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With salutations to Michael Barbour PhD
Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH)
December 29, 2015 
Dr. Barbour is the author of several regulatory manuals and of numerous original scientific papers.
- Ph.D. Marine, Estuarine, and Environmental Science: University of Maryland - 1994
- M.S. Biology: Eastern Michigan University - 1972
- B.S. Biology: Eastern Michigan University - 1970
- Scientific Review Panels:
- Review Panel, NSF and USEPA National Center for Environmental Research and Quality Assurance, 1997
- Review Panel, USEPA Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (ORD), 1990-91
- Review Panel, USEPA Environmental Biology: Endpoints and Indicators of Ecosystem Stress, 1990
Dr. Barbour has more than 28 years of
experience in environmental assessment of various waterbody types
including both freshwater and estuarine systems. He has researched and
developed bioassessment methods for streams and rivers and has
participated in field validation studies of innovative toxicity testing
methods for EPA's Office of Research and Development. Dr. Barbour has
provided technical support to federal, state, tribal, and local
agencies in the development of frameworks for biocriteria. He has
directed a wide range of multidisciplinary investigations, including
thermal effects studies on the Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay, toxicity
testing of industrial effluents, stream surveys in macroinvertebrate
communities in response to industrial effluents, methods development
for pest (mollusk) eradication from water intake systems, and
literature reviews and critiques involving computerized literature
search techniques. Dr. Barbour is an expert in the ecology and
taxonomic identification of benthic macroinvertebrates and has studied
benthic populations in various environments, including riverine systems
nationwide, the Laurentian Great Lakes and other inland lakes, and
estuarine systems in Texas, Florida, and the Chesapeake Bay (Maryland
and Virginia).
Dr. Barbour has experience administering
environmental research laboratories, including biological and
toxicological laboratories, and is currently the director of Tetra
Tech's Maryland office. As director, Dr. Barbour supervises a staff of
ecologists and toxicologists and is responsible for office
administration as well as project and proposal management. Dr. Barbour
functions in both technical and managerial areas for Tetra Tech.
Relevant Experience:
- Ecological Assessments for TMDLs: Dr.
Barbour provided key technical support for several state programs where
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) were of major concern. For Georgia, he
developed a monitoring strategy with other key Tetra Tech staff that
included a comprehensive ecological component, which is to be used for
basinwide monitoring, problem identification and assessment of
ecological condition for TMDLs. Other similar work was done for
Pennsylvania and Delaware, where ecological data gathering was found to
be deficient. The Chattooga River watershed, Georgia, was a special
study where Dr. Barbour and his staff used biological assessments to
identify impaired waters for the 303(d) list and to be subjected to
further TMDL investigation.
- Technical Guidance for Biocriteria. A key biological
consultant assisting EPA's Office of Science and Technology in the
research and development of technical guidance for biocriteria for
streams and rivers. This technical guidance serves as a foundation for
states to develop biocriteria for their watersheds. Dr. Barbour has
provided technical support to EPA for various technical issues that
have arisen as a result of this biocriteria development and to address
comments from SAB and peer reviews. Is currently on an HECD Technical
Experts Workgroup as biocriteria guidance is developed for nonwadeable
rivers, and a second Technical Experts Workgroup to provide oversight
in the development of biocriteria for the Ohio River. Other areas of
support provided by Dr. Barbour include technical guidance for lakes,
estuaries, and large rivers.
- Rapid Bioassessment Protocols (RBPs). Technical lead for the
research and development of the Rapid Bioassessment Protocols (RBPs)
for use in streams and wadable rivers (1989 - EPA/440/4-89/001; 1997 -
EPA/841/D-97/002) for the U.S. EPA. These protocols are used to assess
biological impairment to the benthos and fish communities from both
nonpoint and point sources problems. Provided technical support to
address comments from technical experts panel and other peer reviews.
Has been involved in developing rapid bioassessment procedures for
other waterbody types and refining their use for streams. Has developed
a habitat assessment technique for use in conjunction with the RBPs.
Has developed subsampling techniques for expediting the processing of
biological samples.
- Nonpoint Source Bioassessment. Developed technical guidance
for EPA's Office of Water for conducting bioassessments for NPS
evaluations. Provides technical assistance to Florida DEP, Alaska DEC,
Illinois EPA, Tennessee DEC, Delaware DNREC, Wyoming DEQ, Montana DHES,
and Massachusetts DEP on nonpoint source initiatives. Is currently
assisting in the development of appropriate bioassessment methods to
evaluate instream community health in various parts of the country
including coastal plain streams of Delaware and Florida, mountainous
and piedmont streams in Alaska, Tennessee, Massachusetts, Wyoming, a
large-river system in Oregon, and Wetlands in Montana. Has developed a
habitat assessment method for evaluating nonpoint source impacts.
- Environmental Indicators. Served on the Peer Review Panel for
ORD's EMAP-Surface Waters Program. Provided technical review of
proposed indicators and methodology. Provides technical assistance to
EPA's Office of Water on selection of biological indicators in the
aquatic environment to assess the quality of the water resource. Has
worked with biological communities in streams, rivers, estuaries, and
lakes to develop and test appropriate indicators. Has used the
indicator concept to develop a suite of metrics for use in assessing
biological condition and habitat quality of streams and rivers.
Collaborated with ORD's REMAP efforts in the Appalachian Mountains to
select and evaluate potential habitat and biological indicators. Used
habitat data from the Mid-Atlantic Highlands Assessment (MAHA) Program
to determine the proportion of stream kilometers impaired by habitat
- Ecological Risk Assessment. Dr. Barbour's experience in
ecological risk assessment extends nationally to a variety of surface
water types including the Laurentian Great Lakes, streams, rivers,
lakes, reservoirs, and estuaries. He has developed technical guidance
for EPA and state water resource agencies, which specifies study design
concepts relevant to environmental indicators, reference condition,
data analysis approach, and interpretation of cumulative effects.
