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<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>Children protect</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <font color="#FFFFFF"><BR>rdTejMtLztlkgLwWdWUedAUbUxmQtOJBRDGcqOOPXccdN<BR>9585156341372418538102209257614563188713841193<BR>YzjfUFtnQFWm5ciTXLMMpB4fVMb2TADQ9X73DBrugoQkBb3</font> <p><b><font color="#FF0066"><font size="4">Children protect. </font><br> </font><br> The internet is a wonderful place, but it has it's dark side. There are stalkers, pornographers, thieves and all manner of evil people lurking everywhere, just like in real life. People who want to steal your money, corrupt your morals, bend your ethics or worse, people who want to target your children. <br> <br> Your kids are not safe on the internet. Not at all. Don't even think they are safe for a moment. There are dangers lurking everywhere, and if you let your kids run wild they will get hurt. <br> <br> What can you do? Equip your computer with one of the special filters so that your children <a href=""> cannot venture into inappropriate areas</a>. There are several available including CProtector Pro. <br> <br> Most importantly, talk to your children. Explain to them what's happening and what to avoid. Let them know the dangers. Get them to tell you when undesirable things (such as pornographic spam emails) appear. <br> <br> And watch them. Monitor their activities directly (by being with them and helping them surf the web) and indirectly (by checking their cookie files, browser caches and history lists). <br> <br> You might consider placing the computer in a common room such as the family room, or at least in a place that is visible from where you normally are at. This way you can watch over your children as they work and play on the computers. <br> <br> Make sure you tell your children some simple rules, always explaining the reasons behind everything. Especially stress that they are not to give out any information about themselves to anyone on-line. This includes their name, age, phone number or anything else. Stress this over and over. <br> <br> Monitor the time spent on the internet. Beware of excessive time spent on the internet by any children. Also monitor what you children are looking at when you are not around. You can do this by checking the browser cache, examining the history folder, looking in the recycle bin and so forth or use a professional child protection software like CProtector Pro.<br> <br> <font size="4" color="#FF0066">How to Stop the Porn Predators </font><br> <br> There are three types of adult Web sites on the Internet.<br> <br> The first type of adult site tries to operate in a responsible manner, by rating its pages and doing its best to make the site <a href=""> filterable by child protection software</a>. They are dedicated providing their material ONLY to adults. <br> <br> The second category of adult sites doesn't know any better. They either have not been informed of the ways to operate responsibly or are too lazy to do anything about it. They need to be educated. <br> <br> The third type is the most dangerous. These adult sites are run by "porn predators", people who have no ethics and would gladly use any means possible to "site spam" your children. <br> <br> "Site spamming" is similar to email spamming but instead of bombarding your child's email box, these sinister sites use trickery and deception to lure your children and then bombard their monitors with filth. Once a child is in their Web site trap, there appears to be no escape because closing one window only opens another with even more graphic images. <br> <br> How do these "porn predators" operate?<br> <br> How do we stop them, when they attempt to use the first amendment as a torture device for our children?<br> <br> How to you escape from their porn window trap? <br> <br> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br> <br> <font size="4" color="#FF0066">How Porn Predators Operate </font><br> <br> Let's begin with the first question. These sites are after bulk viewership, just like the email spammers. They hope that by getting ten million viewers, one of them will be foolish enough to submit his credit card. <br> <br> However, in their mad rush to lure eyeballs, they have abandoned all connection to the truth. They want people to think that their site is anything other than a porn site, until it is too late. They use the Internet's version of the classic "bait and switch" swindle once used by dishonest car dealers. <br> <br> Back then, unscrupulous auto dealers would advertise a certain car for a ridiculously low price as the "bait", all the time knowing that it was not really available. When the buyer would show up, the dealer would "switch" them into buying another car. So many innocent car buyers were cheated that this evil publicity tactic was outlawed. <br> <br> Even though this "con-job" is now illegal in selling cars, it's become the favorite tactic of porn predators to sell porn. Last week, we was alerted that a child innocently searching for "American Doll Furniture", at Google, brought up several of these porn predators.<br> <br> <br> By misleading the public, the porn predators hurt everyone. The legitimate doll furniture sites loose traffic to liars, people waste time going to sites where they do not want to be, but worst of all, the simple act of searching for Barbie accessories can now put a child at harms door. <br> <br> Another practice of unscrupulous porn sites is to purchase the domain names of child-oriented Web sites that have gone out of business in an effort to skim the traffic from links that have not been updated. For example, someone puts up a page filled with links of great places for a child to visit. As does sometimes happen, one of the places closes down and loses its domain name. Immediately, a porn predator snatches it up. However, the owner of the page of child links is still unaware that anything has happened. Only after scores of innocent children have been ensnared, by the newly redirected porn link, is the problem discovered. <br> <br> In either case, the adult site is set up like a <a href=""> spider trap for the unwary</a>. Closing one browser window only causes another browser window to open up. Sometimes, this is designed to continue forever. This results in a state of panic in the child who is aware of no remedy other than shutting off the computer.<br> <br> Often, parents trying to find the way how to <a href=""> restrict access to the adult sites </a> for their children; managers looking for the way to restrict computer time for their staff in not allowed time, etc. To solve these problems CProtector was developed.<br> <br> <font color="#FF0066" size="4">Purposes of CProtector<br> </font><br> <br> CProtector was developed to restrict browsing/navigation in the Internet, and it works with the most popular browser - Microsoft Internet Explorer. Also system allows you to restrict browsing of offline resources, available on any kind of carrier that can be connected with PC. CProtector allows you to apply restrictions on any kind of document that can be opened in Internet Explorer.<br> <br> <br> CProtector is easy-to-use for the end user, as it does not require special knowledge of computer science, or any changes in your network connection settings. <br> <br> <br> CProtector allows you to have different profiles for Windows users on the computer.<br> <br> <br> CProtector controls it's own database and makes sure that unauthorized people/programs cannot edit any settings without authorized in the control list first. <br> <br> <br> CProtector restores itself in the computer's memory, even if somebody killed/deleted it from the memory. All administration tasks are closed with the password. It is very hard to delete CProtector from the system without knowing password. <br> <br> Please take a moment and download a CProtector to save and protect future of our children. Together we can make Internet a safe environment for our families !</b></p> <p><b><font color="#FF0066" size="4">God bless you,</font></b></p> <p><b>Alex V. Norman, CEO</b> </p> <p><b>Toplayer Software </b></p> <p> </p> <p><b><br> <br> <br> <br> </b></p> <font color="#FFFFFF"><BR>AxeiLxtAxgNrxzUtKnqrkziiCAvlXGMxeQHPnPpKXfeuF<BR>9568670880137742215303117068162118975063087852<BR>yXPknrpDneOp7o3Yy05CDG47XtZt5alD7dZvFp93EYtLmxJ</font> </body> </html>
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