Re-entry of Soviet/Russian Molniya 3 rocket booster - Aug.11/12,
2001 - 0342 UT
The images go from the longest one as I first saw it about max altitude
above horizion near the constellation Delphinus and the two shorter
images as it began to descend towards the SE, were the last image it was
starting to go into clouds over the ocean nearing the end of it's burnup.
Note a "fragment" to the left of two images.
I used my Soviet made Zenit-B camera with a 50mm f/1.7 lens
and Kodak Gold 400 ASA film. The exposures are close to 10 seconds +/-
5 seconds. I shot the photos from the roof of Dalhousie University in
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Lat== N44d 36' Long= W63d 36'
Michael Boschat