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Jack R Burney PhD PEng
Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH)
December 29, 2015

(Note: Representative photos were taken by
the Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax during its
decadal activities!)
(All three degrees in Agricultural Engineering)
- B.Sc.Eng.(Agric.) cum laude, 1961, University of Natal, South Africa:
- M.Sc.Eng. cum laude, 1968, University of Natal, South Africa
- Ph.D., 1973, Purdue University, Ind., U.S.A.
Scholarship and Bursary Awards:
- Undergraduate:
- Dan Pienaar Memorial Bursary
- University of Natal Scholarship
- Witwatersrand Agricultural Society Scholarship
- Graduate:
Public Service Scholarship (Rep. of South Africa)
- Member, South African Institute of Agricultural Engineers (inception 1967-78)
- Registered Professional Engineer, South Africa (inception 1969-1978)
- Registered Professional Engineer, Nova Scotia No. 3759 (1980-date), Life Member (2004 -date)
- Member, Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineering (1980-2004)
- Member, Agricultural Institute of Canada (1980-1988)
- Member, American Society of Agricultural Engineers (1977-2004)
- Member, Atlantic Land Improvement Contractors Association (inception 1984-end 2002)
- Member, Soil and Water Conservation Society (1995-2002)
- Member, Canadian Geophysical Union (1993 - 1995)
Positions Held
- University:
- Lecturer (1962-1972) and Senior Lecturer (1973-1976), Department of
Agricultural Engineering, University of Natal, Rep. of South Africa.
- Graduate Student (1970 to 1973), Department of Agricultural
Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A. On
sabbatical and study leave from above.
- Visiting Associate Professor (October, 1976, July, 1977),
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A. Full-time work on development of the
non-point source pollution software model, ANSWERS.
- Research Associate (July, 1977, to Nov., 1979), Department of
Bio-Resources Engineering, Nova Scotia Technical College (now part of
Department of Process Engineering, DalTech, Dalhousie University),
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2X4, Canada.
- Professor (1987 to retirement, July, 2004), Associate
Professor (December, 1979 to 1987), and Head (June, 1981 to May, 1985)
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Technical University of Nova
Scotia, (now part of Department of Process Engineering, DalTech,
Dalhousie University) Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2X4, Canada.
- Consulting:
- President (2001 to 2007) and Agent, EnMod Consulting Ltd,
Registered (NS Registry # 3052772) Professional Engineering Consulting
in Non-Point-Source Environmental Engineering Measurement and
Honour Societies and Awards
- Alpha Epsilon (Indiana Zeta), Agricultural Engineering honour society, 1972.
- Sigma Xi (Purdue Chapter), Scientific Research Society of North America, 1977.
- Jim Beamish Award, Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineering award in Soil & Water Engineering, 1998.
Courses Taught
- Full Year (26 weeks) courses taught at University of Natal:
- Undergraduate (B.Sc.Eng.):
- Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (1963-1969; 1973-1976)
- Drainage and Irrigation (1964-1969; 1973-1976)
- Engineering Graphics (1965-1969)
- Undergraduate (B.Sc.Agr.):
- Fundamentals of Agricultural Engineering (1962-1966)
- Semester (13 weeks) courses taught at TUNS (now DalTech, Dalhousie University):
- Undergraduate (B.Eng.):
- Systems Optimization (1980-1983; 1987-2001)
- Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (1980-2003)
- Design of Irrigation and Drainage Systems (1980-1991)
- Plant and Soil Science for Engineers (1981-1982; 1984) and Soil Science section only (1985-1987)
- Animal Science for Engineers (1981)
- Environmental Fluid Mechanics (1995-1998)
- Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering, 1/3 course (1997-2003)
- Small Watershed Hydrology (1999-2003) - cross-referenced to (ii) (b) below
- Non-Point Source Pollution Control (2001-2004) - cross-referenced to (ii) (c) below
- Graduate
- Advanced Hydrology (1983)
- Small Watershed Hydrology (1984-2003)
- Non-point Source Pollution Control (1994-2004)
Research and Consulting Projects
- Initiation of agricultural catchments
research unit (ACRU) at University of Natal, Rep. of South Africa
(1974-76). Funded by Water Research Commission
- Development of a Dairy Waste Management Costing Manual. (Agric. Canada; 1977-80), update (DPA Consulting, 1982)
- NSERC Operating Grant (total $25,600 for 1980/3; $8,480 for
1983/84) for "Laboratory evaluation of land applied manure disposal".