Ecorisk scenarios have been derived from these data to aid management
decisions regarding water resource protection and restoration.
- Watershed Monitoring and Assessment. Dr. Barbour has provided
technical support to various state agencies (e.g., Florida DEP,
Illinois EPA, Massachusetts DEP, Delaware DNREC, Wyoming DEQ, Alaska
DEC, Montana DEQ, Maryland DNR, West Virginia DEC, Georgia EPD) on the
design of programs oriented to assessing and monitoring the ecological
condition of watersheds. He has been instrumental in providing the
conceptual framework for delineating regional reference conditions to
be used as a basis for conducting biological and physicochemical
surveys of watersheds. His development of habitat assessment techniques
are used in evaluations of cumulative effects and TMDL investigations.
- Workshops and Symposia. Coordinator and presenter of more
than 70 workshops focusing on bioassessment methods and biomonitoring
strategies. Approaches to bioassessment methods have been based on
multimetric community evaluations, short-term chronic toxicity testing,
and other cost-effective monitoring tools. Case studies have been
oriented to nonpoint and point source problems to demonstrate the
efficiency of the bioassessment methods. Dr. Barbour has facilitated
workshops where discussions and work products were oriented toward
developing biocriteria for watershed management programs. Audience has
included environmental managers, biologists, and engineers from various
federal agencies (i.e., EPA, USGS, F&W, NBS, Forest Service, NOAA,
BLM, SCS, Park Service, Air Force), state agencies, Indian tribes,
private sector, academia, and international scientists.
- Quality Assurance Program Development for Ecological Studies.
Participated in two international symposia/workshops for the purpose of
establishing guidelines for quality assurance programs for ecological
studies. Prepared two manuscripts for proceedings of the symposia.
Involved in the development of a technical guidance document for QA/QC
to be used for bioassessment. This guidance is in the format of a
generic Quality Assurance Project Plan established by EPA.
- Field Validation of Short-Term Chronic Toxicity Tests.
Provided technical support for ecological, hydrological, and
toxicological studies for EPA's short-term chronic toxicity tests.
These studies were conducted on various streams and rivers around the
United States to evaluate the validity of ambient and effluent toxicity
tests on predicting impairment to receiving waterbodies.
- Pilot Study for EPA's Water Quality-based Control Technical
Support Document. Provided technical support to EPA's Office of Water
and Research and Development for a multidisciplinary pilot study in
Connecticut to evaluate the efficacy of the approach to establishing
water quality-based controls for permitted discharges. Directed the
field and laboratory efforts, which included sample analysis for
chemical parameters and toxicity, time-of-travel studies and flow
analysis, and use attainability analysis.
- Electric Utility Experience. Dr. Barbour's experience is
all-encompassing ranging from site evaluation studies to 316(a) and (b)
environmental impact statements. He has participated in the studies
conducted on the Great Lakes, major river systems, reservoirs, and
Chesapeake Bay. Dr. Barbour has coordinated and directed several
multidisciplinary studies on Lake Michigan, Chesapeake Bay, and the
Potomac River. Dr. Barbour was the principal investigator in the first
.13 State of Maryland demonstration, which was conducted on the C.P.
Crane Power Plant. He currently serves as a technical expert to the
USEPA on the implementation of biocriteria for 316(b) issues. Dr.
Barbour has worked with EPRI to facilitate workshops relevant to
Biocriteria/Bioassessment issues.
PhD Dissertation Committees:
- Catriona Rogers. 1995-1998. The
Development of Ecological Assessment Approaches to Evaluate Urban
Watersheds — Aberjona River Basin, Massachusetts. The Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
- Faith Kearns. 1998 - present. Improving the Assessment of
Physical Habitat Structure for Streams. The University of California at
Professional and Academic Recognition and Affiliations:
- Atlantic Estuarine Research Society, Treasurer 1986-88; Endowment Committee 1986-88; Constitution Chairman 1994-98
- Benthic Ecology Society
- Estuarine Research Federation
- International Organization of Oligochaete Taxonomists
- North American Benthological Society, Chairman of Executive
Committee 1989-90; Nominations and Place Committee 1987-89, 1991-93; Associate Editor JNABS 1991-96
- Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- Who's Who in American Men and Women in Science 1989-92
- Received an award for contribution to applied science by Environment Agency, Great Britain 1997
- Received an award for contribution to bioassessment programs in southeastern US, SWPBA 1997
Journal Publications:
- Barbour, M.T., W.F. Swietlik, S.K.
Jackson, D.L. Courtemanch, S.P. Davies, and C.O. Yoder. In Review.
Measuring the attainment of biological integrity in the USA: A critical
element of ecological integrity. Submitted to Hydrobiologia.
- Gerritsen, J., M.T. Barbour, and K. King. In Review. Apples,
oranges and ecoregions: Use and overuse of quantitative methods for
determining pattern in aquatic assemblages. Submitted to the Journal of
the North American Benthological Society.
- Rogers, C.E., D. Brabander, M.T. Barbour, and H.F. Hemond. In
Review. Sampling contaminated benthic habitats to assess ecological
risk. Submitted to Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.
- Houston, L., M.T. Barbour, D. Lenat, and D. Penrose. In
Review. A methods comparison for biological assessment of streams in
the southeastern U.S. Submitted to the Journal of the North American
Benthological Society.
- Rogers, C.E., A. Peter, H.F. Hemond, and M.T. Barbour. In
preparation. Impacts of metal contamination and physical habitat
degradation upon fish assemblages of the Aberjona watershed,
Massachusetts. To be submitted to the Journal of the American Fisheries
- Rogers, C.E., M.T. Barbour, H.F. Hemond, and D. Marks. In
preparation. The development of a benthic assemblage index for urban
watersheds. To be submitted to the Journal of the North American
Benthological Society.
