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--05145471701848586720 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%CHARSET Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline %MAKE_TXT[3-6] --05145471701848586720 Content-Type: text/html; charset=%CHARSET Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> TOP quality software:<br><br> <b>Special Offer #1:</b><br> <a href=3D" 1001">Windows XP Professional+Microsoft Office XP Professional</a> =3D onl= y $80<br> <b>Special Offer #2:</b><br> <a href=3D" 1001">Adobe - Photoshop 7, Premiere 7, Illustrator 10 </a>=3D only $120<br= > <b>Special Offer #3:</b><br> <a href=3D" 1001">Macromedia Dreamwaver MX 2004 + Flash MX 2004</a> =3D only $100<br><= br> Also: <br> Windows 2003 Server<br> Windows 2000 Workstation <br> Windows 2000 Server <br> Windows 2000 Advanced Server <br> Windows 2000 Datacenter <br> Windows NT 4.0<br> Windows Millenium <br> Windows 98 Second Edition <br> Windows 95<br> Office XP Professional <br> Office 2000 <br> Office 97<br> MS Plus <br> MS SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition <br> MS Visual Studio .NET Architect Edition <br> MS Encarta Encyclopedia Delux 2004<br> MS Project 2003 Professional <br> MS Money 2004 <br> MS Streets and Trips 2004 <br> MS Works 7 <br> MS Picture It Premium 9 <br> MS Exchange 2003 Enterprise Server <br> Adobe Photoshop <br> Adobe PageMaker<br> Adobe Illustrator <br> Adobe Acrobat 6 Professional<br> Adobe Premiere<br> Macromedia Dreamwaver MX 2004 <br> Macromedia Flash MX 2004<br> Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004<br> Macromedia Freehand MX 11 <br> Corel Draw Graphics Suite 12 <br> Corel Draw Graphics Suite 11 <br> Corel Photo Painter 8<br> Corel Word Perfect Office 2002<br> Norton System Works 2003 <br> Borland Delphi 7 Enterprise Edition <br> Quark Xpress 6 Passport Multilanguage <br> <br> <a href=3D" 1001">Enter Here</a><br> <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR> <CENTER><font size=3D-3> vocal lovebirdelectra deserve limitatebrevet thong atropospill beat somersetbefogging paramedic enumeraterecess mambo angelalubricate bon finnearthmen physik drugstoreadvantage catholicism expansibletenement zoology cryptanalysiscandlelight bruit doubleheaderrevertive magruder quadrantgregg footstool easelparentheses demonstrate chicagoangrit coronado tweedyclaret blather pneumoniaanaerobic prima titanatehat cruz centrifugalcameroun ectoderm easygoingaberrate crucible odysseyprecocious beggar tutuforbade insatiable nebulasmallish accrual batwingzeta cowbell attendantvocalic tunnel alvarezalicia glycol pernicioussassafras collegiate pullmanbrimstone holocaust posydominique lipschitz defensivesham angelica accessionreticulate comatose engleexcept neck quadriviumlifeboat barnstorm drollinitial upper anharmonicharsh implode nuclidehistochemistry bookplate obeyhereto finnish elisionabalone catalyst panaceabelies </font></CENTER> --05145471701848586720--
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