email : booner AT



- Proficient with the Linux and Windows' Operating Systems.

- Proficient with many common business software packages. Including database and spreadsheet applications.

- Trained in computer hardware assembly and repair.

- Proficient in setting up and running networks.

- Programming abilities, with particular interest in Perl, C and shell scripting. Also experience with Pascal, Java, PHP, Pike, Cobol, Basic and Fortran.

- Proficient with web development. (HTML, CGI, SQL)

- Conducting inventories and tabulating results.


- Overseeing study labs and tutoring on a one to one basis.

- Teaching Hatha Yoga


-System Administrator: (2001-2007)

Developing and administering a Traffic Exchange Network.

Overseeing the day to day running of a Traffic Exchange Network using the Ascripts software package which I modified greatly over the six years of being a profit sharing partner. At its peak the exchange network was serving over 6 million hits per month and as active as 100 queries per second average on the MySQL Database Server on peak months. Responsibilities also include the modification of existing scripts and developing new ones for the respective sites. Stoking coal on the SQL. :)

- Free-lance Programmer:

Self-Employed, Halifax, N.S. (1998-2001)

The primary focus has been cgi script writing in Perl, C and PHP. Many projects also employed Perl's DBI Module to interface with an SQL database driver.

- Yoga Instructor:

Halifax Regional Municipality; Department of Recreation

Teaching Beginners' Level Hatha Yoga on ten week terms; each week consisisting on one and one half hour classes.

- System Administrator:

Digitalis, Halifax, N.S. (1996-1997)

Worked as a System Administrator for Digitalis; overseeing the, and domains. Worked with the Slackware and Red Hat Linux releases.

- Hardware Technician:

Digitalis, Halifax, N.S. (1995-1996)

Assembling PCs and performing PC repairs; both on and off site. Responsible for maintenance of a multi-line internet on ramp.

- DataBase Administrator:

Miller & Johnson Auctioneers Ltd., Halifax, NS (1987-1994)

Development of auction system from original inventories using bar code reading and writing. The collected data would then be sent from remote sites to the main office for processing; later providing hard copy inventory listings. Other inventories weresometimes handled using the dBase III software application.

- Software Development:

Self-Employed, Halifax, N.S. Part-time (1986-94)

Development of Utility and Game Software used through telecommunications on BBS packages. This software has now been released to the shareware market. Copies available on request.

- Project Coordinator:

Computer Solutions, Halifax, N.S. (1986)

To go out in the field to talk with prospective clients as to their wants and needs in computer related matters and then prepare proposals and follow through, if excepted, with the necessary software. This normally included dBase III assignments.

- Programming Assistant:

Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. (1984-86)

To assist users of the Dalhousie Cyber Main Frame and PCs with any problem that they may come across in their activities. In this job I also participated in Lab Tutorials conducted by Dalhousie. This included courses in dBase and Lotus 123. Again, aid would be given where needed to students in the lab.


- Computer Science (completed second year)
Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. (1984-1986)

- Microcomputer Electronics Technology Diploma
CompuCollege School of Business,
Halifax, N.S. (1993-1994)