- Maxted, J., M.T. Barbour, J. Gerritsen, V. Poretti, N.
Primrose, A. Silvia, D. Penrose, and R. Renfrow. In review. Stream
classification and biological metrics for the Mid-Atlantic Coastal
Plain Ecoregion. Submitted to the Journal of the North American
Benthological Society.
- Cullen, P.W., R.H. Norris, V.H. Resh, T.B. Reynoldson, D.
Rosenberg, and M.T. Barbour. In Press. Collaboration in scientific
research: a critical need for freshwater ecology. Submitted to
- Barbour, M.T., and C.O. Yoder. 1999. The multimetric approach
to bioassessment, as used in the United States. Pages xx-xx In J.F.
Wright, D.W. Sutcliffe, and M.T. Furse, editors. Assessing the
biological quality of freshwaters: RIVPACS and similar techniques.
Freshwater Biological Association, Ambleside, England.
- Snyder, B.D., J.B. Stribling, M.T. Barbour, and C.L.
Missimer. 1998. Integrating assessments of fish and macroinvertebrate
assemblages and physical habitat condition. Pages 639-652. In T. Simon,
editor. Assessing the sustainability and biological integrity of water
resource quality using fish assemblages. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton,
- Barbour, M.T. 1997. The re-invention of biological assessment in the U.S. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 3:933-940.
- Hannaford, M.J., M.T. Barbour, and V.H. Resh. 1997. Training
reduces observer variability in visual-based assessment of stream
habitat . Journal of the North American Benthological Society
- Diamond, J. M., M.T. Barbour, and J.B. Stribling. 1996. Truth
and bioassessments: an approach for characterizing and comparing
bioassessment methods and their results. Journal of the North American
Benthological Society 15:713-727.
- Barbour, M.T., and J. Gerritsen. 1996. Subsampling of benthic
samples: a defense of the fixed organism method. Journal of the North
American Benthological Society 15:386-392.
- Barbour, M.T., J. Diamond, and C. Yoder. 1996. Biological
Assessment Strategies: applications and limitations. Pages 245-270 In
D.R. Grothe, K.L. Dickson, and D.K. Reed, editors. Whole-effluent
toxicity testing: an evaluation of methods and predictability of
receiving system responses. SETAC Publications, Pensacola, FL.
- LaPoint, T., M.T. Barbour, D. Borton, D. Cherry, W. Clements,
J. Diamond, D. Grothe, M. Lewis, D. Reed, and J. Saalfeld. 1996.
Discussion synopsis: field assessments. Pages 191-228 In D.R. Grothe,
K.L. Dickson, and D.K. Reed, editors. Whole-effluent toxicity testing:
an evaluation of methods and predictability of receiving system
responses. SETAC Publications, Pensacola, FL.
- Barbour, M.T., J. Gerritsen, G.E. Griffith, R. Frydenborg, E.
McCarron, J.S. White, and M.L. Bastian. 1996. A framework for
biological criteria for Florida streams using benthic
macroinvertebrates. Journal of the North American Benthological Society
- Barbour, M.T., J.B. Stribling, and J.R. Karr. 1995. The
Multimetric Approach for Establishing Biocriteria and Measuring
Biological Condition. Pp. 63-76 In W. Davis and T. Simon, editors.
Biological Assessment and Criteria: Tools for Water Resource Planning
and Decisionmaking. Lewis Publishers, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- Resh, V.H., R.H. Norris, and M.T. Barbour. 1995. Design and
Implementation of Rapid Assessment Approaches Using Benthic
Macroinvertebrates for Water-Resource Assessments. Australian Journal
of Ecology. 20:108-121.
- Lenat, D.R. and M.T. Barbour. 1994. Using benthic
macroinvertebrate community structure for rapid, cost-efficient, water
quality monitoring: Rapid bioassessment. In S.L. Loeb and A. Spacie,
eds. Biological Monitoring of Aquatic Systems. Lewis Publishers, Ann
Arbor, Michigan. pp. 187-215.
- Barbour, M.T., J.L. Plafkin, B.P. Bradley, C.G. Graves, and
R.W. Wisseman. 1992. Evaluation of EPA's rapid bioassessment benthic
metrics: Metric redundancy and variability among reference stream
sites. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 11:437-449.
- Barbour, M.T. 1991. Stream surveys--The importance of the
relationship between habitat quality and biological condition. In
Proceedings of Sediment and Stream Water Quality in a Changing
Environment: Trends and Explanation. XX General Assembly of the IUGG,
11-24 August 1991, Vienna, Austria. IAHS Press Publication 203.
- Barbour, M.T., C. Faulkner, and B. Newton. 1991. Rapid
bioassessment: Innovative biological monitoring. WPCF Benchsheet 13(1):
- Barbour, M.T., C.G. Graves, and W.L. McCulloch. 1988.
Evaluation of the instantaneous rate of increase as an end point for
Ceriodaphnia chronic tests. Pages 273-288 In Aquatic Toxicology and
Environmental Fate, vol. 11. ASTM STP 1007. G.W. Suter II and M.A.
Lewis, editors. American Society for Testing and Materials,
Philadelphia. 1988, pp. 273-287.
- Brinkhurst, R.O., and M.T. Barbour. 1985. A new species of
Aulodrilus Bretscher (Oligochaeta: Tubificidae) from North America.
Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 98(4): 931-934.
- Barbour, M.T., D.G. Cook, and R.G. Pomerantz. 1980. On the
question of hybridization and variation in the oligochaete genus
Limnodrilus. In Brinkhurst and Cook, eds., Aquatic Oligochaete Biology:
Proceedings of 1st International Symposium of Oligochaete Biology.
Sydney, British Columbia, 4 May 1979.
