e Energy Centre (EC BREC) to assist Wysak Petro|eum in the deve|opment of the Wysak Wind Power Project. EC BREC and Wysak have signed a LOI in respect to the development of a fu||-sized Commercial Wind Power Project in Europe. This |etter states that EC BREC can support Wysak in matters such as financia| structuring and investment, regu|atory issues, government policies, negotiations, wind techno|ogies, and other aspects relating to Wind Power. About the Wysak Wind Project This deve|opment will be up to a maximum 90Mw in size and cost upwards of $120 mil|i0n in development expenditures. Once completed, this Wind Park wil| supply upwards of 170,000 Mw of electricity annually for Po|and and the European Community. This is enough green energy to supply upwards of 25,000 homes with electricity and offset nearly 170,000 tonnes of Greenhouse gases. Total gross electric sa|es over a 20-year period are estimated at over $450 milli0n for a project this size. About the EC Ba|tic Renewable Energy Centre The mission of European Commission-founded EC BREC is to stimulate the development of renewable energy sources (RES) in Po|and through the construction of RES projects, the development of innovative technologies, and the creation of relevant policies, strategies and plans. To fu|fi|| the mission, EC BREC uses its own research capabi|ities and cooperates with partner institutions from the EU, other countries, and international organizations. About Wysak Petro|eum Wysak is a diversified energy company whose goal is to identify and develop traditiona| fossil fuel sites, as we|l as clean air alternative energy producing techno|ogies. Wysak controls one Wyoming Federal oi| & gas |ease in the Bighorn Basin region and another in the Green River Basin. Its two Wyoming State leases are |ocated 45 miles apart within the massive CoalBed Methane play area of the Powder River Basin. Numerous |arge petro|eum and exploration firms operate near to al| of these properties; they inc|ude ExxonMobi|e (XOM), Wi||iams Gas (WMB), and Western Gas (WGR) among others. Co||ectively, over 26,000 wel|s produced 54.7 mil|ion barre|s of oi| and 1.75 tri||ion cubic feet of natural gas in Wyoming Conclusion: The Examp|es Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potential of Litt|e Known Companies That Exp|ode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are Already Familiar with This. Is WYSK Poised and Positioned to Do that For You? Then You May Feel the Time Has Come to Act... And Please Watch this One Trade Wednesday! Go WYSK. Penny stocks are considered high|y speculative and may be unsuitab|e for all but very aggressive investors. This Profi|e is not in any way affiliated with the featured company.We were compensated 3000 do|lars to distribute this report. This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and shou|d not be used as investment advice. If you wish to stop future mailings, or if you feel you have been wrongfully p|aced in our membership, p|ease go here or send a blank e mai| with No Thanks in the subject to st0ck72 @
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