"A" Colony
News from Spring 1999, Fall
1999, 2000, Spring 2000,
Fall 2000, 2001, Spring 2001, Fall 2001,
New items.
27, 1999 We welcome
(Jonathan Ritchie) in to our leadership team. Jonathan has been active in our 98-99
program and brings 10 years of scouting experience from his youth
involvement with
1st Dartmouth.
15, 1999 We are pleased to announce that the Victoria Park trip we
13 Beavers & siblings accompanied by 3 leaders
and several parents & relatives.
29, 1999 Closing Campfire at Rusty's, 3 of our
busy beavers took the magical swim up to become cubs.
- We welcome Hawkeye (Ray Peddle) in to our leadership team. Ray is new
to scouting, however he was with us in Truro and is looking forward to the 1999-2000 season.
- Bubbles (Kim Sedgwick) announced her intentions to move to B Colony
- Rusty (Bill H) announced his intentions to move to C Colony
- Big Brown Beaver is also leaving the colony
July 1, 1999 Canada Day Parade,we had a realy
time 15 beavers, kits and cubs rode and followed our float for 4km singing
and laughing
July 17, 1999 Beaverbank Fun Day Parade, we made a few
changes to our float and invited 'C' Colony to share in our fun
and excitement,
and wow we won a trophy for "Best Community Effort"
Sep 28, 1999 Bubbles (Kim) is staying with A Colony.
Oct 2, 1999 4 Beavers, 3 White Tails from last year,
and 2 siblings joined in the Colony Carnival at Mount Uniacke House. We
found every item on the scavenger hunt.
Nov 2, 1999 Investiture Night, We invested 5 beavers and 2 leaders, we
pleased with the parental participation.
Jan 1, 2000 "Parent Consent Forms" must be
filled out signed and dated
for all events or activitied not held at our usual meeting place (Our
Pond) Beaver Bank Monarch Drive Elementary School. This is a Scouts Canada
requirement. Consent Forms will be supplemented with a "Physical Fitness
Certificate". Thank you for your cooperation.
Jan 25, 2000 The bad weather didn't keep 5
beavers from bowling.
Feb 1, 2000 Investiture Night, We invested 3
more beavers. Thanks to parents for there participation.
Mar 21, 2000 Beaver Buggy Racing, we had great fun racing our Beaver Buggies, were pleased to have some Scouts and Cubs show us there cars and trucks.
Apr 11, 2000 Show & Tell was a big
Beavers brought Fish, Salamanders, Trucks, Digimon, Poke'mon,
Transformers. What a variety.
Apr 18, 2000 We welcome a new leader, Rainbow
(Dina Ritchie) to our Colony. Dina has been a parent helper on many
outings and has decided make a greater commitment.
May 3, 2000 WOW what a great turn out for Scout
Trees. Nearly everyone attended, the Terrain was rough but the we all had
Jun 11, 2000 Here we are at camp. Its the end of the season, and Bubbles realy is moving to 'C' Colony in the fall. We will all miss her. It rained hard last night but no one got wet. Its a good thing camp was so close to Hawkeye's house, every one slept in there tent but at breakfast we all sought shelter in Hawkeye's warm dry kitchen.
Jun 18, 2000 Congratulations to Hawkeye,
Ringtail and all the other candidated who completed Wood Badge II
at Gilwell 2000.
Jul 1, 2000 Another great parade, We showed every one on the parade route that we were proud to be Canadian and members of the Scouting Brotherhood.
Sep 19, 2000 1st meeting of the 2000/2001
season, we have 12 new Beavers and we
welcome a new leader also.
formerly from 'B' Colony has decided to share his time and experiance with
us. A "Great" chear to Smokey for his ongoing commitment.
Sep 26, 2000 We welcome a new leaders
Sunshine (Cheryl Brann), Sunshine is an
experianced Guider,she receintly moved to Beaver Bank from Truro.
Oct 14, 2000 6 Brown and Blue tail beavers
participated in the Area Colony Picnic. We shared in the fun and food with
6 other colonies all from the Sespenaak Area. Thanks to Scouter Joan and
her team for an excellent event.
Oct 24, 2000 What a major success Apple Day
was for A Colony. 17 Beavers several siblings and an outstanding 11
turned out to share our apples with the community. This is a excellent
example of familly
participation in the Beaver program. Congratulations to all who were
Nov 18, 2000 Congratulations to Rainbow
and all the other candidates who completed Wood Badge I.
Dec 2, 2000 A hearty group of Beavers and
siblings braved the cold on our bottle drive. The proceeds will go to help
our older counterparts (the scouts) attend CJ2001. Congratulations to all
who were involved.
Dec 5 2000, We had a suprise visit from Santa
today. He has great timing, we were working on our tree orniment and
he brought us refreshmants.
Jan 27 2001, All 8 of our White Tail Beavers attended the Area White
Tail Camp, sorry
mean "All 8 Tender Pads". 28 Beavers in total found out first hand what it
was like to go to Cub Camp. More than just a camp, the program included
training to prepare them for cubs, tying knots and they even earned their
first Cub Badge.
Apr 10 2001, Those beaver buggies realy
move on
our new race track.
May 12 2001, Here we are at the Fun Forest
Jul 1 2001,
Here we go again, this is our 3rd Canada Day Parade. The parade is
getting bigger.
This year there was another Scout entry and also one from the Guides.
Look closely at our float there is a Guide member sharing in our fun.
Jul 9 2001,
CJ01, Some of the Beavers and Tenderpads are on a trek to visit
CJ01 the 10th Canadian Jamboree. This is there adventure.
Sep 12 2001, We are off to a good start
year with 11 new Beaver Kits registered, if every one returns from last
we will have 23.
Sep 18 2001, Although we bid a fond farewell
to Sunshine who has chosen to pursue her
carier in Guiding , we welcome a new leader into our fold. After much
debate the beavers named Rusty (John Brann), who I must say does
fit the
Oct 9 2001, We had two very important
to discuss today, the first was to name another new leader. Tic Tac
(Raymond Grove) was named after he gave us his "brown squirl"
demonstration. Then we read a story about escaping from a fire and
practiced what we learned.
News from Top, Spring 1999, Fall
1999, 2000, Spring 2000,
Fall 2000, 2001,
Spring 2001, Fall 2001,
New items.