- Barbour, M.T. 1977. Chaetogaster limnaei limnaei von Baer
(Oligochaeta: Naididae) inhabiting the mantle cavity of the pill clams
Sphaerium spp. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 96(1): 141-142.
- Stimpson, K.S., J.R. Brice, M.T. Barbour, and P. Howe. 1975.
Distribution and abundance of inshore oligochaetes in Lake Michigan.
Trans. Amer. Micros. Soc. 94(3): 384-394.
- Worswick, J.M., Jr. and M.T. Barbour. 1974. An elutriation
apparatus for macroinvertebrates. Limnology and 0ceanography 19(3):
- Brice, J.R. and M.T. Barbour. 1973. A millipede new to
Michigan (Pselaphognatha: Polyxenus). Great Lakes Entomologist 6(3):
Government Publications (peer-reviewed):
- Barbour, M.T., J. Gerritsen, B.D.
Snyder, and J.B. Stribling. 1999. Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use
in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic Macroinvertebrates
and Fish. Second Edition. EPA/841-B-98-010. U.S. EPA, Office of Water,
Washington, D.C.
- Gibson, G.A., M.T. Barbour, J.B. Stribling, J. Gerritsen, and
J.R. Karr. 1996. Biological criteria: Technical guidance for streams
and rivers. EPA/822-B-94-001. U.S. EPA, Office of Science and
Technology, Washington, DC.
- Barbour, M.T., J. Gerritsen, J.S. White. 1996. The
development of the Stream Condition Index (SCI) for Florida. Stormwater
and Nonpoint Source Management Section, Florida Department of
Environmental Protection. Tallahassee, FL.
- Gerritsen, J., J.S. White, E.W. Leppo, J.B. Stribling, and
M.T. Barbour. 1996. Examination of the effects of habitat quality, land
use, and acidification on the macroinvertebrate communities of coastal
plain streams. Chesapeake Bay Research and Monitoring Division,
Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Annapolis, MD.
- Barbour, M.T. and J.B. Stribling. 1994. A technique for
assessing stream habitat structure. In Proceedings of Riparian
Ecosystems in the Humid U.S.: Functions and Values. U.S. Department of
Agriculture. 15-18 March, 1993, Atlanta, Georgia. pp. 156-178.
- Shaughnessy, A.T., J.A. Ranasinghe, H. Wilson, B.J. Balcom,
M.T. Barbour, R.A. Connelly, and M.J. Bickerton. 1992. Long-Term
Benthic Monitoring Studies in the Freshwater of the Potomac River.
CBRM-AD-93-7. Chesapeake Bay Research and Monitoring Division, Maryland
Department of Natural Resources, Annapolis, MD.
- Stribling, J.B. and M.T. Barbour. 1991. Application of QA
concepts from the third ecological workshop to a long-term aquatic
field assessment pilot study. In J. Lazorchak and D. McMullen, eds.,
Fourth Ecological Quality Assurance Workshop. Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.
EPA and Ontario MDE.
- Barbour, M.T. and J.B. Stribling. 1991. Use of habitat
assessment in evaluating the biological integrity of stream
communities. In Proceedings of Biological Criteria: Research and
Regulation. December 1990. EPA/440/5-91-005. U.S. EPA, Office of
Science and Technology, Washington, DC.
- Barbour, M.T. and S. Thornley. 1990. Quality Assurance Issues
Related to Field Assessments of Aquatic Ecosystems. In D. Hart, ed.,
Third Ecological Quality Assurance Workshop. U.S. EPA and Ontario MOE.
- Plafkin, J.L., M.T. Barbour, K.D. Porter, S.K. Gross, and
R.M. Hughes. 1989. Rapid bioassessment protocols for use in streams and
rivers: Benthic macroinvertebrates and fish. EPA/440/4-89/001. U.S. EPA
Office of Water, Washington, DC.
- Connelly, R.A. and M.T. Barbour. 1986. Plankton surveys. In
D.I. Mount, A.E. Steen, and T.J. Norberg-King, eds., Validity of
effluent and ambient toxicity tests for predicting biological impact,
Back River, Baltimore Harbor, Maryland. EPA/600/8-86/001. U.S. EPA,
Permits Division and ERL-Duluth.
- Connelly, R.A. and M.T. Barbour. 1986. Benthic
macroinvertebrate survey. In D.I. Mount, A.E. Steen, and T.J.
Norberg-King, eds., Validity of effluent and ambient toxicity tests for
predicting biological impact, Back River, Baltimore Harbor, Maryland.
EPA/600/8-86/001. U.S. EPA, Permits Division and ERL-Duluth.
- Barbour, M.T. 1986. Benthic macroinvertebrate community. In
D.I. Mount, T.J. Norberg-King, and A.E. Steen, eds., Validity of
effluent and ambient toxicity tests for predicting biological impact,
Naugatuck River, Waterbury, Connecticut. EPA/600/8-86/005. U.S. EPA,
Permits Division and ERL-Duluth.
- Roush, T.N. and M.T. Barbour. 1986. Plankton Community
Survey. In T.J. Norberg-King and D.I. Mount, eds., Validity of effluent
and ambient toxicity tests for predicting biological impact, Skeleton
Creek, Enid, Oklahoma. EPA/600/8-86/002. U.S. EPA, ERL-Duluth.
- Barbour, M.T., T.H. Roush, and K.D. Juba (Porter) 1986. Fish
community survey, In T.J. Norberg-King and D.I. Mount, eds., Validity
of effluent and ambient toxicity tests for predicting biological
impact, Skeleton Creek, Enid, Oklahoma. EPA/600/8-86/002. U.S. EPA,
- Barbour, M.T. and A.T. Shaughnessy. 1985. Benthic
macroinvertebrate community, February 1983, survey. In D.I. Mount, A.E.
