Three new photos of Aidan Fullerton from Victoria.

Aidan weighed in at 9 lbs 9 ounces, arriving on 2 Nov 2003 at 2311 hrs.
He is now, as of this update, a bit over months old and, as we hear in the phone background fron time to time, trying hard to do his share of chatting.

The whole family are doing well and Aidan has progressed quickly. We will try to have lesser delays before even more photos are replaced by updated ones.
Thanks, John, Brenda, Emma and Aidan

The first photos received:
Aidan and Mum Aidan
Both happy and healthy! Don't bother me, I am sleeping."
Aidan, Grammy The whole
Aidan and Grammy Lewis John, Brenda, Emma and Aidan.... from the top down.
Just a small sampling of new photos ....

Eleven weeks already?
"I think that I like this being here!"

Emma's first baby-sitting
Emma getting in some baby-sitting practice.

This is fun!
"Now, what can I do next to get even more attention?"

... and I will be adding more family photos again soon ...

Grandad Ben

Back to John, Brenda and family.