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With salutations to
Prof. Dr. Gerald L. Mackie
Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH)
December 29, 2015

Positions held
Professional memberships
Teaching experience
Research experience
Select publications (there were several more)
Laurentian University 1968, B.Sc.
University of Ottawa 1971, M.Sc.
University of Ottawa 1973, Ph.D.
Positions held
1973-1974: Postdoctorate Fellow, National Museums of Canada, Ottawa
1974-1981: Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Guelph
1981-1988: Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Guelph
1988-present: Full Professor, Department of Zoology, Univeristy of Guelph
1990-1997: President, Mackie and Associates Water Systems Analysts
1993-present: Partner (with Dr. Bruce Kilgour), Water Systems Analysts
Professional memberships
Member of the North American Benthological Society
Research Associate of National Museums of Canada
Member of Board of Directors, Quaternary Sciences Institute, University of Waterloo
Member of the Canadian Society of Zoologists
Member of the International Society of Limnologists
Member of the Canadian Society of Limnologists
Member of the American Malacological Union
Associate Editor of the Bulletin of the American Malacological Union
Co-Chair for Mollusca Subcommittee of COSEWIC
Teaching experience
"I have been on faculty in the Department of
Zoology at the University of Guelph since 1974 and have been a full
professor since 1988. I have taught, or am teaching, undergraduate
courses in Introduction to Aquatic Environments, Invertebrate Zoology,
Biology of Running Waters, Limnology and Oceanology, Biology of
Polluted Waters, Field Ecology, Aquatic Biology, Projects in Advanced
Zoology, Topics in Toxicology and Introductory Zoology, and graduate
courses in Topics in Advanced Zoology and Biology of Freshwater
Mollusca. I have supervised 21 M.Sc. and 4 Ph.D. students and am
currently supervising 1 M.Sc. student. I have also served on the
supervisory committees of 45 M.Sc. students and 7 Ph.D. students. "
Research experience
"I am a partner, with Mr. Bruce Kilgour, of
Water Systems Analysts (WSA). This company was formed in 1989
(initially as Mackie & Associates Water Systems Analysts Inc.) with
the specific objective of performing research to examine the utility of
a variety of chemical, biological and physical agents for the control
of the biofouling zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha. For the past
three years I have been conducting research on the biology, impact and
control of zebra mussels in the Great Lakes and have written a review
of the biology of zebra mussels for the Ontario Ministry of the
Environment. I have also written a book on the biology of Corbiculacean
clams which includes the Asiatic clam, Corbicula fluminea, a similar
bio-fouling mollusc found in the United States. I have co-authored a
book with Renata Claudi under a contract with CRC Press to review and
summarize the control of zebra mussels in industries and utilities."
"The contracts that have been completed under my direction for controlling zebra mussels include:
- Evaluating the efficacy of plasma pulse
technology for controlling zebra mussels. A new technology that was
shown to be useful for both proactive and reactive control of zebra
mussel biofouling (see "Non-Refereed Publications; Government
Publications for reference to final report for this study).
- Evaluating the efficacies of synthetic chemicals, including
sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide, and Bulab 6002 and 6009 which
are non-oxidizing quaternary ammonium compounds (produced by Buckman
Laboratories Inc.), at 12 oC and 22oC for Ontario Hydro (value approx.
$62,000). These studies were instrumental in developing the continuous
and intermittent control strategies that industries and utilities now
use for controlling zebra mussels in their raw water sipplies. Bulab
6002 is an effective chemical for killing zebra mussels and Buckman
Laboratories are currently seeking permission to use it as a
molluscicide. Hydrogen peroxide is also effective but is more expensive
than chlorine and probably will not be a popular chemical of choice for
controlling zebra mussels.
- Examining the efficacy and role of alum in removing veliger
larvae from raw water supplies during the coagulation and flocculation
stages for the Ontario Ministry of Environment.
- Investigating the toxicity of sodium metabisulfite and the
accumulation of sulfur compounds in the tissues of adult mussels for
the Tennessee Valley Authority.
- Determining the short-term and long-term efficacies of
coatings, surface barriers and materials for resisting zebra/quagga
mussel infestations using three criteria; numbers of mussels attaching,
growth rate of attached mussels, and tenacity of attachment. Each
product is tested first in the laboratory and then in the field
(usually Lake Erie). I have also evaluated and made recommendations for
use of different coatings on different structures in utilities for the
Tennessee Valley Authority.
