May Contain Traces of Peanuts

Bing. Spasm. Schnort. Ahhh. Anaphylactic shock. Caused by reading yet another crappy webpage.

If your homepage sucks and you know it, you may proudly display the May contain traces of peanuts logo on your homepage. Simply download it here, copy it to your webpage's directory, and insert the following code somewhere on your homepage:

<a href=""><img src="peanuts.gif" alt="[May contain traces of peanuts]"></a>

Then email me at and I will add a link to your homepage on the members' list below.

Current May contain traces of peanuts Members

May Contain Traces of Peanuts webring. Because some places really do have no standards.

NOTE: GeoCities users may display this logo and link to this page, but be aware that if I link back to yours you are in violation of GeoCities' WebRing policy. I'll leave it up to you to decide if you want me to link back to your page.

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