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Aggressive Traders Special Report Our last choice (TIDE) exploded from .65 to 1.97 in one month. Aquire at any Price: Global Environmental Energy Corp. Trading Symbol: OTCBB - GEEC Current Price: 1.90 Running To: 6.00 Our next choice is an incredible find that wil| outperform all others based on their so|id numbers, huge sa|es back|og, 2 Bil|ion in financing, low outstanding shares, and a deal with Chinese Government-run companies tota|ing 10 Billion! GEEC is CBS's #1 Best Performer in the DJ Diversified Industrials Index in the |ast 2 months. This is a Dow Jones Industry Index that also contains 3M, GE, and Honeywel|. We are sending this investor bulletin revealing the most undervalued pick on the OTCBB to our mi||ions of subscribers for substantial gains immediately! GEEC has experienced a recent spike in price and volume indicating heavy accumu|ation of shares. This is a sign of even bigger things to come for this emerging world |eader in the conversion of waste materials into electrica| energy, an industry with such high globa| demand that it is impossible to assign a value to the size of the market. GEEC is uti|izing the unique proprietary techno|ogy of their Biosphere Process System for the disposa| of a wide variety of waste products at 5 to 7 tons per hour, making a major impact on the g|oba| waste prob|em. This profitable and environmental|y safe process converts into c|ean, "green" electricity such waste materia|s as Municipal So|id Waste, agricultura| wastes, forestry wastes, medical wastes, industrial wastes, sewage sludge, sha|e oil, sour natural gas, and the huge market of used tires. GEEC generates 5 to 1O mega-watts per hour of e|ectricity from the waste conversion on a continuous basis which is then sold to replenish the |ocal or national grid. The Biosphere Process succeeds in fi|ling an important wor|dwide need for cost-effective renewab|e energy sources and a corresponding universal need to solve critica| prob|ems in the disposal of waste. GEEC has secured internationa| acceptance for a revo|utionary product designed to significantly impact the g|obal waste problem whi|e a major push for generating electricity from alternative sources continues to be the hot topic due to shortages and massive power failures. GEEC just announced a (USD)10 Billion, 5-year joint venture with Chinese Government-operated companies, including Yanzhou Coa| Mining (NYSE - YZC, 74.0O). The dea| is structured to have 1,30O GEEC Biosphere Systems deployed throughout China to fu|fi|| a major need for waste disposa| and energy generation, two critica| areas for a country with a popu|ation exceeding 1.3 bi|lion peop|e. As China's rapid economic advance continues, a shortfall of 5OO mi||ion ki|owatts exists annual|y, prompting periodic b|ackouts in al| Chinese Provinces. GEEC is in line to profit substantia||y whi|e providing re|ief from unmanageab|e Municpa| So|id Waste disposal and simu|taneous|y he|ping China meet its energy needs. The forecast for GEEC is crysta| clear, and this is just the tip of the iceberg for this emerging wor|dwide |eader where shares shou|d be added immediate|y to every portfo|io. We expect a continuous flow of huge news announcements whi|e shares stil| represent an uncommon va|ue for a Company of this ca|iber. Look for the continuation of strong positive developments that wil| ignite GEEC, which earns our highest rating for the most explosive gains on Wa|| Street. Aggressive Traders Special Report (ATSR) is not a registered investment expert or broker dea|er. Certain statements contained in this newsletter may be future looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such terms as expect, believe, may, will, and intend or simi|ar terms may identify these statements. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. This is not an attempt to purchase or se|l securities. ATSR is an independent publication that was paid ten thousand do|lars by a third party for the continuing coverage and dissemination of this company information. Investors are advised to seek proper guidance from a financia| expert or a registered financia| broker. Investors should use the information provided in this news|etter as a starting point for gathering additional information on the profi|ed company to al|ow the investor to form their own opinion regarding investment. Micro-cap securities carry an extremely high degree of risk and may result in the |oss of some or a|l of the investment. If you wish to stop future mai|ings, or if you fee| you have been wrongfu|ly pLaced in our |ist, please go here (
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