- As a subconsultant with numerous engineering firms,
including Black & Veatch, Gilbert Commonwealth, Camp Dresser and
McKee, Proctor and Redfern, Marshall Macklin Monahan Engineers, and
Gore and Storrie, evaluating plant designs for zebra mussel
infestations and making recommendations for control at nuclear power
stations (e.g. Niagara Mohawk Nine Mile Point, Syracuse, NY), steel
manufacturers (e.g. Stelpipe, Welland, Ontario; Caterpillar Inc.,
Mapleton, Illinois), breweries (e.g. Labatt, Montreal, Quebec), cement
manufacturers (e.g. ESSROC, Picton, Ontario), chemical manufacturers
(e.g. Polysar, Sarnia, Ontario; Eastman Kodak, Rochester, NY), food and
drug manufactures (e.g. Proctor & Gamble, Scranton, Pennsylvania),
petroleum industries (e.g. Shell Oil, Corunna, Ontario), and water
treatment plants (e.g. Clarke Water Treatment Plant, Metro Toronto,
Ontario). I have also evaluated the potential for zebra mussel
infestations at several facilities based on intake water chemistry data
from lakes and rivers in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Illinois, New
York, Ohio, and Tennessee.
- Developing protocols for controlling zebra mussels in
Stelpipe, a company that manufactures steel pipes on the Welland Canal.
We have been monitoring the efficacy of continuous and
continuous-intermitent applications of chlorine at the facility since
- Implementing "Do-it-yourself" programs using a variety of
continuous and intermitent chlorination strategies for controlling
zebra mussel infestations at Quebec & Ontario Paper Company on the
Welland Canal, Ontario and Labatt Breweries on the St. Lawrence River,
Montreal, Quebec, Eastman Kodak, Rochester, and Polysar on the St.
Clair River, Sarnia, Ontario. In this program we taught biologists and
pumphouse operators on staff how to monitor the abundance of veliger
larvae and how to evaluate the effectiveness of their chlorination
- Performing several bioassays to determine the efficacies of
different chemicals, including descalers, algicides, corrosion
inhibitors and saline water, and heat all at a cost of approximately
$2500 each. For heat we also determined the effect of 2.5 oC and 25 oC
acclimation temperatures on time to death of zebra mussels at several
different temperatures. We participated in a thermal backflushing
program to control zebra mussels at Dunkirk Steam Station, Dunkirk, NY
with Gilbert Commonwealth engineers.
- Participating in product development programs for five
industries (names and details confidential) to develop products for
controlling zebra mussels by electroshocking, low voltage A/C current,
filtration and plasma pulse (pressure waves).
- Acting as technical advisor at a conference for evaluating
the effectiveness of Deep Lake Water Cooling (DLWC) for eliminating
potential biofouling problems by zebra mussels in a Lakewater Cooling
System for downtown Toronto. The conference was sponsored by the
Canadian Urban Institute and resulted in a report available from them
for $25: 100 Queen St. W., 2nd Floor, West Tower, Toronto, Ontario M5H
- Providing a list of information requirements for appraising
the potential environmental impacts of a small hydro installation on
the Mesima River in northern Ontario for the Ontario Ministry of
Natural Resources. The information requirements requested a need to
address or describe: (i) numbers of sampling periods and the sampling
periods, (ii) invertebrate sampling by habitat type, (ii) invertebrate
drift, (iv) a specific sampling design proposal; and (v) fish,
wildlife, and water quality requirements. Upon completion of the
studies by an environmental consulting firm several reports were
submitted and I was required to: (1) review and critique the
invertebrate sampling design in relation to MNR sampling requirements;
(2) review and critique the results and discussion section on
invertebrates and relevant appendices, specifically addressing methods,
statistical data analysis, results and interpretation of results; (3)
review and critique the section on operational impacts covering
hydrology and predicted operational impacts on invertebrate production
in the different reaches of the stream; (4) review and critique of the
section on invertebrate drift and the interpretation and conclusions
- Identifying and confirming identifications of freshwater
Mollusca of North America, my primary expertise being with the
Sphaeriidae clams.