Steen, and T.J. Norberg-King, eds., Validity of effluent and ambient
toxicity testing for predicting biological impact on Five Mile Creek,
Birmingham, Alabama. EPA/600/8-85/015. U.S. EPA, Permits Division and
- Roush, T.N., R.A. Connelly, and M.T. Barbour. 1985. Benthic
macroinvertebrate community, October 1983 Survey. In D.I. Mount, A.E.
Steen, and T.J. Norberg-King, eds., Validity of effluent and ambient
toxicity testing for predicting biological impact on Five Mile Creek,
Birmingham, Alabama. EPA/600/8-85/015. U.S. EPA, Permits Division and
- Barbour, M.T. 1985. Benthic macroinvertebrate. In D.I. Mount
and T.J. Norberg-King, eds., Validity of effluent and ambient toxicity
tests for predicting biological impact, Scippo Creek, Circleville,
Ohio. EPA/600/3-85/044. U.S. EPA, Permits Division and ERL-Duluth.
- Mount, D.I., N.A. Thomas, T.J. Norberg, M.T. Barbour, T.N.
Roush, and W.F. Brandes. 1984. Effluent and ambient toxicity testing
and instream community response on the Ottawa River, Lima, Ohio.
EPA-600/3-84-080. U.S. EPA, Permits Division and ERL-Duluth.
- Organized and directed "Mid-Atlantic
Coastal Streams." Prepared for USEPA and the Mid-Atlantic Coastal
Streams Workgroup. Produced by Phoenix Advertising, Westminster, MD,
- Organized and directed "Florida's Riverine Ecosystems: Our
Children's Inheritance." Prepared for Florida Department of
Environmental Protection. Produced by Phoenix Advertising, Westminster,
MD, 1996.
- Wrote and directed "EPA's Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for
Streams and Wadable Rivers." Prepared for USEPA, Assessment and
Watershed Protection Division. Produced by Battelle Columbus Labs,
Book Reviews:
- Rosenberg, D.M. and V.H. Resh. 1993.
Freshwater Biomonitoring and Benthic Macroinvertebrates. Chapman and
Hall, New York, NY. 488 pp. Reviewed for American Fisheries Society.
1994. 123(3):446-447.
- Cairns, J., Jr. and J.R. Pratt. 1988. Functional testing of
aquatic biota for estimating hazards of chemicals. ASTM (STP988). 242
pp. Reviewed for J.N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 1990.
- Brinkhurst, R.O. 1986. Guide to the freshwater aquatic
microdrile oligochaetes of North America. Can. Spec. Publ. Fish. Aquat.
Sci. 84:259. Reviewed for Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1986.
Conference Participation and Presentation:
- Barbour, M.T., and C.O. Yoder. The
multimetric approach to bioassessment, as used in the United States.
Presented at the International Conference on Assessing the Ecological
Integrity of Running Waters, 9-11 November 1998, Vienna, Austria.
- Barbour, M.T., and C. Faulkner. Revision to EPA's rapid
bioassessment protocols: their strengths and weaknesses. Presented at
the International Conference on Assessing the Ecological Integrity of
Running Waters, 9-11 November 1998, Vienna, Austria.
- Barbour, M.T., J. Gerritsen, and K. King. Apples, Oranges,
and Ecoregions: The use and misuse of quantitative methods for
determining pattern in aquatic assemblages. Presented at the 46th
Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, 2-5 June
1998, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
- Rogers, C., H. Hemond, M.T. Barbour, D. Marks, and A. Peter.
Integrated assessment of an urban watershed: chemical, physical, and
biological integrity aids watershed management. Presented at the
Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology
and Chemistry, 16-20 November 1997, San Francisco, California.
- Diamond, J., C. Gerardi, J. White, and M. Barbour. Defining
relationships between whole effluent toxicity (WET) and instream
biological integrity. Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 16-20 November 1997,
San Francisco, California.
- Barbour, M.T. Biological assessment of aquatic ecosystems: a
national perspective. Presented at Watersheds 97. 27-29 October 1997,
Anchorage, Alaska.
- Barbour, M.T., and E. Major. Bioassessment in Alaska: a pilot
study on the Kenai Peninsula. Presented at Watersheds 97. 27-29 October
1997, Anchorage, Alaska.
- Barbour, M.T., and C. Faulkner. Revision to EPA's rapid
bioassessment protocols: their strengths and weaknesses. Presented at
the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological
Society. 26-30 May 1997, San Marcos, TX.
- Major, E., M.T. Barbour, and P. Johnson. A framework for a
biological monitoring program for Alaska: a pilot study in the Kenai
Penninsula. Presented at the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the North
American Benthological Society. 26-30 May 1997, San Marcos, TX.
- Snyder, B.D., L. Britt, M.T. Barbour, and E.W. Leppo.
Development of a watershed-based approach for biomonitoring of fresh
surface waters in southern Florida canal systems. Presented at the
Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society.
26-30 May 1997, San Marcos, TX.
- Houston, L., M.T. Barbour, D. Lenat, and H. Howard. A methods
comparison pilot study for biological assessment in the southeastern
U.S. (EPA Region IV). Presented at the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of
the North American Benthological Society. 26-30 May 1997, San Marcos,
- Barbour, M.T. and M. Gurtz. Applying Ecological Theory to
Solve Environmental Problems: Bridges between Basic and Applied
Scientists. Presented at the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the North
American Benthological Society. 26-30 May, 1997, San Marcos, TX.
- Barbour, M.T. Measuring the health of aquatic ecosystems
using biological assessment techniques: a national perspective.
Presented at a national conference on the Effects of Watershed
Development and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems sponsored by the
Engineering Foundation, 4-9 August 1996, Snowbird, UT, and the
Cumulative Impacts Conference, 18-21 March 1996, Chicago, IL; and Tools
for managing our aquatic ecosystems symposium sponsored by Florida DEP,
31 October, Tallahassee, FL.
- Barbour, M.T. and J.B. Stribling. A Workshop on a Technique
for Assessing Stream Habitat Structure for Nonpoint-source Evaluations.
