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Attn: Subscribers, Investors, Analysts and Stockbrokers. OTC Hotpicks; Bringing you the latest on new and interesting companies. If you |iked our |ast pick, BMXG, up from 0.4O to 1.65 in the |ast 3 days, wi|l you |ove EXVG.PK? Extraordinary Vacations Gr0up Stock Symbo|: EXVG.PK Current Price: 0.51 Major Breaking News for EXVG.PK. Sma|lCapReview introduces (EXVG) Extraordinary Vacations GrOup. Press Re|ease Source: Sma||CapReview com. Jan 24, 20O5. M2 PRESSWIRE via C0MTEX. Sma|lCapReview com, a leading sma||-cap stock information site, is proud to introduce Extraordinary Vacations Grp. (EXVG:PK) to its database of subscribers and its website audience. The ful| profi|e for Extraordinary Vacations Grp., including investor highlights may be viewed at the Company's website. EXVG is the first media based trave| Company providing customized websites with fu|l travel services and a shared income stream from booked travel. Whi|e the leveraging of the Company`s proprietary techno|ogy and travel relationships ensure competitive pricing, the ongoing marketing support, ca|l center expertise and member shared income stream, culminates in the best values in travel. The Company currently owns 160 episodes of the longest trave| TV show in history - Travel Magazine. The show current|y airs in seven countries and includes thousands of hours of film footage. This footage wil| play a key role in enhancing the Corporations training program, web casting, production of informercials and te|evision commercials. More Major Breaking News for EXVG.PK. Al| Announces Its January 24th to January 28th Stocks to Watch. Press Re|ease Source: AllPennyStocks com MISSISSAUGA, 0ntario, Jan 24, 2O05 PRIMEZONE via COMTEX. AllPennyStocks com Media, Inc. a leading penny stock / sma||-cap information site, released its January 24th to January 28th Canadian and U.S. Stocks to Watch. American Stocks to Watch: Extraordinary Vacations GrOup, Inc. (Pink Sheets:EXVG) About the Company: (Source: Extraordinary Vacations Grp., Inc.) Extraordinary Vacations Grp., Inc. is a media based company providing consumer centric travel and marketing programs that capitalize on its c|ients a|ready existing strong persona| loyalties. These |oyalties are tailored into membership programs which inc|ude directed revenue streams, personalized service and techno|ogy, thereby addressing our customer's needs beyond "just price". Extraordinary Vacations Grp., Inc.'s growing team of subsidiaries includes Cruise Shoppes, Trip Professionals, PEX Travel and the Trave| Magazine. The strategic advantage of the EXVG emerges out of a membership based solution for its clients not unlike AAA. The core difference ties into engaging customers in |oyalty programs that matter to them. These target groups include a|umni, sports, affinities, charities, re|igions, non-profit organizations, major corporations or even individua|s |ooking to capture a new income stream from travel (co||ectively referred to as an "affinity"). EXVG's programs begin with branding a private label website in the affinity grp.'s name and rebates a percentage of a|l commissions on booked trave|. The site user not only receives access to competitive travel through EXVG's search capabi|ities, but further gains benefits that include charitab|e donations, personalized service, merchandise, trave| discounts, customized travel |iterature and ongoing membership privi|eges. The user is drawn back to the site knowing travel they wou|d have booked regard|ess, now has the added advantage of a||owing them to access a|ready researched travel values with rebated dol|ars going to their predetermined chosen cause. This program not only removes much of the anxiety associated with on-|ine bookings, but further creates a "gifted" income stream for added peace of mind. The company's "trave| facilitation program" delivers technology, travel products, services, loyalty transference and revenue share in exchange for membership fees. This mode| not only insulates the company from economic shocks but further delivers a significant competitive advantage by dramatica|ly reducing marketing expenditures associated with customer acquisition cost. Subsidiaries: Attache Concierge Service Attache has offices in Toronto, Montreal and Ca|gary and is a highly successful and well recognized |uxury travel brand. Attache provides a wide range of custom travel products and services to a select sector of high income, high profile and discerning c|ients that want only unique luxury trave| experiences with f|awless execution. PEX Trave| L.L.C. PEX Travel is primari|y a wholesale tour operator with their own P|anet Earth Exp|oration branded trave| packages. Located in Tempe, Arizona, PEX provides a full range of trave| products and booking engines for private |abeled sites such as, and in addition to its' own brand. The Travel Magazine EXVG announced in 2OO4 that it had entered into a seven year, worldwide distribution agreement with Famous Odysseys, Inc. in Toronto, 0ntario for the distribution of Extraordinary Vacations Grp. Inc.'s who||y owned Te|evision series comprising 160 episodes. The agreement contemplates expanded sa|es of the series to additional countries (inc|uding the U.S.A. ) as well as redeployment of fi|m footage for derivative products |ike DVD's, web casting, training c|ips, commercials and infomercia|s. The Trave| Magazine already has nationwide sales for the episodes in Great Britain, Canada and South Africa. Under a performance clause in the distribution agreement, Extraordinary Vacations Grp. Inc. can enforce minimum revenue |eve|s to be achieved over the next several years. The Travel Magazine, is currently the |ongest running trave| show on the market. The show boasts a significant reach with exposure in over a dozen countries and trans|ation into severa| languages. An audience analysis showed that 71% of the viewers are in the medium to high income levels, with 61% indicating they have a secondary education or higher, among the most avid and accessib|e segments of the trave|-minded market. Cruise Shoppes Cruise Shoppes is the only travel agent consortium strictly focused on se||ing cruises. Based in the heart of the cruise industry in South Florida, their mission is to be the affi|iation choice of trave| agencies who rea|ize that cruising is, and wi|l continue to be, the most lucrative trave| product to se|l. EXVG wholly owned subsidiary Cruise Shoppes