Proposed Training Structure
A proposed training structure for CCN Training. There would be two
learning streams: Self Study and Training. Self Study would involve
learning from tutorials which would be stored online.
Training would be the responsibility of three distinct teams. Beginner
Training, User Training, and IP Training. The only changes from the
current format are: Login to CCN is Beginner Training, a prerequisite for User
1 is to have an account, and some new restrictions as to who may take training.
Since IPs may go through User as well as IP training, mandatory material
for User Training should keep an IP's interest in mind.
Beginner Training (Login to Chebucto Community Net)
- Ratio: 1 trainer to 2-3 people
- Format: Hands on/discussion
- Primarily for those who are interested in getting an account on CCN,
but not comfortable with using a computer.
- These people would eventually be directed to self study or training
- Restriction: Open to anyone interested in obtaining an account
User Training (User Training 1-3)
- Ratio: 1 trainer to 20+ people
- Format: Lecture format using a computer with data pad/projector,
also possible with 1 trainer to 3-4 people
- Restriction: (In order of priority) Open to IPs, volunteers,
general public
- Prerequisite for User 1: must be registered with own account
Information Provider Training (IP Training 1-3)
- Ratio: 1 trainer to 3-4 people
- Format: Discussion/hands on
- Restriction: Due to demands of IP Training, restricted to IPs
*only*, and volunteers who require it
- For IPs, a test of proficency, ie. write a sample document to be
checked by Lint, and approved by appropriate personnel