Welcome to Our Web Page




When this web page began more than twenty years ago, it described most of the activities of our whole family. Now that most of our children have flown the coop, it is mostly about what Ann and I (Dave) have been up to. I update it most weekends. We save all the messages over the past year in an Archive along with links to what we were doing ten and twenty years ago.

You can click on the pictures above to get a bit more information about each of us.

Sunday June 30

Our new heat pump

Our new heat pump

The big news this week was the installation of our new heat pump to replace our old gas furnace. We now have an electric furnace for the cold days when the heat pump can't keep up. The whole system is connected into the existing ducts. Because the electric furnace draws a lot of power we had the electrical service upgraded from 100 to 200 amps. That happened on Wednesday with the heat pump going in on Thursday. We are not too happy with the way the coolant pipes stick out into the basement room so we are going to get the installers to move them out of the way.

It was a wet week so our usual ride on Monday was cancelled. We put the extra time to good use getting the basement rooms cleared for the workmen. Quite a lot of stuff has been thrown out, recycled or sent to places where they will find new owners. However, we still have several piles that will need to be dealt with over the next couple of weeks.

We did get out for one ride this week, yesterday, from Blomidon Provincial Park to Canning and Kingsport and back. It was a nice day for riding: not too hot and not too windy. The route was quite hilly; as we were driving out to the park I thought that it would be quite taxing but it was not all that bad. On the way home we drove along the Gaspereau Valley and stopped in at the Gaspereau Winery to pick up a few bottles of wine.