97-98 Mens BB Schedule
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- Fri Nov. 14
- St. Francis Xavier at Saint Mary's AUAA 8:00
- Dalhousie at Acadia AUAA 8:00
- UBC at Saskatchewan CWUAA 8:00
- Lethbridge at Calgary CWUAA 8:15
- Alberta at Victoria CWUAA 8:15
- Queen's at Ottawa OUA 8:30
- Laurentian at Bishop's OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Ryerson at Concordia OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Toronto at McGill OUA/QSSF 8:00
- York at Laval OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Sat Nov. 15
- UNB at Memorial AUAA 8:00
- UPEI at UCCB AUAA 8:00
- UBC at Saskatchewan CWUAA 8:00
- Lethbridge at Calgary CWUAA 8:15
- Alberta at Victoria CWUAA 8:15
- Laurentian at Laval OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Ryerson at McGill OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Toronto at Concordia OUA/QSSF 8:00
- York at Bishop's OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Sun Nov. 16
- UNB at Memorial AUAA 1:00
- UPEI at UCCB AUAA 2:00
- Queen's at Carleton OUA 4:00
- Tue Nov. 18
- Acadia at St. Francis Xavier AUAA 8:00
- Saint Mary's at Dalhousie AUAA 8:00
- Fri Nov. 21
- St. Francis Xavier at UNB AUAA 8:30
- Saskatchewan at Victoria CWUAA 8:15
- Alberta at Lethbridge CWUAA 8:15
- Calgary at UBC CWUAA 7:45
- Ryerson at Laurentian OUA 8:00
- Toronto at York OUA 8:00
- Concordia at Carleton OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Queen's at Bishop's OUA/QSSF 8:00
- McGill at Ottawa OUA/QSSF 8:30
- Sat Nov. 22
- Memorial at UPEI AUAA 8:00
- Saskatchewan at Victoria CWUAA 8:15
- Alberta at Lethbridge CWUAA 8:15
- Calgary at UBC CWUAA 7:45
- McGill at Carleton OUA/QSSF 4:00
- Concordia at Ottawa OUA/QSSF 8:30
- Laval at Bishop's QSSF 4:00
- Sun Nov. 23
- Memorial at UPEI AUAA 3:00
- Saint Mary's at UNB AUAA 3:00
- Acadia at UCCB AUAA 3:00
- Toronto at Laurentian OUA 3:00
- Queen's at Laval OUA/QSSF 4:00
- Tue Nov. 25
- SFX at Dal AUAA Postponed to Sat 29 METRO CENTRE 4:00
- Ryerson at York OUA 8:00
- Fri Nov. 28
- Dalhousie at UPEI AUAA 8:00
- Calgary at Alberta CWUAA 8:15
- Victoria at UBC CWUAA 7:45
- Lethbridge at Saskatchewan CWUAA 8:00
- Carleton at York OUA 8:00
- Ottawa at Laurentian OUA 8:00
- Bishop's at Toronto OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Concordia at Queen's OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Laval at Ryerson OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Sat Nov. 29
- UCCB at UNB AUAA 8:30
- .... Metro Centre Saturday Triple-Header
- WOMENS Acadia at Saint Mary's AUAA METRO CENTRE 2:00
- St. Francis Xavier at Dalhousie AUAA METRO CENTRE 4:00
- Acadia at Saint Mary's AUAA METRO CENTRE 6:00
- Calgary at Alberta CWUAA 8:15
- Victoria at UBC CWUAA 7:45
- Lethbridge at Saskatchewan CWUAA 8:00
- Carleton at Laurentian OUA 8:00
- Ottawa at York OUA 8:00
- Laval at Toronto OUA/QSSF 4:00
- Bishop's at Ryerson OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Sun Nov. 30
- St. Francis Xavier at UPEI AUAA 3:00
- UCCB at UNB AUAA 2:00
- McGill at Queen's OUA/QSSF 4:00
- Thu Jan. 8
- York at Queen's OUA 8:00
- Fri Jan. 9
- UNB at Saint Mary's AUAA 8:00
- Memorial at UCCB AUAA 8:00
- Acadia at UPEI AUAA 8:00
- UBC at Lethbridge CWUAA 8:15
- Saskatchewan at Alberta CWUAA 8:15
- Victoria at Calgary CWUAA 8:15
- Winnipeg at Regina GPAC 8:00
- Brandon at Manitoba GPAC 8:00
- Carleton at Ottawa OUA 8:30
- Bishop's at Concordia QSSF 8:00 [PPD ICE]
- Laval at McGill QSSF 8:00 [PPD ICE]
- Sat Jan. 10
- UBC at Lethbridge CWUAA 8:15
- Saskatchewan at Alberta CWUAA 8:15
- Victoria at Calgary CWUAA 8:15
- Winnipeg at Regina GPAC 8:00
- Brandon at Manitoba GPAC 8:00