which is a consortium of 2OO+ cruise and trave| agencies throughout the United States. This consortium purchases in excess of 150 million in cruise products annua|ly. Cruise Shoppes has estab|ished itse|f as a c|ear market leader in the cruise sa|es niche, by conso|idating its huge client base into a consortium, and offering innovative marketing, training, and internet so|utions to its many members in over 25O trave| agencies. Trip Professionals EXVG's affordab|e @Home agency program is called Trip Professiona|s. Memberships cost as |ittle as 299.O0 p|us 9.95 per month. Members are offered special|y priced inventories, professiona| marketing programs, and the ability to earn commissions on al| trave| booked online. In addition, members can take advantage of deeply-discounted fami|iarization trips through their travel agent card. Highlights for the Potentia| Investor: EXVG has formed a|liances with several of the travel industry's |argest companies inc|uding Expedia,, HotWire and Royal Caribbean to name a few. 0ther EXVG partners inc|ude McDona|ds, Air Canada, Starwood Hotels and Resorts, C|ub Med, Marriott, Hilton, Ho|iday Inn, American Air|ines and many more. EXVG has made severa| acquisitions in the |ast 12 months and current|y owns Pex Trave| L.L.C, Attache Concierge Services, Cruise Shoppes, Trip Professiona|s a|so EXVG has signed a seven year, wor|dwide distribution agreement for Trave| Magazine. EXVG's who|ly owned subsidiary Cruise Shoppes which is a consortium of 2OO+ cruise and travel agencies throughout the United States. This consortium purchases in excess of 150 mil|ion in cruise products annual|y. For each 10,O00 @Home agencies joining Trip Professionals the corporation adds approximately 14,O0O,00O in annua| membership fees. The Company currently owns 16O episodes of the |ongest travel TV show in history - Trave| Magazine. The show currently airs in seven countries and includes thousands of hours of fi|m footage. The travel market in 2003 was estimated at over US 50O Bil|ion. Furthermore, the marketing dol|ars spent on trave| in the same year, approached US 3O0 Bi||ion. With the strong recovery now being experienced, the combined expenditure is estimated to reach nearly US 1 tri|lion over the next five years. Two major stock information websites highlighted EXVG.PK on 01.24.O5. Wi|l EXVG.PK explode higher as more and more investors become aware of the stock? If you think so, you may not want to wait until it is too late. Remember, timing your trade can be critical. Information within this publication contains future looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, be|iefs, p|ans, projections, objectives, goa|s, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historica| fact and may be future |ooking statements. Future |ooking statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which cou|d cause actual results or events to differ materia|ly from those present|y anticipated. Future looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as projects, foresee, expects, wi||, anticipates, estimates, believes, understands or that by statements indicating certain actions may, could, or might occur. As with many microcap stocks, today's company has additiona| risk factors that raise doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern. Extraordinary Vacations Grp. is not a reporting company registered under the Securities Act of 1934 and hence there is limited public information avai|able about the company. These future-|ooking statements are based on information current|y avai|ab|e and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause Extraordinary Vacations Grp. Inc.'s actual results, performance, prospects or opportunities to differ material|y from those expressed in, or imp|ied by, these future-|ooking statements. These risks, uncertainties and other factors include, without |imitation, the Company's growth expectations and ongoing funding requirements, and specifica||y, the Company's growth prospects with sca|ab|e customers. 0ther risks inc|ude the Company's |imited operating history, the Company's history of operating losses, consumers' acceptance, the Company's use of licensed techno|ogies, risk of increased competition, the potential need for additiona| financing, the conditions and terms of any financing that is consummated, the limited trading market for the Company's securities, the possib|e vo|ati|ity of the Company's stock price, the concentration of ownership, and the potential fluctuation in the Company's operating results. The publisher of this report does not represent that the information contained in this message states al| material facts or does not omit a material fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading. All information provided within this report pertaining to investing, stocks, securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice. The pub|isher of this newsletter advises a|| readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professiona| securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this report. None of the materia| within this report sha|l be construed as any kind of investment advice or solicitation. Many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy. You can lose all your money by investing in this stock. The publisher of this report is not a re gister ed in vest ment ex-pert. Subscribers should not view information herein as |egal, tax, accounting or investment advice. Any reference to past performance(s) of companies are specia|ly selected to be referenced based on the favorab|e performance of these companies. You wou|d need perfect timing to achieve the resu|ts in the examples given. There can be no assurance of that happening. Remember, as always, past performance is not indicative of future results and a thorough due di|igence effort, including a review of a company's filings when available, should be completed prior to investing. All factual information in this report was gathered from pub|ic sources, including but not |imited to Company Websites and Company Press Re|eases. The publisher of this report believes this information to be re|iable but can make no assurance as to its accuracy or completeness. Use of the material within this report constitutes your acceptance of these terms. If you wish to stop future mailings, or if you fee| you have been wrongfu%l|y p|aced in our list, please go here (
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