Welcome to a site dedicated to the trails
found around the northern portion of Long Lake Provincial Park(known to most mountain bikers
as Wrandees). Hopefully this site will provide
you with some background on the Park and the trails found in it. The Park has
become quite popular these days, thanks to the many mountain bikers who have
been enjoying it for the past six years. I believe that the first
'mountain bike inspired' trails first started showing up during the Fall
of 1994/Spring 1995. It is no longer our "little
secret". Too many bikers parking their cars at the trailhead have taken
care of that. While it is true that a few people have enjoyed the park previous
to the recent development of trails it is safe to say that they are responsible
for the recent “popularization” of the park. Please keep in mind that the
majority of this site is for and about the trails located in the northern
portion of the park. Information about the rest of the park will be added as it
becomes available. This portion comprises about 3% of the total parkland yet
receives 90% of the traffic.
While there are some who want the park to be closed off for few, if
any to enjoy, most dog walkers, hikers, and mountain bikers have been
enjoying the park in relative harmony since 1995. Through cooperation and
responsible trail used it is hoped that this will continue. The more
people out there enjoying a healthy out of doors lifestyle, the better.
Where is this park?
The park that this page is dedicated to is located in Halifax, Nova
Scotia, Canada.
While those links may take you to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada they won’t do you very much good should you be in Halifax and looking for the park. Here is how to find the park from the Armdale Rotary:
1.Where is the Armdale Rotary? The Armdale Rotary is a major traffic throughway(not really though) that almost all traffic must negociate when heading out of or going into the city of Halifax. Since almost all traffic must go through it chances are pretty good that you’ll be able to find your way as far as to the rotary without much trouble. Also, the trail is not very far from the Armdale Rotary. As a matter of fact, it is within biking distance so feel free park your car there.
2. Ok, you’ve found your way to the rotary. You want to take the exit point up the hill to the right called St. Margaret’s Bay Road, also known as Route 3.
3. Follow St. Margaret’s Bay Road (Route 3) up and around. You should go past a motel(on your left) and a Green Needs/Subway (also on your left). If you have, keep on trucking.
4. You will cross over another street, one that resembles a highway, and then arrive at a set of lights.
5. Go through the set of lights (when green) and proceed down the road a bit farther. You are almost there. After a minute or so you will go past a “Welcome to Halifax” sign on your left. From this sign on down are where cars usually park. Halifax Regional Municipality has recently (April,2000) paid $30,000 to have a parking lot installed so you may as well use it if you’re arriving by car.
Council Minutes, 20006. Directly behind the parking lot is a gravel path. This path will take you to a trail system behind exhibition park. It is part of an old turn of the century water system for Halifax. Most people walking their dogs only use this part of the trail and don’t know about the wild network of trails located to the left side of the stream that runs parallel with it. For a pleasant walk on non-gravel all-natural trail head behind the “Welcome to Halifax” sign. Look for a “No Dumping Sign”. There is a trail there. This is one of many ways into the trail.
a) At the lights that you go through. When you stop at the lights look directly across. There is a new entrance there. Its kind of rough right now. It takes you into the trail via a section called “4 Assed Mongoose”
b) Go through the lights. Just past the lights there is a very wide shoulder on the left side of the road. Look for a trail behind this. This will also take you back to “4 Assed Mongoose”.
c) Just passed the above entrance is another entrance. It is about 250m down the road. You can’t see it by car but if you are biking you will be able to find it. This takes you into a section called “Money Shot”. If you go past “Money Shot” you will come out at “Tracy’s ACL Corner” . This is a good exit if you want to get out in a hurry.
d) At the lights turn left. Turn left again at the next set of lights(more of a merge actually). Drive along for about 250m. At streetlight pole #908 there is an entrance to the trail. This is known as “Quick Exit”. At the first “T” intersection you can turn right to take you further into the trail or left to take you out to the Cowie Hill lights. If you turn left to head for the Cowie Hill lights you will come out about 1km down the road from where started (turn left when you come out to pavement). The whole walk should take about 2 hours.
Go past streetlight pole #908 and stop just past
the next set of lights. There is a gravel path located between two sets of
guardrails. This entrance is pretty wide andeasy to follow. It is possible to
walk across to the main entrance but make sure you have enough time.
Please remember that these are
directions to a trail network located in Long Lake Provincial Park. There are a
few entrances to the Park itself which will be added at a later date.