- Toronto at Ryerson OUA 8:00
- McMaster at Waterloo OUA 2:00
- Western at Wilfrid Laurier OUA 2:00
- Windsor at Brock OUA 3:00
- Laval at Concordia QSSF 2:00 [PPD ICE]
- Bishop's at McGill QSSF 8:00 [PPD ICE]
- Sun Jan. 11
- UNB at St. Francis Xavier AUAA 3:00
- Memorial at UCCB AUAA 2:00
- Ottawa at Carleton OUA 8:00
- York at Laurentian OUA 3:00
- Wed Jan. 14
- Windsor at Waterloo OUA 8:00
- Saint Mary's at Acadia AUAA 8:00
- Guelph at McMaster OUA 8:00
- Thu Jan. 15
- Toronto at Queen's OUA 8:00
- Fri Jan. 16
- St. Francis Xavier at Acadia AUAA 8:00
- Lethbridge at Victoria CWUAA 8:15
- Calgary at Saskatchewan CWUAA 8:00
- Alberta at UBC CWUAA 7:45
- Winnipeg at Manitoba GPAC 8:00
- Carleton at Bishop's OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Laurentian at Concordia OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Ottawa at Laval OUA/QSSF 8:00
- York at McGill OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Sat Jan. 17
- Dalhousie at Memorial AUAA 8:00
- UPEI at Saint Mary's AUAA 8:00
- Lethbridge at Victoria CWUAA 8:15
- Calgary at Saskatchewan CWUAA 8:00
- Alberta at UBC CWUAA 7:45
- Brock at Wilfrid Laurier OUA 2:00
- Western at Guelph OUA 2:00
- Windsor at McMaster OUA 3:00
- Waterloo at Lakehead OUA 8:30
- Carleton at Laval OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Laurentian at McGill OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Ottawa at Bishop's OUA/QSSF 8:00
- York at Concordia OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Sun Jan. 18
- Dalhousie at Memorial AUAA 2:00
- Cape Breton at Saint Mary's AUAA 3:00
- UPEI at St. Francis Xavier AUAA 3:00
- Manitoba at Winnipeg GPAC 3:00
- Ryerson at Queen's OUA 4:00
- Waterloo at Lakehead OUA 4:00
- Wed Jan. 21
- Acadia at Dalhousie AUAA 8:00
- Guelph at Wilfrid Laurier OUA 8:00
- Western at McMaster OUA 8:00
- Fri Jan. 23
- Saskatchewan at UBC CWUAA 7:45
- Calgary at Lethbridge CWUAA 8:15
- Victoria at Alberta CWUAA 8:15
- Brandon at Winnipeg GPAC 8:00
- Manitoba at Regina GPAC 8:00
- Carleton at Ryerson OUA 8:00
- Ottawa at Toronto OUA 8:00
- Queen's at York OUA 8:00
- Lakehead at Brock OUA 8:00
- Laval at Concordia OUA/QSSF 8:00
- McGill at Bishop's QSSF 8:00
- Sat Jan. 24
- UNB at Acadia AUAA 8:00
- Cape Breton at UPEI AUAA 8:00
- Memorial at Saint Mary's AUAA 8:00
- Saskatchewan at UBC CWUAA 7:45
- Calgary at Lethbridge CWUAA 8:15
- Victoria at Alberta CWUAA 8:15
- Brandon at Winnipeg GPAC 8:00
- Manitoba at Regina GPAC 8:00
- Carleton at Toronto OUA 4:00
- Ottawa at Ryerson OUA 8:00
- Queen's at Laurentian OUA 8:00
- Wilfrid Laurier at Waterloo OUA 2:00
- McMaster at Guelph OUA 2:00
- Windsor at Western OUA 2:00
- Lakehead at Brock OUA 8:00
- Concordia at Bishop's QSSF 8:00
- Laval at McGill QSSF 8:45
- Sun Jan. 25
- Cape Breton at UPEI AUAA 2:00
- UNB at Dalhousie AUAA 3:00
- Memorial at Saint Mary's AUAA 3:00
- Tue Jan. 27
- McGill at Concordia QSSF 8:00
- Acadia at St. Francis Xavier AUAA 8:00
- Wed Jan. 28
- Dalhousie at Saint Mary's AUAA 8:00
- Brock at Western OUA 8:00
- Wilfrid Laurier at Windsor OUA 8:00
- Waterloo at Guelph OUA 8:00
- Fri Jan. 30
- Victoria at Saskatchewan CWUAA 8:00
- Lethbridge at Alberta CWUAA 8:15
- UBC at Calgary CWUAA 8:15
- Carleton at Queen's OUA 8:00
- McMaster at Lakehead OUA 8:30
- Bishop's at York OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Concordia at Toronto OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Laval at Laurentian OUA/QSSF 8:00
- McGill at Ryerson OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Sat Jan. 31
- Cape Breton at Memorial AUAA 8:00
- UPEI at UNB AUAA 8:30
- Dalhousie at St. Francis Xavier AUAA 8:00
- Saint Mary's at Acadia AUAA 8:00