Presented at Watershed '96: a national conference on watershed
management. 8-12 June 1996, Baltimore, MD.
- Barbour, M.T. Biological Assessment Strategies: applications
and limitations. Presented at the Pellston Workshop on Whole Effluent
Toxicity. Sponsored by SETAC and the U.S. EPA. 16-21 September 1995.
Pellston, MI.
- Gerritsen, J., M.T. Barbour, and J.S. White. Physical
habitat assessment in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands using the Rapid
Assessment Approach. Presented at the Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of
the North American Benthological Society. 3-7 June 1996, Kalispell, MT.
- Workshop Leader and Session Chairman-Aquatic Bioassessment
and Biocriteria: Cost-effective monitoring tools, policy, and
regulations. Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry, 30 October-3 November 1994, Denver, Colorado.
- Preston, R. and M.T. Barbour. Assessment of Stream habitat
structure. conference on evaluating the effectiveness of forestry best
management practices in meeting water quality goals or standards. U.S.
Forest Service, 22-25 August 1994, Blacksburg, Virginia.
- Barbour, M.T., J. Gerritsen, and M.L. Bowman. The Use of
Biological Metrics for Assessing Impairment: Selection, regionalization
and interpretation. Presented at the Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the
North American Benthological Society. 24-27 May 1994, Orlando, Florida.
- Gerritsen, J. and M.T. Barbour. Metrics, Indices,
Multivariate Community Analysis and Bioassessment: The search for
simplicity while maintaining complexity. Presented at the Forty-Second
Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society. 24-27 May
1994, Orlando, Florida.
- Hulbert, J., E. McCarron, R. Frydenborg, M. Barbour, and M.
Bastian. A Community Bioassessment Approach (CBA) and Ecological
Regionalization (ER) for Florida. Presented at the Forty-First Annual
Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, 23-28 May 1993,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
- Barbour, M.T. and J.B. Stribling. The Multimetric Approach
for Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, 23-28
May 1993, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
- Barbour, M.T. and J.B. Stribling. A technique for assessing
stream habitat structure. Presented at the Conference for Riparian
Ecosystems in the Humid U.S.: Functions and values, 15-18 March 1993,
in Atlanta, Georgia and at Watershed '93, A National Conference on
Watershed Management, 21-24 March, 1993, in Alexandria, Virginia.
- Barbour, M.T. 1993. Variability in Habitat Assessment and
Refinements to the Technique. Mini-workshop presented at Mid-Atlantic
Water Pollution Biology meeting, March.
- Barbour, M.T. and J.B. Stribling. 1993. Bioassessment
Strategies and Implications of Biocriteria. Presented to eight Maryland
counties and state biologists. 5 March 1993. Prince Georges County,
- Barbour, M.T., M.L. Bowman, J.M. Diamond, J. Gerritsen, and
L. Shoemaker. 1993. Bioassessment Strategies and Implications of
Biocriteria. Presented to the National Agricultural Chemicals
Association. 25 June 1993, Washington, DC.
- Barbour, M.T. 1993. EPA's Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for
Streams and Wadable Rivers. Presented to the Indian Tribes of EPA,
Region 8, 21-23 September 1993, Wolfpoint, Montana.
- Session Chairman, Application of Quality Assurance Programs
in Ecological Studies. Fortieth Annual Meeting of the North American
Benthological Society, 21-24 May 1992, Louisville, Kentucky.
- Barbour, M.T. Stream Surveys—The Importance of the
Relationship Between Habitat Quality and Biological Condition.
Presented at the Twentieth General Assembly of the International Union
of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), 11-24 August 1991, Vienna, Austria.
- Workshop Facilitator - Biocriteria and Bioassessment Strategies, regional and state forums:
- Dallas, Texas. Feb 1998
- Santa Fe, New Mexico. Sep 1992
- Anchorage, Alaska. Aug 1996
- Fargo, North Dakota. Aug 1992
- Orlando, Florida. Feb 1996
- Seattle, Washington. Jun 1992
- North Grafton, Massachusetts. Oct 1995
- Avondale, Pennsylvania. Apr 1992
- Lansing, Michigan. Sep 1995
- Cacapon, West Virginia. Mar 1992
- Sacramento, California. Sep 1995
- Tallahassee, Florida. Feb 1992
- Anchorage, Alaska. Aug 1995
- Richmond, Virginia. Nov 1991
- Nashville, Tennessee. Nov 1994
- Cambridge, Massachusetts. Jul 1991
- Sacramento, California. Sep 1994
- Chicago, Illinois. Jun 1991
- Denver, Colorado. Sep 1994
- Baltimore, Maryland. Jun 1991
- St. Paul, Minnesota. Apr 1993
- San Francisco, California. Jun 1991
- Cacapon, West Virginia. Mar 1993
- Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania Apr 1991
- Denver, Colorado. Jan 1993
- Cacapon, West Virginia. Mar 1991
- Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Dec 1992
- Annapolis, Maryland. Feb 1991
- Lake Tahoe, California. Nov 1992
- Dallas, Texas. Jan 1991
- Atoka, Oklahoma. Oct 1992
- Annapolis, Maryland. Nov 1990
- Barbour, M.T. and A. Ranasinghe. The use of Chernoff faces to
enhance data interpretation for rapid bioassessment studies. Presented
at the thirty-ninth annual meeting of the North American Benthological
Society, 21-24 May 1991, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Gross, S., M.T. Barbour, C. Wales, and C. Faulkner. Video on
EPA's Rapid Bioassessment Protocols. Presented at the Thirty-Ninth
Annual meeting of the North American Benthological Society, 21-24 May
1991, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Connelly, R.A., A.T. Shaughnessy, M.T. Barbour, and A.F.