- Performing research at the University of Guelph where I have
several grants to examine variations in life history and demographic
features of zebra mussels in the Great Lakes and the impact of zebra
mussels on native clams and their role in increasing water clarity in
Lakes Erie and St. Clair. Most of my current research is focusing on
factors that affect the development rates of veliger larvae and the
settling rates of postveliger larvae. This research has the objective
of determining what the most cost-effective procedures are for the
control of this pest organism."
"I was the first person to receive funding
(from MOE) and report on the biology and impact of the zebra mussel in
Lake St. Clair. This funding and my review of the biology, impact and
control of zebra mussels in Europe (Mackie et al. 1989), which has had
enormous readership with over 2100 copies (now in its fourth printing)
being distributed throughout Canada and the United States, has had a
major impact in the development of funding for research programs in the
United States and Canada. I have served on three committees (NY Sea
Grant, Buffalo, NY; Great Lakes Research Consortium (US), Syracuse NY;
EPA, Saginaw, MI) to help prioritize their research efforts on zebra
mussels. Ordinarily I give 2 or 3 seminars each year. I am a permanent
member of the editorial board for the American Malacological Bulletin,
a bulletin that publishes innovative research on molluscan fauna. I
ordinarily review 20 to 30 research articles and 5 to 10 research
proposals each year. Finally, and most recent (August 1998), I have
been appointed co-chair for the Mollusca subcommittee of COSEWIC
(Committee on the status of endangered wildlife in Canada)."
"I have conducted research in a variety of
other fields including: benthic ecology; the ability of invertebrates
and fish to tolerate and accumulate heavy metals; the effects of
pesticides, acidification and other water chemistry variables on the
composition and structure of benthic invertebrate communities, with
emphasis on molluscan taxa. This research has focused mainly on
demographic patterns in freshwater invertebrates and the environmental
(physical, chemical and biological) factors that influence those
patterns. The long term goals of this research is to predict changes in
community structure from changes in the environment, particularly those
of anthropogenic origin, such as acid precipitation, and increased
loadings of sulphur and phosphorous. Historically, I have assumed the
lead role in all the projects because of my expertise with
macroinvertebrate communities. With this lead role, graduate students
under my supervision were the first to provide definitive evidence
that: (1) inter-annual variations in plankton and benthic community
structure are greater in acid-stressed lakes than in circumneutral
lakes; (2) seasonal and temporal changes in metal levels of zooplankton
and benthos are attributable to succession of taxa with large inherent
differences in the degree of calcification of their integuments,
taxonomic composition of the planktonic and benthic communities,
behaviour of some species, especially zooplankton which occupy waters
of unusual chemistry above anoxic hypolimnia, lake acidity, and
distance from large sources of metal emissions; (3) some species (e.g.
the amphipod, Hyalella azteca and the snail, Amnicola limosa) are being
eliminated from lakes due to decreased reproductive success with
increased acid loadings; and (4) "buffer variables" and "nutrient
variables" explain most, but not all, of the variation in demographic
features of benthic invertebrates in acid-stressed lakes enriched
lakes, respectively. To date only variations in chemical attributes of
the environment have correlated with variations in demographic
"In addition to the lake acidification
studies, I, and many of my graduate students, have studied a variety of
other types of environmental impacts. These projects include:
determining the effects of pulp and paper effluents on invertebrate
community structure in the Ottawa River, Ontario; effects of oil
pipeline construction on the benthic community structure of Hodgson
Creek, NWT; effects of impoundment on water quality and biota in Guelph
Lake; and effects of metal levels on growth and reproduction of
selected invertebrates. A biotic analysis (called Ecological Community
Analysis) of lotic environments was designed using ecological
tolerances and requirements of numerically dominant macrobenthic taxa.
The technique was successfully applied to the Speed River and compared
to several other existing biotic indices."
"With the introductions of the zebra and
quagga mussels, I am now examining the effects of biotic attributes on
demographic patterns of native organisms, which will hopefully allow me
to predict impacts of zebra mussels on zooplankton and benthic
communities in more inland lakes. My studies were the first to
demonstrate that zebra mussels in the Great Lakes grow twice as fast,
live half as long, have a longer reproductive period and have greater
population increases than European populations. The mussels also grow
twice as fast and have fecundities and population densities that are 3
to 4 orders of magnitude greater than native bivalves in the Great
Lakes. These attributes and the mussel's epifaunal habits are strong
indicators that the functional feeding habits of the Unionidae will be
replaced by the dreissenid mussels in the Great Lakes. "
"I have published over 130 papers in
refereed journals and conference proceedings, 1 book, 10 chapters in
books, 1 book review and numerous non-refereed reports (see below). I
am currently writing another book, "Applied Aquatic Ecosystem
Concepts", which is currently available in the University of Guelph
Bookstore in manuscript form (ISBN 0- 901024-3-1). I normally receive
about $100,000 per year for university research projects."
