Nova Scotia Henderson Families
The Nova Scotia MacDonald Ancestors of Cairns Henderson
The genealogy list which follows is all the information that I currently
have on my grandmother's, Jane Clara MacDonald (Henderson), ancestry.
of this material is documented, some is oral history or undocumented
bits of newspaper clippings. Genealogists should view this material as a
possible clu only, and then proceed to either document or dismiss
individuals contained here. Either way, I would really appreciate it if
would write me and let me know.
Ist generation
Alexander MacDonald( )
wife Annie Morrison( )
2nd generation
Alexander MacDonald( )
wife Mary McGennis( )
3rd generation
John MadDonald( )
wife Jane Chisholm( )
4th generation
Henry MacDonald( )
Daniel A MacDonald (1863-1946) wife Clara V Clarke(1876-1948)
John MacDonald( )
Kate MacDonald( )
Elizabeth MacDonald( ) husband Georgr Fisher ( )
5th Generation
Jane( - ) married Frank Henderson( - )
Henry( - ) married Katherine Rae
Cyrus( - ) married Anna MacDonald
James( - ) married Minnie Holmes
Clyde( - ) married Anne Elliott
Elwood( - married Edna Sutherland
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