Holland. A test case using a probability sampling design to assess the
benthic assemblages within three physiographic provinces of the Potomac
River. Presented at the Thirty-Ninth Annual meeting of the North
American Benthological Society, 21-24 May 1991, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Shaughnessy, A.T., A.F. Holland, M.T. Barbour, and R.A.
Connelly. Characterization of the benthic assemblage and evaluation of
status for three physiographic provinces of the Potomac River.
Presented at the Thirty-Ninth Annual meeting of the North American
Benthological Society, 21-24 May 1991, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Session Chairman - Quality Assurance Issues for Ecological
Studies. Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the North American
Benthological Society, 21-24 May 1991, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Barbour, M.T. Guidelines for QA/QC for ecological studies.
Presented at the Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the North American
Benthological Society, 21-24 May 1991, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Barbour, M.T. and M.L. Bastian. Biological surveys -
Comparative interpretation of habitat and water quality limitations, in
Toxicity assessment techniques for aquatic invertebrates: Current state
of the art, Technical Information Workshop Symposium. Presented at the
Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological
Society, 21-24 May 1991, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Barbour, M.T. The relationship between habitat quality and
biological integrity in stream surveys. Presented at the National
Biocriteria Symposium, 12-13 December 1990, Arlington, Virginia.
Sponsored by the U.S. EPA.
- Lenat, D.R. and M.T. Barbour. Using benthic macroinvertebrate
community structure for rapid, cost-efficient water quality monitoring.
Presented at the Symposium for Biological Monitoring of Freshwater
Ecosystems: Interpretation and Efficacy to Assess Environmental
Quality. Society of International Limnology, 29 Nov-1 Dec 1990, West
Lafayette, Indiana.
- Barbour, M.T. and S. Thornley. Quality assurance issues
related to field assessment of aquatic ecosystems. Presented at the
Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry, 11-15 November 1990, Arlington, Virginia.
- Barbour, M.T. EPA's rapid bioassessment concept, in Evolving
trends in biological assessment: New field and laboratory methods in
water quality evaluation, a pre-conference Symposium of the Ecology
Committee. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Water Pollution
Control Federation (WPCF), 6-12 October 1990, Washington, DC.
- Barbour, M.T., J.B. Stribling, and P.M. Leonard. EPA's rapid
bioassessment concept. Presented at the Soil Conservation Service (SCS)
National Biology Workshop, 15-19 October 1990, Harrisburg,
- Barbour, M.T. Community assessment for streams and rivers
with emphasis on insects. Presented at the Sixty-Second Annual Meeting
of the Eastern Branch Entomological Society of America, 30 September-1
October 1990, Baltimore, Maryland.
- Session Chairman - Rapid Bioassessment for Estuarine Benthic
Communities. Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the North American
Benthological Society, 21-25 May 1990, Blacksburg, Virginia.
- Barbour, M.T. and J.L. Plafkin. The concept of rapid
bioassessment for estuarine and near coastal areas. Presented at the
Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological
Society, 21-25 May 1990, Blacksburg, Virginia.
- Peddicord, R.K. and M.T. Barbour. Rapid bioassessment
protocols in relation to sediment quality criteria. Presented at the
Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological
Society, 21-25 May 1990, Blacksburg, Virginia.
- Call, S.M., L.A. Metzmeier, W.A. Robison, D.L. Penrose, and
M.T. Barbour. A comparison of three bioassessment techniques. Presented
at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological
Society, 21-25 May 1990, Blacksburg, Virginia.
- Klemm, D.J., J. DeShon, M.T. Barbour, P.A. Lewis, and J.
Lazorchak. Comparison of Hester-Dendy samplers and rapid bioassessment
techniques in two southwest Ohio streams. Presented at the
Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological
Society, 21-25 May 1990, Blacksburg, Virginia.
- Workshop Leader and Session Chairman - Quality assurance
issues related to field assessment of aquatic ecosystems. Third
Ecological Quality Assurance Workshop, 24-26 April 1990, Burlington,
Ontario, Canada.
Barbour, M.T. and P.M. Leonard. An approach for states to implement the
rapid bioassessment protocols. Presented at the Twentieth Meeting of
the Region III Biologists' Conference, 28-29 March 1990, Cacapon State
Park, West Virginia.
- Workshop Leader - Rapid Bioassessment, an Overview of Methods, Applications, and Assessment Approach. U.S. EPA, AWPD:
- Washington, DC. Sep 1988
- Reno, Nevada. Oct 1989
- Hunt Valley, Maryland. Oct 1988
- Elkins, West Virginia. Nov 1989.
- Denton, Texas. Jun 1989
- Hunt Valley, Maryland. Jun 1990
- Lexington, Massachusetts. Jul 1989
- Bozeman, Montana. Aug 1990
- Lawrence, Kansas. Aug 1989
- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Aug 1990
- Cincinnati, Ohio. Aug 1989
- Richmond, Virginia. Sep 1990
- Twin Falls, Idaho. Sep 1989
- Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania. Oct 1990
- Athens, Georgia. Sep 1989
- Barbour, M.T. Rapid bioassessment and modifications to the
concept. Presented at the Region VI Water Quality Data Assessment
Seminar, 13-15 November 1989, Bandera, Texas.
- Barbour, M.T. and J.L. Plafkin. Evaluation of EPA's rapid
bioassessment benthic metrics. Presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting,
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28 October - 2
November 1989, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Barbour, M.T and J.L. Plafkin. EPA's rapid bioassessment
approach - An assessment of biological impairment in the context of
habitat quality. Presented at the Second Annual Meeting, National
Symposium on Water Quality Assessment, 16-19 October 1989, Ft. Collins,
- Barbour, M.T. Rapid bioassessment protocols for streams and
rivers. Presented at the Biannual Meeting, Estuarine Research
Federation, 8-12 October 1989, Baltimore, Maryland.