Select publications (there were several more)
Refereed Journal Publications, Published or Accepted:
L. MACKIE, N. M. LANE. 1998. Selection of Candidate species of
freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) to be considered for national
status designation by COSEWIC. Canadian Field-Naturalist. In press.
1998. Changes in biodiversity of freshwater mussels in the Canadian
waters of the lower Great Lakes drainage basin over the past century.
J. Great Lakes Research. 24: 845-858.
- CLAXTON, W. T. AND G. L. MACKIE. 1998. Seasonal and depth
variations in gametogenesis and spawning of Dreissena polymorpha and
Dreissena bugensis in eastern Lake Erie. Can. J. Zool. 76: 2010-2019.
- CLAXTON, W. T., G. L. MACKIE, E. G. BOULDING. 1998. A genetic
and morphological comparison of deep and shallow water populations of
the introduced Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena bugensis. Can J.
Zool. 76: 1269-1276.
- DOBSON, E., G. L. MACKIE. 1998. Biodeposition and
accumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls and Cd by zebra mussels in
Lake Erie. Can J. Fish. Aq. Sci., 55: 1131-1139.
- HINCKS, S. S., G. L. MACKIE. 1997. Effects of pH, calcium,
alkalinity, hardness, and chlorophyll on the survival, growth and
reproductive success of zebra mussels (Driessena polymorpha) in Ontario
lakes. Can J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 54: 2049-2057.
Biofilm and substrate preference in dreissenid larvae in Lake Erie.
Can. J. Fish. Aq. Sci. 53:134-140.
- MACKIE, G. L., D. W. SCHLOESSER. 1996. Comparative Biology of
Zebra Mussels in Europe and North America: An Overview. Am. Zool. 36:
- SCHLOESSER, D.W., T. NALEPA, G. L. MACKIE. 1996. Review of
the impacts of the zebra mussel on Unionidae in North America. Am.
Zool. 36:300-310.
- MACKIE, G. L., B. W. KILGOUR. 1995. Efficacy and role of alum
in removal of zebra mussel veliger larvae from raw water supplies. Wat.
Res. 29: 731-744.
- MACKIE, G. L., C. A. WRIGHT. 1994. Biodeposition of seston
and removal of phosphorous and biochemical oxygen demand from activated
sewage sludge by Dreissena polymorpha (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae). Wat.
Res. 28: 1123-1130.
- GILLIS, P. L., G. L. MACKIE. 1994. The impact of Dreissena
polymorpha on populations of Unionidae in Lake St. Clair. Can. J.
Zool., 72: 1260-1271.
- KILGOUR, B. W., G. L. MACKIE. 1993. Effects of salinity on
growth and condition of adult zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha).
Estuaries 17: 385-393.
- STEPHENSON, M., G. MIERLE, R. REID, G. MACKIE. 1994. Effects
of experimental and cultural acid-ification on littoral benthic
macroinvertebrate assemblages in Ontario. Can. J. Fish. Aq. Sci.: 51:
- PATHY, D. A., G. L. MACKIE. 1993. Shell features of
Dreissena polymorpha, the quagga mussels, and Mytilopsis leucophaeta
(Bivalvia: Dreissenidae) in North America. Can. J. Zool. 71: 1012-1023.
- MARTIN, I. D., G. L. MACKIE, M. BAKER. 1993. Control of the
biofouling bivalve, Dreissena polymorpha, with sodium hypochlorite and
with polyquaternary and benzothiazole compounds. Arch. Environ. Contam.
Toxicol. 24: 381-388.
- MARTIN, I. D., G. L. MACKIE, M. BAKER. 1993. Acute toxicity
and pulse-dosed delayed mortality at 12 and 22oC in the zebra mussel,
Dreissena polymorpha. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 24:389-398.
1992. Pliocene and Pleistocene geologic and climatic evolution in
south-central Colorado. National Geographic Research, Palaeo-eography,
Palaeoclimatology, Paelaeoecology 94: 55-86.