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[Guestbook by TheGuestBook.com]
Recently there has been a
on by the Department of Natual Resources to develop a management plan for
Lake Provincial Park. Below is the text which was submitted by the
Biking Community:
Cyclists/Mountain Bikers have been enjoying the use of Long Lake Provincial Park for a long time, probably long before mountain bikes even existed. Most recent evidence of mountain biking came to light in the summer of 1992 when cyclists enjoyed rides south of Long Lake on the former road referred to as ROld Coach RoadS. Cyclists/mountain bikers would ride this and the trail which circled around Spruce Hill Lake. During winter months, when the lakes were frozen, cyclists would enjoy rides around Spruce Hill Lake and then take the Rpipeline trailS from Spruce Hill Lake down to Long Lake. This was not possible in summer months in recent years due to excessive illegal use of ATVUs which eventually deepened ruts and filled them with water in the Spruce Hill Lake area. Cyclists for most part ignore these trails now as they have become too wet and swampy to be enjoyable. Damage from Hurricane Juan has also had an effect on trail use in this area.
Mountain Bike use north of Long Lake was popularized around 1994. A series of trails were constructed between 1994 and 2000 north of Long Lake which became very popular with mountain bikers. These trails were known as TsingletrackU and an emphasis was placed on technical skill over speed. A trail located at the lights of Northwest Arm Drive and the Cowie Hill Connector (probably a road to a rock quarry originally) was enjoyed by some cyclists prior to 1994 but it was not until this trail was connected with trails north of Long Lake sometime between 1994 and 2000 that it gained in popularity. Trail contruction dropped off after 2000 as other areas of interest became destinations for cyclists of the Metro Area. Many newer trails are the result of hikers/dog walkers connecting some of the closer trails to one another.
Though mountain biking use has peaked around 1998 and has seen a decline over the following years it is still a popular pastime for many in the Halifax Regional Municipality. The trails of Long Lake have caught the attention of people from around North America. A magazine writer and photographer from New Hamshire have made it a destination point, as have cyclists from South Carolina and British Columbia. Recently, a Pat Wright remarked that he couldnUt wait for his brothers to fly in from Calgary and Victoria so that he could show them how great it is to live in Halifax as a mountain biker. Their appreciation of the Park is reflected by those who live here: they could not believe that within cycling distance of the downtown core (or Purcells Cove, where Pat Wright resides) that they could ride their bikes to such a beautiful trail and Park. And they were from Calgary and Victoria.
As such, it is important to maintain and manage the use of mountain bikes in Long Like Provincial Park. Goals of Management will be to maintain the ecological integrity of the parkland, minimizing user conflicts, and the maintainence of current and future trails. Adherance to these goals will ensure enjoyment for mountain bikers for years to come.
Steps to realize these management objectives:
a) Provide
information for
responsible trail use.
The following is the current Tcode of conductU recognized by the International Mountain Bike Association. It has been recognized worldwide for at least 20 years.
The way we ride today shapes
mountain bike trail access tomorrow. Do your part to preserve and enhance
sport's access and image by observing the following rules of the trail,
formulated by IMBA, the International Mountain Bicycling Association.
rules are recognized around the world as the standard code of conduct for
mountain bikers. IMBA's mission is to promote mountain bicycling that is
environmentally sound and socially responsible.
trail and road closures (ask if uncertain); avoid trespassing on private
obtain permits or other authorization as may be required. Federal and
Wilderness areas are closed to cycling. The way you ride will influence
management decisions and policies.
sensitive to the dirt beneath you. Recognize different types of soils and
construction; practice low-impact cycling. Wet and muddy trails are more
vulnerable to damage. When the trailbed is soft, consider other riding
This also means staying on existing trails and not creating new ones.
Don't cut
switchbacks. Be sure to pack out at least as much as you pack in.
for even a second can cause problems. Obey all bicycle speed regulations
fellow trail users know you're coming. A friendly greeting or bell is
considerate and works well; don't startle others. Show your respect when
passing by slowing to a walking pace or even stopping. Anticipate other
users around corners or in blind spots. Yielding means slow down,
communication, be prepared to stop if necessary and pass safely. Cyclists
yield to hikers. Stop and move to one side of the trail to let them pass.
them know if there are more people behind you.
animals are startled by an unannounced approach, a sudden movement, or a
noise. This can be dangerous for you, others, and the animals. Give
extra room and time to adjust to you. When passing horses use special care
follow directions from the horseback riders (ask if uncertain). Running
and disturbing wildlife is a serious offense. Leave gates as you found
them, or
as marked.
your equipment, your ability, and the area in which you are riding -- and
prepare accordingly. Be self-sufficient at all times, keep your equipment
good repair, and carry necessary supplies for changes in weather or other
conditions. A well-executed trip is a satisfaction to you and not a burden
others. Always wear a helmet and appropriate safety gear.
