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When the New Democratic Party was elected to office in Nova Scotia in June 2009 it was heralded as an historic breakthrough. After a century of alternating Liberal and Conservative governments, a social democratic party took office, winning majority government. Hopes and expectations were high.
There was talk of the NDP becoming the natural governing party of Nova Scotia; of successive mandates. Yet, only one election later, in October 2013, the NDP was reduced to third-party status in the Legislature. What happened? With such a full head of steam, how did the NDP ship run aground?
Howard Epstein was aboard for the entire voyage, having been elected as an MLA in the breakthrough "class of 1998" and in every subsequent election until he retired from politics before the 2013 election.
In Rise Again: Nova Scotia's NDP on the Rocks, Epstein — a lawyer, environmentalist, social activist, and former Halifax municipal councilor — provides an inside look at the NDP in Nova Scotia. He charts its years in opposition, from the feuding of the 1960s and 1970s in the Akerman and MacEwan years, through the strong leadership of Alexa McDonough in the 1980s, to the near miss of the 1999 election under Robert Chisholm, and finally the rise and fall of the NDP under Darrell Dexter.
He illustrates the long and patient political journey that laid the groundwork for the party's 2009 breakthrough — followed by the rapid change of course from core social democratic values and programs to 'pragmatic' goals of re-election. It's a sobering account of missed opportunities and increasingly blurred political vision. It provides valuable insights on the core values that the NDP needs to focus on if it is to rebuild in Nova Scotia, and indeed, to be successful elsewhere.
Some extracts from the book:
Rise Again: Nova Scotia's NDP on the Rocks is 348 pages in length and consists of 17 chapters divided into five sections. The book includes a table of contents, 205 chapter-by-chapter endnotes, and an index of 775 entries. It is illustrated with 115 black-and-white photographs and drawings. The ISBN is 978-0-9695104-5-1.
In addition to the printed book, Rise Again: Nova Scotia's NDP on the Rocks also includes ten online Appendices which contain background information related to the content of the book. This 96-page compendium is available as a free downloadable PDF file. It includes a selected bibliography of 84 books and documents referred to in the book and/or reference works of use in understanding the politics and political history of Nova Scotia. It also includes an index of 274 entries and is illustrated with eight colour photographs, graphs, and tables.
What do the critics think? What have the reviewers written? What has the author said? See the Reviews, Articles, and Interviews about Rise Again: as soon as they hit the proverbial stands! Find out what others are writing and saying.
For all the latest news, views, photos, and information on forthcoming readings, discussions, and book signing by Howard Epstein, visit the Rise Again Facebook Page.
Rise Again: Nova Scotia's NDP on the Rocks is now available from Empty Mirrors Press.
To order a copy either:
1: Send a cheque or money order payable to Empty Mirrors Press (in $ CAD; USA orders payable in $ USD) to:
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3: Institutions: please email purchase orders to c.majka@ns.sympatico.ca.
4: For those in Halifax, you can pick up copies of Rise Again: at the Bookmark, 5686 Spring Garden Road; the Kings Co-op Bookstore at the University of Kings College, 6350 Coburg Rd.; the Carrefour Atlantic Emporium at Historic Properties, 1869 Upper Water Street; and at Atlantic News, 5560 Morris Street — excellent establishments one and all!
5: If you are in the Annapolis Valley and want to pick up a copy, drop in to the Box of Delights bookstore in Wolfville, 466 Main Street, who have copies of Rise Again to purchase.
6: If you are on the south shore we are delighted that the newly opened Lexicon Books now has Rise Again: available in the store. Stop at 125 Montague St in Lunenburg, say hello, and pick up a copy.
7: On Prince Edward Island drop by the Bookmark on 172 Queen Street in Charlottetown to pick up a copy.
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