MACKIE. 1992. A paleo-environmental study of the molluscs from the Don
Formation (Sangamonian?), Don Valley Brickyard, Toronto, Ontario. Can.
J. Earth Sci. 29: 2406-2417.
- GIBBONS, W. N. G. L. MACKIE. 1991. The relationship between
environmental variables and demographic patterns of Hyalella azteca
(Crustacea: Amphipoda). J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 10: 444-454.
- YOUNG, R. J., G. L. MACKIE. 1991. The effect of winter
oil-pipeline construction on the benthic invertebrate community of
Hodgson Creek, N.W.T. Can. J. Zool. 69: 2154-2160.
- KILGOUR, B. W., G. L. MACKIE. 1991. Relationships between
demographic features of Pisidium casertanum (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae) and
environmental variables. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 10: 68-80.
- SHAW, M. A., G. L. MACKIE. 1990. Effects of calcium and pH on
the reproductive success of Amnicola limosa (Gastropoda). Can. J. Fish.
Aq. Sci. 47: 1694-1699.
- YAN, N. D., G. L. MACKIE, P. J. DILLON. 1990. Cadmium
concentrations of crustacean zooplankton of acidified and non-acidified
Canadian shield lakes. Environ, Sci. Tech. 24: 1367-1372.
- KILGOUR, B. W., G. L. MACKIE. 1990. Relationships between
shell morphometrics and reproductive output of the pill clam, Pisidium
casertanum (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae). Can. J. Zool. 68: 1568-1571.
- YAN, N. D., G. L. MACKIE, P. GRAUDS. 1990. Control of cadmium
levels in Holopedium gibberum (Crustacea, Cladocera) in Canadian Shield
lakes. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 9: 895-908.
Books and Chapters in Books:
- MACKIE, G. L. 1999. Common algae,
macrophytes, benthic invertebrates and zooplankton in the Speed River
watershed. In press, available from the Univ. Guelph Bookstore.
- MACKIE, G. L. 1998. Applied Aquatic Ecosystem Concepts.
Available in manuscript form from Univ. Guelph Bookstore, ISBN 0-
- BEAMISH, F.W.H., MACKIE, G.L. and R. FRANK. 1998. Biology of Polluted Waters Laboratory Manual. 70p.
- MACKIE, G. L. 1998. Chapter 1: Mollusca introduced via ballast
water. 46 manuscript pp. In: Claudi, R. and J. Leach (eds.).
Non-indigenous freshwater organisms in North America; their biology and
impact. Being published by Ann Arbor Press Inc. (Spring 1999)
- MACKIE, G. L. 1998. Chapter 2: Mollusca introduced via the
aquarium trade. 19 manuscript pp. In: Claudi, R. and J. Leach (eds.).
Non-indigenous freshwater organisms in North America; their biology and
impact. Being published by Ann Arbor Press Inc. (Spring 1999)
- MACKIE, G. L. 1998. Chapter 3: Mollusca introduced for food.
9 manuscript pp. In: Claudi, R. and J. Leach (eds.). Nonindigenous
freshwater organisms in North America; their biology and impact. Being
published by Ann Arbor Press Inc. (Spring 1999)
- MACKIE, G.L., S. HINCKS and D. BARKER. 1996. Introduction to
Aquatic Environments, Course Manual. University of Guelph Bookstore,
ISBN 9 780901 019813.
- MACKIE, G. L. and S. HINCKS. 1996. Introduction to Aquatic
Environments, Quiz Manual. University of Guelph Bookstore, ISBN 9
780901 022240.
- CLAUDI, R., MACKIE, G.L. 1994. Practical manual for zebra
mussel monitoring and control. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. p.
- MACKIE, G.L. 1993. Early biological and life history
attributes of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Bivalvia:
Dreissenidae), and impacts on native bivalves in Lake St. Clair. In:
Biology, Impact, and Control of Zebra Mussels in Laurentian Great Lakes
(eds. T. Nalepa & D. Schloesser), Chapter. 9, pp. 153-165. Lewis
Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.
- KILGOUR, B.W. and MACKIE, G.L. 1993. Colonization of
different construction materials by the zebra mussel, Dreissena
polymorpha (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae). In: Biology impact and control of
zebra mussels in Laurentian Great Lakes (eds. T. Nalepa & D.
Schloesser), Chapt. 10, pp. 167-179. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.
