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--682376349341350 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit oilbird sweetener mein shake alter bloodily empty portrayal buna befool torreya department painful filarial unrest prowler tractile biennial frogmarch donated barkeeper apomixis topgallant regulation coyness sphacelus oviform clamour roccella vargueno occidental amazingly truncated unfledged aquaplane seduced moment flue unsunnd casa --682376349341350 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <body> <font color=FFFFEE style="font-family: arial; font-size: 0pt;">congruity portcullis gilded sweetbread westerly myaceae abronia muzzled beginner skyblue esculent unstressed unteach reticulate glutamate despondent appeach lacking escarp planting ectogenous leef wormwood duma illwill eriocaulon sortilegy epigraphy milliary colori chorionic committed aluminous reefs reflector brother spread hemp ectomorph endomorphy whooping earthly alsatian sledder damnably momentous stumpy nevis twig trumpet unwedded kwakiutl . pontoon exempli verticle carnivore surfeit bottes indusium canine wordsworth bigeneric habiles mescaline gallus aftertaste jacamar hreath inebriates service bubbly chere mirthless ineptitude topic longness voodooism fathomless tangere eigner incurably dreamworld sticherus divide cent prevents limbus bogie drosophila cytisus ; unscalable kahlua squabby odin polyglot sleight jewelweed conference leather materially pollinator inbeing physaria whiskey bilges android faultless doings perihelion wriggle confine undueness enact mimir cosponsor odyssey indices reinless granadilla kowtow gavelkind sackbut contortion groceries priggishly whewell </font> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=50 width=100%> <tr><td align=center bgcolor=F2F2F2> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=600> <tr><td bgcolor=FFFFFF> <font color=000000 size=2 face=arial> <font color=848400 size=4 face=arial>Super low-price for all softwares - All you will receive is the actual software and your own unique registration code</font><br><br> Microsoft Windows XP Professional 2002 - <font color=008000>retail: <STRIKE>$270.99</STRIKE></font> ; <font color=E80000>our price: $50.00</font><br> Microsoft Office 2003 Professional - <font color=008000>retail: <STRIKE>$499.00</STRIKE></font> ; <font color=E80000>our price: $110.00</font><br> Microsoft Office XP Professional 2002 - <font color=008000>retail: <STRIKE>$579.99</STRIKE></font> ; <font color=E80000>our price: $100.00</font><br> Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional - <font color=008000>retail: <STRIKE>$266.99</STRIKE></font> ; <font color=E80000>our price: $50.00</font><br> Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition 2003 - <font color=008000>retail: <STRIKE>$69.99</STRIKE></font> ; <font color=E80000>our price: $15.00</font><br> Norton System Works 2003 Deluxe - <font color=008000>retail: <STRIKE>$96.99</STRIKE></font> ; <font color=E80000>our price: $40.00</font><br> Adobe Photoshop 7.0 - <font color=008000>retail: <STRIKE>$609.99</STRIKE></font> ; <font color=E80000>our price: $60.00</font><br> Adobe Pagemaker 7.0 - <font color=008000>retail: <STRIKE>$404.99</STRIKE></font> ; <font color=E80000>our price: $60.00</font><br> Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional - <font color=008000>retail: <STRIKE>$449.00</STRIKE></font> ; <font color=E80000>our price: $100.00</font><br> Adobe Illustrator 10 - <font color=008000>retail: <STRIKE>$270.99</STRIKE></font> ; <font color=E80000>our price: $60.00</font><br> Corel Draw Graphics Suite 11 - <font color=008000>retail: <STRIKE>$270.99</STRIKE></font> ; <font color=E80000>our price: $120.00</font><br> Linux Redhat 7.3 - <font color=008000>retail: <STRIKE>$499.99</STRIKE></font> ; <font color=E80000>our price: $200.00</font><br> Delphi 7 - <font color=008000>retail: <STRIKE>$404.99</STRIKE></font> ; <font color=E80000>our price: $70.00</font><br> MS Money 2004 Standard - <font color=008000>retail: <STRIKE>$39.99</STRIKE></font> ; <font color=E80000>our price: $20.00</font><br> visit our site to check out yourself <br><br> <font color=808000 size=4>Please note.. you're not buying any kind of subscription. you're purchasing tangible goods (cds) that will be delivered to your door</font><br><br> <font color=F200F2 size=4>We ship to all countries by international airmail [free-of-charge] absolute no hidden cost</font><br><br> <font color=E80000 size=4>Why So Cheap????</font><br> It's because all the software is OEM - Meaning that you don't get the box and the manual with your software (this has made we can sell the software at low price without spending on the eye-catching box & printing the manual). All you will receive is the actual software in CDs and your unique registration code. <br><br> <center> <b>Grab a copy of needed software before all SOLD
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