I went to Paris & London this March. I didn't see any computers in Paris, just lots of ads for www.somevaguelypornographicsite.fr in Métro stations. London had pay Internet terminals all over the place, on street corners and at my hotel, for nine pence a minute, which is a lot. Because of the work I do, free net access is my divine right, wherever I go.
I'm not going to come out and say I messed with the computer at the hotel, just like I'm not going to admit to fucking shit up with an elevator and a French baguette, but I know some people that are going to London soon, and tips like this might be useful.
Assume the pay terminal is running something like Win95. Find out where the hotel staff are. Let's begin. You want to:
Your goal here is to get to the DOS prompt, Windows Explorer or even an open file dialog, so you can rename/copy files.
First you have to find it. Using your DOS Skillz ™ (or Windows browse dialog skillz ®), look for promising directories under C:\ and C:\Progra~1. `dir /ad/o/p' will help. Mark down anything that looks promising, rename it (`ren promisingdir xpromisingdir') and see if the kiosk starts. If it doesn't, good for you - but you probably still can't run a browser.
If you really have no idea what's running at startup, there are a few ways to find out.
You've renamed the kiosk software's directory so it won't start up, but system policies probably prevent you from running anything. Make a new directory with the same name as the one you renamed, and copy REGEDIT.EXE into it, duplicating it under all the EXE files that were in the renamed directory. That way it's sure to start up next time you reboot Windows.
Open up the Registry editor. Highlight each of the branches below if they exist, use Registry | Export to export them to a .reg file so you can put them back later, then delete them.
Reboot. Free Internet. Yay. NEEEERRRRDDD!
Rename your directory full of REGEDIT.EXE copies to something nondescript, and rename the kiosk software directory back where it belongs. Don't bother resetting the policies in Registry Editor.
While you're at it you might make life easier for the next person by enabling the boot menu. Open up Control Panel -> Tweak UI if it's available, and unselect "Disable boot menu" - I think it's under the Paranoia tab. Otherwise, open up C:\MSDOS.SYS in a text editor, and comment out (with a semicolon) anything suspicious (BootDelay=0, BootKeys=0, BootMenu=0 - I forget which option it is).
Now make sure everything works.
Look around the Registry for the kiosk software's entries. Maybe the multilingual button bar titles are in there, and you can change them around so the next person to press the Scandinavian flag sees "Internet for Beginners" change to "Internet for Dumb American Tourists". Ahem.