- MACKIE, G.L. 1991. Biology of the exotic zebra mussel,
Dreissena polymorpha, relative to native bivalves and its potential
impact in Lake St. Clair. In: Environmental Assessment and Habitat
Evaluation of the Connecting Channels (eds. M. Munawar & T.
Edsall). Hydrobiologia 219: 251-268.
Other Refereed Contributions:
Government Publications:
L. MACKIE, E. L. WEST. 1998. Assessment of the current conservation
status of rare species of freshwater mussels in southern Ontario.
National Water Research Institute, Contribution No. 98-019. 39 p + 13
p. of tables, 25 p. figures and maps + 6 p. appendices.
LANE. 1997. Biodiversity of freshwater mussels in the Lower Great Lakes
drainage basin. National Water Research Institute, Contribution No.
97-90. 34 p + 45 p. maps + 4 p. appendices.
- MACKIE, G.L. 1993. Efficacy and role of alum in removal of
zebra mussel veliger larvae from raw water supplies. A final report to
Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy, Research Advisory Council
Project No. 615C. 63 pp.
- MACKIE, G. L. 1993. Efficacy and role of alum in removal of
zebra mussel veliger larvae from raw water supplies. A final report to
Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy, Research Advisory Council
Project No. 615C. 63 p.
BEVERLEY-BURTON, G. D. HAFFNER. 1992. Biological attributes and
ecological impacts of the invading mollusc, Dreissena polymorpha. A
final report to the Great Lakes Research Fund, NWRI, Burlington,
Ontario. 113 pp.
- MACKIE, G. L., D. PATHY, P. GILLIS, E. DOBSON. 1992. Biology
and impact of zebra mussels in Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie. A final
report submitted to Ontario Ministry of Environment for Project 443G.
81 pp.
BEVERLEY-BURTON, D. HAFFNER. 1992. Biological attributes and ecological
impacts of the invading mollusc, Dreissena polymorpha. A final report
submitted to Great Lakes University Research Fund. 113 pp.
- MACKIE, G. L. 1990. Zebra mussels: The Great Lakes under siege, again. Rotunda 23: 19-26.
- MACKIE, G. L. 1990. Monitoring the development and control of
zebra mussels in six industries on the St. Clair River, Welland Canal
and Lake Ontario. A report to industries who contracted MAWSA for
monitoring the control of zebra mussels in their facilities. 43 pp.
- MACKIE, G. L. 1990. Short-term efficacies of coatings,
surface barriers and materials for resisting zebra mussel infestations.
A report to manufacturers who contracted MAWSA to test their
product(s). 18 pp.
The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha: A synthesis of European
experiences and a preview for North America. 76 p. + Appendices I &
II. A report for the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Water Resources
Branch, Great Lakes Section by B.A.R. Environmental. Available from
Queen's Printer, Toronto. ISBN No. 0-7729-5647-2.
Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings:
- FEARS, C., G. L. MACKIE. 1997. Efficacy
of low level electric current (A-C) for controlling quagga mussels on
concrete and steel panels after 17 months exposure at Nanticoke T.G.S.
In: Proc.: 7th Internat. Zebra Mussel and Other Nuisance Organisms
Conf., New Orleans, U.S.A. January 28-31, 1997, pp. 7-22
- FEARS, C. and G. L. MACKIE. 1996. Use of low level electric
current (AC) to prevent settlement of zebra/quagga mussels on concrete
and steel panels at Nanticoke T.G.S. In: D'Itri, F. M. (Ed.). Zebra
mussels and aquatic nuisance species. Chapter 26, pp. 407-417.
- MACKIE, G. L. 1995. Adaptations of exotic Mollusca for life
in regulated rivers and their potential impacts. Keynote Speaker.
Proc.: Fifth Annual Symposium on Natural History of Lower Tennessee and
Cumberland River Valleys, Murray State University, March 3-4, 1995. pp.
BORDEN, M., LEWIS, D.P., MACKIE, G.L. 1993. Thermal backflush to
control zebra mussels at power stations. pp. 4-71-4-94. In:
Proceedings: 3rd International Zebra Mussel Conference, 1993.
Non-Refereed Contributions:
Papers in Conference Proceedings:
- FEARS, C., G. L. MACKIE. 1995. Efficacy
of low level electric current (A-C) for controlling quagga mussels in
the Welland Canal. In: Proc.: 5th Internat. Zebra Mussel and Other
Nuisance Organisms Conf., February 14-21, 1995, Toronto, Ontario pp.
