Peaceful Pursuits Homepage


Politically Perfect Paper
100% post printer reclaimed quality card and paper
Suitable for pens, pencils, crayons, markers


Made in Canada - Environmentally Responsible - Creative, Educational, & Non-Violent
    Reclaimed Paper
    What's New?
    What we make

What is Peaceful Pursuits?

We're a small maritime company devoted to finding inventive uses for materials which would otherwise be wasted.  We collect an assortment of high quality paper from printers and turn those papers into creative craft packs for children.

We have a full line of environmentally responsible products made in Canada which are colourful and amusing as well as creative, educational
and non-violent.

    Peaceful Pursuits 
  6291 Coburg Road  
  Halifax, N.S.  
  B3H 2A3