- Barbour, M.T. The relationship between the structure of
benthic communities and habitat quality in freshwater stream and river
systems. Presented at the Spring Meeting, Atlantic Estuarine Research
Society, 6-8 April 1989, Duke University Marine Lab, Beaufort, North
- Barbour, M.T. AERS, A historic and demographic perspective.
Presented at the Spring Meeting, Atlantic Estuarine Research Society,
6-8 April 1989, Duke University Marine Lab, Beaufort, North Carolina.
- Barbour, M.T. and J.L. Plafkin. The search for the
appropriate biomonitoring tool. Presented in the First Technical
Workshop of the Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting, North American
Benthological Society, 17-20 May, 1988, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
- Porter, K.D., S.K. Gross, M.T. Barbour, J.L. Plafkin. Does
rapid bioassessment really work? Presented at the Thirty-Sixth Annual
Meeting, North American Benthological Society, 17-20 May 1988,
Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
- Barbour, M.T., S.A. Fuller, and D.J. Lear. The history of
AERS. Presented at the Spring Meeting of the Atlantic Estuarine
Research Society, 21-23 April 1988, Hampton, Virginia.
- Barbour, M.T. and J.L. Plafkin. The use of rapid
bioassessment techniques to detect biological impairment. Presented at
the Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological
Society, 2-5 June 1987, Orono, Maine.
- Barbour, M.T., C.G. Graves, and W.L. McCulloch. Evaluation of
the instantaneous rate of increase as an endpoint for ceriodaphnia
chronic tests. Presented at the 11th Symposium on Aquatic Toxicology
and Hazard Assessment, ASTM, 10-12 May 1987, Cincinnati, Ohio.
- Session Chairman - Symposium on Rapid Bioassessment
Techniques. Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting of the North American
Benthological Society, 20-23 May 1986, Lawrence Kansas.
- Workshop Leader - Biomonitoring: An Overview of Regulations,
Test Methods, and Assessment Strategies. 8 October 1985, Hunt Valley,
Maryland, 3 June 1986, Madison, Wisconsin, 5 June 1986, Bear Mountain,
New York.
- Gross, S.K., M.T. Barbour, and C.G. Graves. A subsampling
procedure for benthic collections. Presented at the Fall meeting of the
Atlantic Estuarine Research Society, 1986, North Topsail Beach, North
- Session Chairman - Atlantic Estuarine Research Meeting, AERS, March 1986, Lewes, Delaware.
- Barbour, M.T. The evaluation of community response to multiple
industrial discharges in the Naugatuck River, Connecticut. Presented at
the Tenth Annual Meeting of the New England Association of
Environmental Biologists, 12-14 March 1986, Meredith, New Hampshire.
- Session Chairman - Acid Impacts Upon Benthic Communities.
Thirty-third Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological
Society, 25-28 June, 1985, Corvallis, Oregon.
- Thomas, N., M.T. Barbour, and T. Norberg. Comparison of lab
toxicity data to field impact in receiving water from effluents.
Presented at the Fifth Annual Meeting, Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry, 4-7 November 1984, Arlington, Virginia.
- Dresler, P. and M.T. Barbour. Response of oligochaete
communities of the tidal Potomac River, Maryland, to estuarine
gradations. Presented at the Thirty-Second Annual Meeting, North
American Benthological Society, 22-25 May 1984, Raleigh, North
- Juba (Porter), K.D. and M.T. Barbour. Environmental
relationships of benthic populations in three tidally influenced
freshwater marshes. Presented at the Thirty-Second Annual Meeting,
North American Benthological Society, 22-25 May 1984, Raleigh, North
- Session Chairman - Freshwater Benthic Communities. Benthic Ecology Conference, 25-27 March 1984, Baltimore, Maryland.
- Barbour, M.T. and J.C. Yost. Hydrological analysis and
instream community response to multiple industrial dischargers in
freshwater environs. Presented at the Fourth Annual Meeting, Society of
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 6-9 November 1983, Arlington,
- Barbour, M.T., A.T. Shaughnessy, and B.J. Ruble. Seasonal
recruitment cycles in Macoma balthica and Macoma mitchelli in a
mesohaline area of the Chesapeake Bay. Presented at the Spring Meeting
of the Atlantic Estuarine Research Society, 28-30 April 1983, Cape May,
New Jersey.
- Barbour, M.T. and P.V. Dresler. Contribution of oligochaetes
to the benthic community in various salinity regimes of the Potomac
River. Presented at the Spring Meeting of the Atlantic Estuarine
Research Society, 28-30 April 1984, Cape May, New Jersey.
- Dresler, P.V., R.L. Cory, and M.T. Barbour. Response of
oligochaete communities of the tidal Potomac River, Maryland, to
estuarine gradations. Presented at the Sixth Biennial Conference of the
Estuarine Research Federation, 1-6 November 1981, Gleneden Beach,
- Session Chairman - Symposium on Estuarine Oligochaete
Communities. Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the North American
Benthological Society, 26-28 March 1980, Savannah, Georgia.
- Barbour, M.T., D.G. Cook, and R.G. Pomerantz. On the question
of hybridization and variation in the oligochaete genus Limnodrilis.
Presented at the First International Symposium of Oligochaete Biology,
1-4 May 1979, Sydney, British Columbia, Canada; and at the
Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological
Society, 18-20 April 1979, Erie, Pennsylvania.
- Barbour, M.T. and A.T. Klein (Shaughnessy). Environmental
relationships of aquatic Oligochaeta in three tidally influenced
freshwater marshes. Presented at the Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the
North American Benthological Society, 10-12 May 1978, Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada.

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