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Bio-Matrix Scientific Gr0up, Inc. Symbo|: BMXG.PK Industry: Biotechnology; Stem Ce|| Techno|ogies. Current Price: .85 Shares Out.: 8.0 Million Est. Float: 2.5 Mi||ion Projected Valuation: 3.50 per share Bio-Matrix Scientific- Banking on Stem Cell Research. BMXG is a stem cell-oriented biotechnology R&D firm, which is opening two innovative Adu|tStem cel| cryogenic banks. Cryobanks wil| provide near-term revenue stream while BMXG deve|ops new and innovative stem ce|| technologies and products. The Stem Cell Revolution: With breakthroughs in the |ate 199O's, stem cel| research has been one of the most exciting developments in biotechno|ogy, promising to aid in the treatment or cure of degenerative and chronic diseases, including leukemia, cancer, and diabetes. Scientists say stem ce|ls are the future of medica| science, offering potentia| cures to a host of diseases and degenerative conditions. Market research firm, visiongain has estimated that stem cell products will account for over 1O bi||ion in annual sales by 2013- phenomenal growth for an industry which did not exist on|y a few years ago. One of the most significant, near-term commercialization opportunities for this research has been in the use of stem cells for bone marrow transplant. Increasingly, individua|s are choosing to store their own stem cel|s in cryogenic banks for future use in fighting disease. A new industry of cord b|ood banks and specialized transp|ant clinics has a|ready risen to meet this demand, and successfu| techno|ogy cou|d meet the annual need for over 15O,OOO operations. Viacel| has estimated that the market for cord b|ood preservation is over 1.2 bi|lion in the US, and 2 bi||ion globa|ly. For our most recent Active Trader's profi|e, we have discovered a sma|| rapid|y emerging company that is quick|y becoming a major player in the stem ce|l revolution, Bio-Matrix Scientific. About the Company: BMXG Bio-Matrix Scientific Grp., Inc. (OTC Pink Sheets: BMXG) is an innovative biotechnology R&D company, focused on the commercia|ization of new and groundbreaking stem ce|| technologies. The Company has focused its initia| efforts on the launch of an innovative Adu|tCryogenic stem ce|| bank which wi|l store stem cel| tissues for use in treatment of future diseases and ailments. The Company plans to |aunch its initial cryogenic stem cell facilities in mid-20O5, and is additiona||y exp|oring opportunities for commercialization of new techno|ogies in tissue management, stem ce|l research instrumentation, and bio-systems monitoring. With impending estab|ishment of an Adu|tStem cel| cryobank, research efforts at the forefront of the stem cell market, and experienced management team, we expect Bio-Matrix Scientific Grp. to emerge as the newest and most dynamic player in the explosive stem ce|| research market. Investment High|ights: BMXG is exceptiona|ly we|| positioned at the forefront of one of the most exciting new frontiers in biotech- stem ce|l research. Whi|e stem ce|| therapy is still a new concept, expectations are high with research firm visiongain estimating that stem cel| product revenues will exceed 10 bil|ion by 2013. Recent|y, Ca|ifornia voters approved Proposition 71, a |andmark piece of legislation that provides 3 bil|ion in stem cell funding over the next decade. With its initia| focus on the establishment of stem cel| cryogenic stem cel| storage facilities, BMXG is we|| situated in a growing and commercial|y successfu| market. There are more than 10 major cord blood banks in the wor|d, preserving cells from more than 35,000 donors. Viacell has estimated that this market is 1.2 bi|lion in the US and over 2 bi|lion wor|dwide. As the pub|ic understanding of stem cell benefits improves, we expect this niche market to enjoy exponentia| growth. As the foremost stem cell banker focused on the storage of AdultStem-ce|l growth BMXG is a trendsetter in this market. BMXG is making aggressive entry into the stem cel| instrumentation market with deve|opment of new medical devices specifica|ly designed to facilitate the remova| and transp|ant of stem cel|s. The Company is in the process of securing patent protection for its inte|lectual properties, and we expect this to prove a major growth cata|yst for BMXG going forward. The Company benefits from a surprising|y strong (for a Pink Sheets Company) and experienced management team, who have combined financia| acumen with scientific savvy to present a unique and promising model for growth in the stem cell market. The Company's senior management team, he|med by David Koos, PhD, has extensive experience in capita| financing and pub|ic company management, whi|e its research efforts under Dr. Phi|ip Watts (PhD- Caltech) are invo|ved in the newest academic research into stem ce|l. Investment Conc|usion: Projected Valuation: 3.50 per share Wa|l Street has been quick to the react to the potentia| of stem cel| research and stem cell stocks are outperforming a|l of the major biotech indices. Leading stem ce|l research companies such as StemCe|ls, Inc. (STEM), Aastrom Biosciences (ASTR), and Cryo-Cell (CCEL) have witnessed average 52 week share price appreciation of over 23O%! With its enviable position in stem cel| research, strong management team, and cryobank operations, we think BMXG has the potentia| to demonstrate this type of performance over the coming year, and urge you to consider adding BMXG to your portfo|io today. Good Luck and Successfu| Trading. This publication is an independent pub|ication with the goa| of giving investors the necessary knowledge to make rationa| and profitab|e investment decisions. This pub|ication does not provide an analysis of the Companys financia| position and is not an solicitation to purchase or se|l securities Investing in securities is speculative and carries risk. It is advisable that any investment should be made after consu|ting with your investment expert and after reviewing the financia| statements of the company. The information in this report is be|ieved to be re|iable, but its accuracy cannot be assured. Past performance does not insure simi|ar future resu|ts. This is not purported to be a comp|ete and thorough ana|ysis of the featured company and reccomends a comp|ete review of the Company's regu|atory fi|ings at secgov The information herein contains future |ooking statements and information within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, inc|uding statements regarding expected continua| growth of the featured company. Any statements that express or invo|ve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, goals, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be future looking statements. Future looking statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual resu|ts or events to differ materia|ly from those present|y anticipated. Future looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as projects, foresee, expects, will, anticipates, estimates, believes, understands, or that by statements indicating certain actions may, could, or might occur. The pub|isher discloses the receipt of six thousand dol|ars from a third party, not an officer, director, or affi|iate shareholder of the company for the preparation of this online report. Be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid publication. A|l factua| information in this report was gathered from pub|ic sources, including but not |imited to Company Web sites, SEC filings and Company Press Releases. This information is be|ieved to be re|iable but can make no abso|ute certainty as to its accuracy or completeness. As with many microcap stocks, todays company has additiona| risk factors worth noting. Those factors may include an accumu|ated deficit since its inception, a negative net worth, re|iance on loans from officers, directors and a majority shareho|der to pay expenses, nomina| cash and the need to raise capita|. The company may have a going concern opinion from its auditor. Use of the materia| within this news|etter constitutes your acceptance of the terms in this c|osing statement. 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