This information should be posted at various
traffic trailheads. As well, Bicycle Nova Scotia would also provide this
information to its membership. It has done this in the past and probably
do so again if asked.
b) Maintain a trail patrol
This trail patrol would be maintained by the
Lake Park Association and consist of mountain bikers and hikers. These
would be identified by a vest. The Nova Scotia Trails Federation is
currently developing
such a program.
c) Maintain current trails
Under consultation with DNR trail building authorities, trails should be maintained or improved upon. Steps will be taken to prevent further erosion of trails. Information gathered through surveys, meetings within Bicycle Nova Scotia, and through conservations with trail users suggest that users are interested in maintaining the natural trail floor and that minimal manmade/artificial(ie gravel) trail coverings would be appreciated.
d) Open New Trails as
Currently, no new trails are required. In the future, if use warrants it, new trails may become necessary. The construction of these will be under the guideance of DNR, Long Lake Park Association, and Bicycle Nova Scotia (Mountain Bike Committee).
The emphasis on trail use by mountain bikers will be on what is known as technical trail riding. That is, essentially slow riding (less that 15km/h) over varied terrain of a somewhat difficult nature. Bridges that due exist or are to be built will be created out of necessity (over wet areas etc) and not as obstacles themselves. Also, dirt jumps will not exist in the park.
e) Trails will meet
Nova Scotia Trails Federation guidelines on Mountain Bike
As much as possible, there will be crossover from the guidelines for Natural Hiking Trails and Mountain Bike Trails. As mentioned, cyclists are looking for as natural enviroment as possible, this should also meet the requirements of their hiking counterparts. Where possible, current trails will be brought up to this standard.
f) Volunteer
Throughout the year there will be days when various users can be brought together to maintain the trails.
g) Signs will be
posted at
various key intersections showing the fast route out/route out to the main
h) Organized cycling
Cycling events held within the park must be approved by the Long Lake Park Association Executive. These events may not conflict with Nova ScotiaUs Parks Act or with any other Management Plan guidelines. As well, the event must be sanctioned by Bicycle Nova Scotia and the Long Lake Park Association and Long Lake Provincial Park must be named as a insured parties on Bicycle Nova ScotiaUs sanction form.
i) Involvement of
Cycling Clubs
Bicycle Nova Scotia has many cycling clubs within the metro area. These clubs will be used to assist in maintenance and policing of the trail network.
j) Trails will be
available to cyclists except in extenuating circumstances where types of
have to be separated for environmental preservation and/or personal safety
k) Use will be
in the early months of spring.
l) Protection of the environmental
will take priority over human use, with the greatest emphasis being placed
protecting the most environmentally significant
m) Creation of new
will be discouraged
n) Trail use is to be
managed in order to balance access and protection
Trail use issues will be addressed as site specifically as possible. When an issue arises, a review will take place an appropriate management option(s) will be recommended for implementation.
i)All users will be
treated the same on all trails
j)Education will be
primary tool to encourage proper use of the
References to
Cyclist/Mountain Biking Use in Long Lake Provincial
References to mountain bike use in Long Lake Provincial Park can be found at the Halifax Regional Library under the following titles:
1. Hiking Trails and Canoe Routes of Nova Scotia (1975), Interntational Hostelling Association, Thompson, Phill, Call # 917.16 H639
2. Trails of Halifax Regional Municipality, Goose Lane Publisher, Haynes, Michael, Call # 917.1622, p30
3. Mountain Bike! Atlantic Canada, Vanwell Publishing, Bishop/Hale, Call # 917.15 H164m
4. Twenty Minutes to Launch, Darrell, Bryan, Call # 917.1622 D225T
5. Canadian Cyclist, Vol 10, Issue #, Fall/Winter 1999, Story and Photos by Scott Nevin
6. Explore Magazine, October/November 1997
7. October 9, 1999 Letter to the Editor of the Chronicle Herald-Mail Star by Randy Gray, VP Mountain Biking Bicycle Nova Scotia in response to a $20,000 parking lot upgrade(Article Sept 22, 1999)
As well, local trail guides and word of mouth have spread information locally since 1994.
Appendix A
Reference to Long Lake Hiking Trails in Hiking and Canoe Routes in Halifax County
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Links Links
reviews of the trails at Long Lake Park
And here is a newly formed Yahoo group for you to
in. Members of the Long Lake Park Association frequent it on a regular
love the park. Click on the link to find out why...