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Batch No: WD18/0065/04RN Our Ref: UKNL/255457004/04 Our Ref: UK-NL/0627/04 <> Dear Winner, RE: BONUS LOTTERY PROMOTION PRIZE AWARDS WINNING NOTIFICATION We are pleased to notify you of the release today as dated of the "UK's Overseas Lottery International Promotions programme held on September 30, 2004 . Participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from a pool of over 25,000 names of distinguished professionals drawn from Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Middle-East, parts of Africa, and North & South America as part of our international promotions programme conducted annually to encourage prospective overseas entries. We hope with part of your prize awards, you will take part in our subsequent lottery jackpots. The result of our computer draw 844 selected your name and email address attached to e-Ticket Number 034-22478556 with serial number 129, which drew the lucky number 06-09-13-15-40-43-02 and consequently won the lottery grand prize award in the 3rd category. Therefore, you have won a lottery jackpot prize awards of £850,950.00 (Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand, Nine Hundred and Fifty pounds Sterling Only) in cash prize credited to file Ref. No: UKNL/255457004/04. This is from the total prize of £18,486,220. 00 (Eighteen Million, Four Hundred and Eighty Six Thousand, Two Hundred and Twenty Pounds Sterlings) shared among the Thirty Eight overseas lucky winners in this category as part of our promotional programme for 2004. Your prize award has been insured in your name and is ready for claim. To begin your claims therefore, you are advised to expeditiously contact our licensed and accredited claim agent for Overseas Lottery Winners within a period of 21 days (date of this letter inclusive) for the processing of your winning and remittance to your designated bank account after all statutory obligations have been satisfactorily dispensed with. Please be informed that claims not processed within the stipulated period may be forfeitted to the pool without further notice. You may wish to establish contact via e-mail with the particulars presented below citing the batch and reference numbers to this letter. Telephone lines are open between the hours of 9.00am - 5.30pm on Monday through Friday Customer Service Unit, Elot Financial Reconciliation Inc., T/f No:+44-776-662-2480 T/f No:+44-794-001-6174 Fax No:+44-207-060-1242 Email: Contact person: MR DANIEL GILBERT Our winners are assured of the utmost standards of confidentiality, and press anonymity until the end of proceedings, and beyond where they so desire. Be further advised to maintain the strictest level of confidentiality until the end of proceedings to circumvent problems associated with fraudulent cliams. CONGRATULATIONS !!! At your disposal, we remain. Very Truly Yours, MARY STEWART (Mrs.), Director. International Promotions Unit, UK OVERSEAS LOTTERY, Airport Hale Rd Halebarns Altrincham Cheshire WA15 8XW UK
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