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<html><!Ccn-board><p><b>Quali<!YdhV>fying fo<!TST>r a<!wiil> fr<!q>ee c= a<!FGSz>sh gra<!yg>nt i<!vVs>s ea<!WW>sy!</b><br><font color=3Dwhite>we = shall refer more at length in a moment.</font><br> $10<!K>,000 t<!zkv>o= ov<!xmlE>er $500<!ME>,000 Avail<!FM>able NO<!nfjS>W!<br><!Astronomical = Observations made at Paramatta, to form a third part> Ne<!Qz>ver Re<!ms= >pay<font color=3Dwhite>disproportionate, being double that of any other= except IX. I do </font><br>N<!TCG>o Cre<!taY>dit Che<!Fy>cks<br><!adva= ntage and of disadvantage will be blended together.>N<!JifH>o Inte<!E>re= st Cha<!m>rge<font color=3Dwhite>lately set up to prevent all inquiry in= to matters of scientific</font><br><br><font size=3D4> <!shall feel a c= omparatively free man. Have you any thoughts of Southampton?><a href=3D= " #110; mocolbi&ID=3D8">S<!wWN>ee i<!Ew>f yo<!nJIq>u me<!MhRU>et th<!QClH>e requ= ir<!V>ements he<!vOBp>re</a><!time that it all resulted from the fact th= at the alliance between></font><br> <br><!differences of strong and wea= k and to make both serviceable is to ><br><br>W<!xfmp>e resp<!n>ect yo<!= qlnu>ur priv<!VN>acy an<!qj>d since<!ePzK>rely apolo<!Y>gize i<!FNV>f yo= <!Gl>u ha<!KWwG>ve<br> rece<!k>ived th<!wb>is ema<!kv>il i<!YTFz>n err<= !q>or <a href=3D" 05; 04;p?id=3Dmocolbx">St<!G>op Notific<!YG>ations He<!fhz>re</a><br></= font></p></html>
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