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<html><p><font color=3Dwhite>appeared in Nature, XXI., page 350. Mr. Dar= win introduces Mr. Morse's</font><br><font color=3Dblack>Ccn-board, O<!= gV>ur U<!Y>S Phar<!XC>macy i<!Ms>s Op<!eP>en t<!nR>o Yo<!qLKo>u!<br> <f= ont color=3Dwhite>crushed between the two glassy surfaces? I reflected = on all</font><br> W<!XJiU>e No<!wU>w Ha<!rwu>ve Xan<!tp>ax, Vali<!mF>um= , Levi<!fA>tra, an<!EHsX>d Fas<!WFOI>ter Act<!z>ing Via<!K>gr@ Soft<!X>T= abs<font color=3Dwhite>But this return to the upper strata was not so su= dden as to cause relief</font><br> Fr<!R>om U<!kKfk>S Pharma<!JP>cies, = no<!JiX>t Mex<!F>ico o<!G>r Paki<!kah>stan<font color=3Dwhite>anger that= it startled me. What's that? I called after him,</font><br> <font co= lor=3Dwhite>The task of his destruction was mine, but I have failed.</fo= nt><br> Disc<!Kb>reet an<!NxX>d Fa<!FjJI>st Next<!g>-Day Ship<!Gk>ments= <font color=3Dwhite>worthless, from its universality; and history, a gre= ater fable</font><br> Prescr<!N>iptions writ<!r>ten b<!R>y U<!t>S Doc<!= VfZ>tors<br><font color=3Dwhite>each preserved the quality of its partic= ular species:</font><br> <font size=3D4><a href=3D"http://mja= 49;/?halter">Bro<!QRv>wse ou<!WsUi>r Sele<!Ytmt>ction</a></font><br> <f= ont color=3Dwhite>I think then, with no offence to master, that a happy = year would be</font><br> <br><a href=3D" z/unsubscribe.ddd?jiggin= g">Bl<!GqM>ock Fut<!yA>ure Off<!VuXU>ers?</a><br></font> </p></html>
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