To beging with, an interesting article that looks at "What's wrong with our schools today." "What's Wrong With Our Schools Today?"
Then take a look at Rules for Raising Delinquent Children.
This link will take you to a super collection of e-text.
If you want to enroll in Cyberschool, click here.
Have a look here if you are interested in Poems for or about kids.
Should you be interested in acquiring the basics of HTML, click here Bare Bones Guide to HTML.
Try this page for some Latin links

There follow some more links of general interest, some directly connected with education and some only losely associated with it.

  • Who was born on your birthday

  • Unusual Foods of the World
  • Kombucha HomePage
  • Medical Reference Library
  • Health
  • Medical/Human Anatomy Clip Art
  • Gerson Institute
  • Paranormal Page

  • Vampire:The Home Page

  • Working
  • How to put your data on the web
  • Applied Linguistics