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The application of technological ideas of efficiency and perfectability to biological systems has been the fundamental error of modern society.
-- Richard Akerman, 2001
All we can say for sure is that the future will be different. In particular we will all be older and eventually dead. On that cheery note I invite you to consider the world we want to inhabit, for while our individual stays are brief, I think we would like the Earth to be a pleasant place for us and the generations to come. Until of course the Sun expands as a red giant and engulfs the world in flame.
This page contains articles about things that I think are hopeful, and other articles about things I think are quite disturbing.
Sites of Interest
Visit The Bookstore of Doom (powered by Amazon.com) or
The Bookstore of Doom (powered by Amazon.ca).
Hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies now harm the economy, the environment, equity and trade.
-- Perverse Incentives, by A.P.G. de Moor
A new summary report for a general audience "Subsidizing Unsustainable Development: Undermining the Earth with Public Funds" has been adapted from the full Perverse Incentives report. (PDF format, 3.5MB)
These writings cover many topics including eliminating subsidies and using rational pricing to improve the environment. They are all from his commentaries in the National Post. You can find these and more by him on the Urban Renaissance site in the Articles by Lawrence Solomon section.
- Free drugs from your faucet by Mark D. Uehling in Salon.com Technology Oct. 25, 2001
- Wind-powered building design revealed by Will Knight from NewScientist.com 14 September 2001
- Green machines -- a new kind Hybrid car -- Earth-friendly and high-tech by Joe Garofoli in the San Francisco Chronicle Sunday, September 9, 2001
- Together at Last: Cutting Pollution and Making Money by Claudia H. Deutsch in The New York Times September 9, 2001
- Drought in the Klamath River Basin from NASA Earth Observatory
- Defying the energy establishment by Scott Burns in MSN MoneyCentral August 20, 2001
- Zeppelin returns to the skies from CNN August 16, 2001
- Green Cities (USA) by Eliza Wilmerding for MotherJones.com August 2, 2001
- Solar Power Within Your Grasp by Reiner Gaertner in Wired News July 10, 2001
- Japan's Toyota unveils 2 fuel cell hybrid vehicles by Tim Large from Reuters Securities Monday June 18, 2001
- Toyota introduces hybrid minivan (the Estima) from The Associated Press Friday, June 15, 2001
- The Energy Web by Steve Silberman in Wired magazine June 2001
- The growing thirst by Alanna Mitchell from The Globe and Mail: Death Wish Monday, June 4, 2001
- Drill, Grill and Chill by Maureen Dowd in The New York Times May 20, 2001
- The leaky bucket
It is hard to tell who currently has the least coherent energy policy: Gray Davis or George Bush
from The Economist Apr 12th 2001
- England to Put Wind to Work from the Environment News Service in Wired News Apr. 10, 2001
- 'They Die Piece by Piece' by Joby Warrick in The Washington Post Tuesday, April 10, 2001
- The Hospital at the End of the Earth (The Aral Sea's Human and Ecological Catastrophe) on The Nature of Things, CBC Television aired March 21, 2001 - reairs March 25, 2001
- Could hydrogen be the fuel of the future? by Marsha Walton in CNN Science and Technology March 16, 2001
- Future of vehicle transportation could be 'RUF' by Marsha Walton in CNN Science and Technology March 9, 2001
- Unhappy meals (review of Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser) reviewed by Maria Russo in Salon Books Feb. 8, 2001
- Would you like ground spinal cord with that? (interview with Eric Schlosser) by Katharine Mieszkowski in Salon Technology Feb. 8, 2001
- High noon at the Ogallala aquifer by Jacques Leslie in Salon Technology Feb. 1, 2001
- Buying LCD Monitor Will Save Energy by Henry Norr in the San Francisco Chronicle Monday, January 15, 2001
- Hybrid Power (cars) by Margot Roosevelt in Time magazine December 11, 2000
- The car that runs on air by Carolyn Dempster in BBC News: Africa Tuesday, 24 October, 2000
- Remembering Renewables from the Environment News Service in Wired News Oct. 5, 2000
- The Baron's Big Balloon by Mike Steere in Wired magazine August 2000
- Deep Freeze for Franken Foods? by Environment News Service in Wired News 1.Mar.2000
- Blair Not So Pro-GM Food Now in Wired News 27.Feb.2000
- IBM's High Flying Hype by Steve Kettmann in Wired News 26.Feb.2000
- Goodbye battery, hello fuel cell by Spencer Reiss in Salon Technology Jan. 31, 2000
- What We Don't Know May Hurt Us by Kristen Philipkoski in Wired News 26.Jan.2000
- First artificial DNA can create new forms of life by Jonathan Leake and Roger Dobson in The Sunday Times January 23 2000
- Pandora's Pantry by Jon R. Luoma in Mother Jones January/February 2000
- Where's the debate on gene research? by Jon Katz in The Freedom Forum Online Dec. 15, 1999
- Fill 'er Up: With Hydrogen in Wired News 16.Aug.99
- The Dawn of a New Mesozoic Era by Kristen Philipkoski in Wired News 3.Aug.99
- Alien species: A slow motion explosion in CNN - Nature July 7, 1999
- Eden: A Gated Community by William Langewiesche in The Atlantic Monthly June 1999
- Doing Good by Eating Well by Corby Kummer in The Atlantic Monthly March 1999
- The destruction of the American West by L. G. Carter in Penthouse January 1999
- Planet of Weeds: Tallying the losses of Earth's animals and plants by David Quammen in Harper's Magazine October 1998
- Could Mad-Cow Disease Happen Here? by Ellen Ruppel Shell in The Atlantic Monthly September 1998
- Planes, Supertrains, and Automobiles by David M. Fine in Mother Jones July/August 1998
- A Special Moment in History by Bill McKibben in The Atlantic Monthly May 1998
- Caught in the headlights by Aaron Weiss of Halifax, Nova Scotia in Salon 21st February 1998
- Dawn of the Hydrogen Age by Jacques Leslie in Wired 5.10 (Oct. 1997)
- in Mother Jones March/April 1997:
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