- Victoria at Saskatchewan CWUAA 8:00
- Lethbridge at Alberta CWUAA 8:15
- UBC at Calgary CWUAA 8:15
- Winnipeg at Brandon GPAC 7:30
- Regina at Manitoba GPAC 7:30
- Wilfrid Laurier at Western OUA 2:00
- Waterloo at Windsor OUA 4:00
- McMaster at Lakehead OUA 8:30
- McGill at Toronto OUA/QSSF 4:00
- Bishop's at Laurentian OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Concordia at Ryerson OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Laval at York OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Sun Feb. 1
- Guelph at Brock OUA 2:00
- Cape Breton at Memorial AUAA 2:00
- UPEI at UNB AUAA 3:00
- Ottawa at Queen's OUA 4:00
- Wed Feb. 4
- Brock at Waterloo OUA 8:00
- Guelph at Western OUA 8:00
- McMaster at Wilfrid Laurier OUA 8:00
- Fri Feb. 6
- Dalhousie at Saint Mary's AUAA 8:00
- Alberta at Calgary CWUAA 8:15
- UBC at Victoria CWUAA 8:15
- Saskatchewan at Lethbridge CWUAA 8:15
- Regina at Winnipeg GPAC 8:00
- Manitoba at Brandon GPAC 8:00
- Laurentian at Ryerson OUA 8:00
- York at Toronto OUA 8:00
- Bishop's at Queen's OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Carleton at McGill OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Ottawa at Concordia OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Sat Feb. 7
- St. Francis Xavier at Memorial AUAA 8:00
- UPEI at Acadia AUAA 8:00
- UNB at Cape Breton AUAA 8:00
- Alberta at Calgary CWUAA 8:15
- UBC at Victoria CWUAA 8:15
- Saskatchewan at Lethbridge CWUAA 8:15
- Regina at Winnipeg GPAC 8:00
- Manitoba at Brandon GPAC 8:00
- Laurentian at Toronto OUA 8:00
- York at Ryerson OUA 8:00
- Wilfrid Laurier at Guelph OUA 2:00
- Waterloo at McMaster OUA 2:00
- Western at Brock OUA 2:00
- Lakehead at Windsor OUA 8:00
- Carleton at Concordia OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Ottawa at McGill OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Sun Feb. 8
- Bishop's at Concordia QSSF 8:00
- St. Francis Xavier at Memorial AUAA 2:00
- UNB at Cape Breton AUAA 2:00
- UPEI at Dalhousie AUAA 3:00
- Lakehead at Windsor OUA 3:00
- Laval at Queen's OUA/QSSF 4:00
- Wed Feb. 11
- Saint Mary's at St. Francis Xavier AUAA 8:00
- Guelph at Windsor OUA 8:00
- McMaster at Brock OUA 8:00
- Waterloo at Wilfrid Laurier OUA 8:00
- Thu Feb. 12
- Manitoba at Winnipeg GPAC 7:30
- Fri Feb. 13
- Lethbridge at UBC CWUAA 7:45
- Alberta at Saskatchewan CWUAA 8:00
- Calgary at Victoria CWUAA 8:15
- Brandon at Regina GPAC 8:00
- Laurentian at Carleton OUA 8:00
- Western at Lakehead OUA 8:30
- Queen's at McGill OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Ryerson at Bishop's OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Toronto at Laval OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Sat Feb. 14
- Dalhousie at St. Francis Xavier AUAA 8:00
- Memorial at Acadia AUAA 8:00
- Saint Mary's at Cape Breton AUAA 8:00
- UNB at UPEI AUAA 8:00
- Lethbridge at UBC CWUAA 7:45
- Alberta at Saskatchewan CWUAA 8:00
- Calgary at Victoria CWUAA 8:15
- Brandon at Regina GPAC 8:00
- York at Carleton OUA 8:00
- Laurentian at Ottawa OUA 8:30
- Brock at Windsor OUA 2:00
- Guelph at Waterloo OUA 2:00
- Wilfrid Laurier at McMaster OUA 2:00
- Western at Lakehead OUA 8:30
- Queen's at Concordia OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Ryerson at Laval OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Toronto at Bishop's OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Sun Feb. 15
- Memorial at Acadia AUAA 3:00
- Saint Mary's at St. Francis Xavier AUAA 3:00
- UNB at UPEI AUAA 3:00
- Dalhousie at Cape Breton AUAA 3:00
- Winnipeg at Manitoba GPAC 3:00
- York at Ottawa OUA 4:00
- Tue Feb. 17
- Bishop's at Laval QSSF 8:00 p.m.