- FEARS, C., G. L. MACKIE. 1994. Use of low level electric
current (A-C) for controlling quagga mussels. In: Proc.: 4th Internat.
Zebra Mussel Conf., March 7-10, 1994, Madison, Wisconsin. pp. 191-206.
M. BORDEN, D. P. LEWIS, G. L. MACKIE. 1993. Thermal treatment to
control zebra mussels at the Dunkirk Steam Station. In: Proc.: 3rd
Internat. Zebra Mussel Conf., Feb. 23-26, 1993, Toronto, pp. 4-71- 96.
- MACKIE, G. L. 1991. Monitoring, sampling, and identification
techniques for adult and veliger zebra mussels. pp. 163-214. Guest
Speaker at Annual American Water Works Association Conference,
"Resources, Engineering and Operations for the New Decade",
Philadelphia, PA, June 23-27, 1991.
Government Publications:
1999. Use of plasma pulse technology for controlling zebra mussels.
Final report to NSERC.
- MACKIE, G. L. (Ed.). 1990. Review of chemicals proposed for
controlling zebra mussel infestations in industrial and domestic
pipelines in North America. Study funded by Ontario Hydro and Detroit
Books, Chapters in Books
- MACKIE, G. L. 1996. Chapter 1: Mollusca introduced via
ballast water. Chapter 2: Mollusca introduced via the aquarium trade.
Chapter 3: Mollusca introduced for food. In: Claudi, R. and J. Leach
(eds.). Non-indigenous freshwater organisms in North America; their
biology and impact. Being published by Ann Arbor Press Inc. (Spring
- CLAUDI, R., G. L. MACKIE. 1994. Practical manual for zebra
mussel monitoring and control. 256 p., Lewis Publ., Boca Raton, FL.
- MACKIE, G. L. 1993. Early biological and life history
attributes of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Bivalvia:
Dreissenidae) and impacts on native bivalves in Lake St. Clair. In: T.
Nalepa & D. W. Schloesser (Eds.). Zebra mussels: Biology, impact
and control. CRC Publications, Boca Raton, Fl., pp. 153-156.
- KILGOUR, B. W., G. L. MACKIE. 1993. Colonization of
different construction materials by the zebra mussel, Dreissena
polymorpha (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae). In: T. Nalepa & D. W.
Schloesser (Eds.). Zebra mussels: Biology, impact and control. CRC
Publications, Boca Raton, Fl., pp. 167-174.
- MACKIE, G. L. 1991. Biology of the exotic zebra mussel,
Dreissena polymorpha, relative to native bivalves and its potential
impact in Lake St. Clair. In: M. Munawar & T. Edsall (Eds.).
Environmental assessment and habitat evaluation of the upper Great
Lakes connecting channels. Hydrobiologia 219: 251-268.
Conference Presentations (Only a few are given from each year):
- MACKIE, G. L. 1996. The weakening web;
ecological and socio-economic impacts of exotic mollusks in the Great
Lakes. 1996 Hayes Lecturer. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences and
Buffalo Museum of Science, Buffalo, New York, March 24, 1996.
- MACKIE, G. L. 1995. Exotic Mollusca of the Great Lakes and
their impacts. Fifth International Zebra Mussel and Other Nuisance
Organisms Conference, February 14-21, 1995, Toronto, Ontario.
- MACKIE, G. L. 1993. Biology of Dreissena polymorpha. Third
International Zebra Mussel Conference, Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto,
Ontario, February 23-26, 1993. Invited speaker for Plenary Session.
Plus numerous others (I count about 20) by my graduate students and
myself in past 6 years.
Thesis titles of Graduate Students of G. L. Mackie:
- CLAXTON, W. T. 1997. Molecular
systematics and ecology of deep and shallow-water populations of
Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena bugensis in Lake Erie. Ph.D thesis.
Univ. Guelph. 166 p.
- DOKA, S. E. 1994. Spatio-temporal dynamics and environmental
prediction of recruitment in industrial and nearshore Dreissena
populations of Lake Erie. M.Sc. thesis, Univ. Guelph, Guelph, Ontario.
158 p.
