Volunteering at Chebucto Community Net

If you're interested in joining a volunteer team, look at the Volunteer Page. For CCN users, you can also get to this page by using the [G)o volunteer] shortcut (i.e. type "gvolunteer" without the quotes).


I spent some time on the Information Provider Training Team in 1994. This volunteer team is responsible for all aspects of training Chebucto Community Net's information providers: finding training sites, designing the training material, organizing and scheduling training sessions, and so on.

I set up the initial training schedule for Information Providers and wrote the first versions of the IP training curriculum. Since then, other people working in IP training have updated and improved on my work. Links to the current versions of the training material can be found on the Information Providers Support Home Page.

For more general user training, check out the Chebucto Community Net Training Page for informaton about available courses and current schedules.

Information Provider Committee

I also spent some time on the Information Provider Committee. I've been an information provider myself -- I used to maintain the pages for Halifax Dance.

For more information on becoming an information provider for Chebucto Community Net, check out the Information Providers Support Home Page.

Help Documentation

The helpdoc team maintains the Help Desk -- the on-line documentation for Chebucto Community Net.

I occasionally contribute something towards the documentation ... but haven't done anything recently.

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Last modified June 18, 1997