- Concordia at McGill QSSF 8:00 p.m.
- Wed Feb. 18
- Brock at Guelph OUA 8:00
- Western at Waterloo OUA 8:00
- McMaster at Windsor OUA 8:00
- Thu Feb. 19
- Acadia at Dalhousie AUAA 8:00
- Fri Feb. 20
- Cape Breton at St. Francis Xavier AUAA 8:00
- Victoria at Lethbridge CWUAA 8:15
- Saskatchewan at Calgary CWUAA 8:15
- UBC at Alberta CWUAA 8:15
- Winnipeg at Brandon GPAC 8:00
- Regina at Manitoba GPAC 8:00
- Queen's at Ryerson OUA 8:00
- Lakehead at Wilfrid Laurier OUA 8:00
- Concordia at York OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Laval at Carleton OUA/QSSF 8:00
- McGill at Laurentian OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Bishop's at Ottawa OUA/QSSF 8:30
- Sat Feb. 21
- Saint Mary's at UPEI AUAA 6:00
- Memorial at UNB AUAA 8:30
- Victoria at Lethbridge CWUAA 8:15
- Saskatchewan at Calgary CWUAA 8:15
- UBC at Alberta CWUAA 8:15
- Winnipeg at Brandon GPAC 8:00
- Regina at Manitoba GPAC 8:00
- Queen's at Toronto OUA 8:00
- McMaster at Western OUA 2:00
- Waterloo at Brock OUA 2:00
- Windsor at Guelph OUA 2:00
- Lakehead at Wilfrid Laurier OUA 8:00
- Laval at Ottawa OUA/QSSF 4:00
- Bishop's at Carleton OUA/QSSF 8:00
- McGill at York OUA/QSSF 8:00
- Sun Feb. 22
- Memorial at UNB AUAA 3:00
- Concordia at Laurentian OUA/QSSF 3:00
- Ryerson at Toronto OUA 4:00
- Bishop's at Carleton OUA/QSSF
- Mon Feb. 23
- St. Francis Xavier at Acadia AUAA 8:00
- Tue Feb. 24
- Saint Mary's at Dalhousie AUAA 8:00
- Wed Feb. 25
- Manitoba at Winnipeg GPAC 7:30
- Wilfrid Laurier at Brock OUA 8:00
- Western at Windsor OUA 8:00
- Fri Feb. 27
- Dalhousie at UNB AUAA 8:30
- Cape Breton at Acadia AUAA 8:00
- Ryerson at Carleton OUA 8:00
- Toronto at Ottawa OUA 8:30
- Guelph at Lakehead OUA 8:30
- Laurentian at York OUA 8:00
- Concordia at Laval QSSF 8:00
- Bishop's at McGill QSSF 8:00
- Feb 27 to Mar. 1
- CWUAA Semi-Finals (4 at 1, 3 at 2) (Best of 3)
- Sat Feb. 28
- St. Francis Xavier at Saint Mary's AUAA 8:00
- UPEI at Memorial AUAA 8:00
- Winnipeg at Regina GPAC 7:30
- Manitoba at Brandon GPAC 7:30
- Toronto at Carleton OUA 4:00
- Ryerson at Ottawa OUA 8:30
- Brock at McMaster OUA 2:00
- Waterloo at Western OUA 2:00
- Windsor at Wilfrid Laurier OUA 2:00
- Guelph at Lakehead OUA 8:30
- McGill at Laval QSSF 8:00
- Sun Mar. 1
- Cape Breton at Dalhousie AUAA 3:00
- UPEI at Memorial AUAA 2:00
- Acadia at UNB AUAA 3:00
- Laurentian at Queen's OUA 4:00
- Tue Mar. 3
- OUA West Division Quarter Finals (6 at 3, 5 at 4)
- Thu Mar. 5
- Dalhousie at Acadia AUAA 8:00
- Fri Mar. 6
- St. Francis Xavier at Cape Breton AUAA 8:00
- Mar. 6 - 8
- CWUAA Finals (Winenrs at top finisher)
- GPAC Semi-Finals
- OUA East Division Tournament at First Place Finisher
- OUA West Division Tournament at TBD
- Sun Mar. 8
- St. Francis Xavier vs Dalhousie AUAA at Metro Centre
- Acadia vs Saint Mary's AUAA at Metro Centre
- Mar. 13-15
- AUAA's at Metro Centre
- GPAC Finals
- OUA Final - Wilson Cup at East Winner
- Mar. 20-22
- CIAU Final Eight at Halifax Metro Centre