Bonny's Family Page

Aside from my husband Bruce and my daughter Ariana, other members of my family are:
My mom and dad
I'm lucky enough to have my mom and dad living in the same city with me. Mom babysits for me several days a week, so Ariana gets to see a lot of her grandparents.

My mom is a great cook. I'm trying to learn and write down her recipes, but -- like most good cooks -- she doesn't measure her ingredients, so I have to experiment a few times to get them to come out right. Here are a few of my mom's recipes that I've managed to write down.

My sister Susan
Susan's an independent modern dancer in Toronto. I hope to get a picture of her up on this page sometime.

My sister Cyndy
Cyndy and her husband Ian are both ceramists in Toronto. She has made some beautiful stuff for us. I will be posting pictures of her work soon.

My brother Wayne
Wayne (actually wayne is his preferred spelling) is a software developer on the west coast, working for a company called mFactory (formerly MediaFactory). They were mentioned in the June 95 issue of Wired magazine (in the "scans" section). Now that wayne has a home page, I can keep up on his activities without having to wait for a letter!

My sister JJ
JJ is a painter, currently living in Vancouver. Here is a picture of one of her paintings from a show in the spring of 94: Poppies and Cloisonne, 1994, oil on canvas (JPEG, about 44 K). This is just a snapshot of her painting from my parents' home, so it's not really the best quality image of her work. Now if I could just get my hands on her slides...

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