Working With Your Setup

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Simple PC troubleshooting

Connecting with Netscape

How do I connect if Netscape isn't running?
  1. DC on the Public Access Terminal (PAT) icon.
  2. Click on Mosaic.
I tried to connect to a site, but there is no response.
  1. If the STOP button is red, click to stop loading. Then click on the "reload" on the button bar. Or try a different link or site.
  2. If there is a persistent refusal to connect exit Netscape and start it up again.
  3. If all else fails, try rebooting.

What happens if I can't find Netscape on the screen?
  1. Use ALT-TAB to see if Netscape is running. If Netscape is not running, then DC on Public Access Terminal, then click on Mosaic.

Can the cable modem connection/settings be altered in any way?
The only thing that can be done if the modem is slow or malfunctions is to wait. You can try to close Netscape and Trumpet, and start again. Try rebooting if there is nothing else you can do.

What makes it tick

What is Trumpet Winsock?
It is a communications program that talks to the cable modem and Netscape in a language called TCP/IP.

What is Netscape?
Netscape is a browser for the WWW that allows you to view graphics in addition to text.
What is the Public Access Terminal Icon?
Popping up this window will give you access to a tutorial on using the mouse (not applicable at this time), Windows help (N/A) and access to Netscape. (mosaic icon)

What is telnet?
Telnet is the generic name for a program that allows users to login to their CCN accounts, where they have access to Lynx.

Using Netscape and Telnet

Using Netscape

What is Netscape? (or if on paper, a couple paragraphs up)
How do I follow a link?
Follow a link by clicking on an image, or a piece of underlined text. Wait until the mouse pointer changes to a hand, then click.

How do I go backwards?
Go back to the previous document by clicking the "back arrow" in the button bar.

This document is taking forever to load! How do I stop it?
Stop loading by clicking the STOP (red) button in the button bar.

An error came up while I was trying to connect. What do I do?
You can reload the document by clicking on the "reload" button on the buttton bar.

How do I connect to a site with ""?
Specify a URL (http://...) by highlighting what is currently in the URL bar and typing in your URL. Using the keyboard: [ALT], [F], [L]

Using Telnet

What is telnet? (if on paper, consult "What makes it tick")

How do I check my mail? (login to CCN)
Telnet can be invoked on CCN by following these links from the Home Page: [1]Help Desk, [2]About CCN's Help Desk, [5]visitors from the World Wide Web, [1]login. A window will open for you to login.
Top of Document * The DRL's Guide to CCN * Windows Basics
Written by Carol Sin ( for free distribution only