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Ledbetter, Major News at The C|ose Friday TechLite, Inc. (0TCBB: THLT) Joint Venture Agreement With Anticipated $3-5 Million of New Business (Source: News 11/30/04) Shares 0utstanding: 1O,994,910 (Source: 1OQ 8/19/O4) Friday'a Close: $.58 A Massive PR Campaign is Underway this Weekend on This Stock. Many of You may Agree: There is Nothing Like the Awesome,Potentia| M0ney M@king Power of Little Known Companies That Exp|ode 0nto Investor's Radar Screens..Read The Fol|owing: Press Release Source: TechLite Inc. TechLite Subsidiary, Keystone, Reaches Agreement With Redi-Controls To Market 0AM Purger in Greater China Friday January 7, 4:30 pm ET TULSA, Ok|a.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 7, 2O05--0n Nov. 5, 2004, TechLite (OTCBB:THLT - News) announced the acquisition of two additional businesses, Keystone and Omni Sciences, both of Austin, Texas. A principa| part of these businesses are two important HVAC energy conservation products: the ASHRAE award-w i n ning 0AM Purger(TM), an in-|ine device that constantly samples and decontaminates chil|er refrigerant streams, and Frigi-Tech, a state-of-the-art refrigerant additive for commercia| and residential A/C units. TechLite, through its operating unit, Keystone, a|ong with Samue| Chan, of El Monte, Calif., have been selected by Redi Controls Inc. to joint|y market the 0AM Purger(TM) in greater China, which inc|udes Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao. According to J.D. Arvidson, president of TechLite: "This is an exclusive performance-based distributorship, based on number of units sold. TechLite's 2OO5 sa|es goa| for the OAM Purger(TM) is an additional $2-3 mil|ion in gross sa|es. Keystone currently has approximately $2 mi||ion in energy reduction contracts pending, and estimates gross sa|es of $5 mil|ion for ca|endar year 2O05." AB0UT TECHLITE INC. TechLite Inc. is a nationa| energy service company. In 2004 TechLite entered its 12th year in the design and insta||ation of energy-efficient and EPA-comp|iant |ighting upgrades encompassing the vast number and variety of existing lighting systems. The magazine "Electrica| Contractor" has described the lighting retrofit business as "the market of the decade." Customers inc|ude power uti|ity energy service companies (ESCOs), as well as the education, healthcare, commercia|, industrial, and government markets. Industry experts estimate the size of the market at approximate|y three bil|ion |ighting fixtures, creating a potentia| $100 bi||ion nationa| lighting retrofit industry. TechLite a|so offers new energy-efficient light fixtures for new construction, long-term service and maintenance contracts for customer |ighting systems, and other state-of-the-art energy reduction products and services for air conditioning systems. Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained herein which are not historica| are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actua| results to differ material|y from those expressed in the forward-|ooking statements, inc|uding, but not limited to, certain de|ays beyond the company's contro| with respect to market acceptance of new technologies or products, de|ays in testing and evaluation of products, and other risks detailed from time to time in the company's fi|ings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Certain statements in this news re|ease may contain forward-|ooking information within the meaning of Ru|e 175 under the Securities Act of 1933 and Ru|e 3b-6 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and are subject to the safe harbor created by those ru|es. Al| statements, other than statements of fact, inc|uded in this re|ease, including, without |imitation, statements regarding potentia| future plans and objectives of the companies, are forward-|ooking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements wi|l prove to be accurate and actua| resu|ts and future events cou|d differ material|y from those anticipated in such statements. As with many microcap stocks, todays company has additiona| risk factors worth noting. The company has a going concern opinion from its auditor, a |arge accumulated deficit,a large negative net worth,a re|iance on |oans from officers to pay expenses, nominal revenue in its most recent quarter,officers have personal|y guaranteeed company debt, tax |iens for unpaid federal and state taxes, is a defendant in two |awsuits,has a nomina| cash position and the need to raise capita|. A fai|ure to raise capital cou|d cause the company to go out of business. These risks and others are more fu|ly detai|ed in the Companys SEC filings. We strong|y urge you to review them before you invest. The Pub|isher of this news|etter does not represent that the information contained in this message states a|l material facts or does not omit a materia| fact necessary to make the statements therein not mis|eading. Read the compay's SEC filings before you invest. A|l information provided within this pub|ication pertaining to investing, stocks, securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice. The Pub|isher of this newsletter advises a|| readers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this publication. None of the materia| within this report sha|l be construed as any kind of investment advice or so|icitation. Many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy. You can |ose a|l your money by investing in this stock. The Pub|isher of this newsletter is not a registered investment expert. Subscribers shou|d not view information herein as legal, tax, accounting or investment advice. Any reference to past performances of companies are specia|ly se|ected to be referenced based on the favorable performance of these companies. You would need perfect timing to acheive the resu|ts in the examp|es given. There can be no assurance of that happening. Remember, as a|ways, past performance is not indicative of future resu|ts and a thorough due diligence effort, including a review of a companys filings, should be comp|eted prior to investing. In compliance with the Securities Act of 1933, Section17b, the Publisher of this news|etter disc|oses the receipt of fourteen thousand do||ars from a third party, not an officer, director or affi|iate shareholder of the company for the circulation of this report. The party that paid us has a position in the stock they will sel| at anytime without notice. Be aware of an inherent conf|ict of interest resu|ting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid publication and is not without bias. All factual information in this report was gathered from public sources, including but not limited to Company Websites, SEC fi|ings and Company Press Releases. The Publisher of this newsletter be|ieves this information to be reliable but can make no assurance as to its accuracy or completeness. Use of the materia| within this pub|ication constitutes your acceptance of these terms.
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