- SMYLIE, P. H. P. 1994. Growth and abundance of the larvae of
the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, in relation to environmental
factors in Lake Erie. M.Sc. thesis, Univ. Guelph, Guelph, Ontario. 178
- HINCKS, S. S. 1994. Environmental factors limiting the
success of zebra mussels in Ontario. M.Sc. thesis, Univ. Guelph. 146 p.
- DOBSON, E. 1994. Biodeposition and accumulation of
polychlorinated biphenyls and Cd by zebra mussels in Lake Erie. M.Sc.
thesis, Univ. Guelph. 160 p.
- PATHY, D. A. 1994. Life history and demography of the zebra
mussel in Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario. M.Sc. thesis,
Univ. Guelph. 174 p.
- DEAN, D. 1994. Accelerated sedimentation due to biodeposition
by Dreisena polymorpha and determin-ation of particle sizes and
accelerated settling velocities of biodeposits. M.Sc. thesis, Univ.
Guelph. 95 p.
- GILLIS, P. L. 1993. Impact of Dreissena polymorpha on
Unionidae and their effect on the unionid's filtration activity and
growth rate in Lake St. Clair. M.Sc. thesis, Univ. Guelph. 160 p.
Papers Read at Conferences:
1999. Use of plasma pulse technology for controlling zebra mussels. 8th
International Zebra Mussel and Other Aquatic Nuisance Species, Duluth,
Minnesota, April 26-30, 1999.
Historical changes in the diversity of freshwater mussels (Bivlavia:
Unionidae) in th Grand River, southwestern Ontario. 41st IAGLR
Conference, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, May 18-22.
Conservation status of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the
lower Great Lakes drainage basin. 41st IAGLR Conference, McMaster
University, Hamilton, Ontario, May 18-22.
- MACKIE, G.L., FEARS, C.L., KILGOUR, B.W. 1994. Use of low
levels of electric current (AC) for controlling zebra mussels. 4th
International Zebra Mussel Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, March 7-10,
- CLAXTON, W.T., MACKIE, G.L. 1994. A comparison of zebra and
quagga mussel reproduction, abundance and growth. 4th International
Zebra Mussel Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, March 7-10, 1994.
- DEAN, D.M., MACKIE, G.L. 1994. Particle sizes and settling
velocities of Dreissena polymorpha biodeposits. 4th International Zebra
Mussel Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, March 7-10, 1994.
- DOBSON, E., MACKIE, G.L. 1994. Biodeposition and
accumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls and Cd by zebra mussels in
Lake Erie. 4th International Zebra Mussel Conference, Madison,
Wisconsin, March 7-10, 1994.
- DOKA, S., MACKIE, G.L. 1994. Does temporal scale matter when
measuring settlement? 4th International Zebra Mussel Conference,
Madison, Wisconsin, March 7-10, 1994.
- MACKIE, G.L. 1993. Biology of Dreissena polymorpha. Third
International Zebra Mussel Conference, Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto,
Ontario, Feb. 23-26, 1993. Invited speaker for Plenary Session.
- MACKIE, G.L. 1993. Efficacy and role of alum in removal of
zebra mussel veligers from raw water supplies. Third International
Zebra Mussel Conference, Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Ontario, Feb.
23-26, 1993.
- GILLIS, P., MACKIE, G.L. 1993. The impact of Dreissena
polymorpha on populations of native Unionidae and on the host unionid's
filtration activity and growth rate in Lake St. Clair. Third
International Zebra Mussel Conference, Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto,
Ontario, Feb. 23-26, 1993.
- HINCKS, S., MACKIE, G.L. 1993. The effects of calcium and
alkalinity on the growth and reproductive success of Dreissena
polymorpha. Third International Zebra Mussel Conference, Westin Harbour
Castle, Toronto, Ontario, Feb. 23-26, 1993.
- DOKA, S.E., MACKIE, G.L. 1993. Settlement rates of Dreissena
polymorpha veligers on an artificial substrate in relation to selected
biotic and abiotic factors in Lake Erie. Third International Zebra
Mussel Conference, Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Ontario, Feb. 23-26,
- DEAN, D.M., MACKIE, G.L. 1993. The effect of physical
separation on quantity and quality of biodeposited material by the
zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas). Third International Zebra
Mussel Conference, Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Ontario, February
23-26, 1993.
- DOBSON, E.P., MACKIE, G.L. Depth distribution of adult zebra
mussels in western basin of Lake Erie. Third International Zebra Mussel
Conference, Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Ontario, Feb. 23-26, 1993..

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