Build A Web Page Kit

This is a kit to build web pages for those of us who do not have HTML editing software. All you need to do is d)ownload the file the link at the bottom goes to. You do not go to the file yourself.

Once you have it, move it to your Public HTML Directory. Put a title between the <title> and </title> tags. Put your text between the <body> and </body> tags. Go to this link to find out how to put color on your pages (the <body bgcolor=""> tag), and put a value from 1 to 7 in the <font size=""> tag to change the size of your printing.

Once you've changed the file, *save it under a different name!* This name will have to end with .html to work. You can then use this file as a template over and over again!

Put your cursor here and d)ownload!