- Application of the NPS and QUALHYMO models using local data (funded by CWRS, TUNS)
- Environmental Assessment of Swine Manure Management Systems in
N.W. New Brunswick ($17,000, 1981, NBDOA and NBDOE), with D. Waller, D.
Thirumurthi (TUNS) and Nolan Davis & Assoc.
- Assessment of Agricultural Engineering Needs in Nigerian
Universities and Development of Possible Departmental Linkage in
Agricultural Engineering - UNN-TUNS (CIDA contract, 1983-85), with A.E.
- Controlled Measurement of Soil Erosion caused by Spring Freeze-Thaw with Reference to P.E.I. ($11,000, 1984, Agriculture Canada)
- Development of a field rainfall simulator for cool-season soil erosion studies ($8,180, 1985/6, Agriculture Canada)
- Design, Construction and Calibration of Weir Boxes for
Discharge Measurement of Subsurface Drainage System Flows ($2,400 for
1986, Agriculture Canada-DSS)
- Controlled evaluation of cover crop factors and soil factors
on soil erosion under freeze-thaw conditions ($63,630 for 1985/7,
Agriculture Canada)
- Performance of small diameter drain tile in shallow compacted soils ($1,000 from NSDA&M, 1985, for outflow monitoring boxes)
- Design and installation of sediment monitoring equipment for terraces ($22,527 for 1987/8, P.E.I. Dept. of Agriculture)
- Program for modeling and quantifying soil erosion/soil and
water conservation and sediment sources in P.E.I. (Canada/P.E.I.
Agri-Food Development Subsidiary Agreement - DSS contract $427,249 for
1986/9. Extension April-Sept. 1989 - $10,000)
- Development and verification of snowmelt erosion module in distributed parameter model ($15,000 p.a. for 1990/3. NSERC)
- Collaboration in cool season soil erosion control. (Visit 4
weeks to Germany, Aug. 1990 - funded by NSERC Bilateral Exchange
Program and German Research Soc.)
- Monitoring and modeling of soil erosion/conservation for
viable, sustainable and environmentally propitious agricultural
production. (Canada/P.E.I. co-operation agreement on Agriculture,
$145,098 for 1990/4)
- Development of a field rainfall simulator to quantify soil
erodibility under differing management practices. (Canada/P.E.I.
co-operation agreement on Agriculture, $92,995 for 1991/3)
- Evaluation of soil erodibility parameters under varying temperature and compaction. ($15,000 p.a. for 1993/6 NSERC)
- Assessment of non-point source pollution models (Env. Can. Project: Component through P. Jacobs & Assoc., Summer 1993)
- Non-point sources pollution modeling on the Peter's River,
Newfoundland. (Nfld. Dept. of Env. and Agric.). With P. Jacobs &
Assoc and Acres International. (1994-5)
- Development of SWAT model files for Wilmot River, PEI. (Env. Can. $1000 March 96).
- Tillage and cover in soil erosion control. Operating Grant,
NSDAM, $7500, 1995-96. (with A. Madani, G. Brewster and L. Cochrane).
- Development of low intensity rainfall-snowmelt erosion
equations (with Dr. L.Edwards, NSERC Operating, $16,000 p.a. 1996-98,
$17,400 p.a. 1999, $18,400 p.a. 1999/2000).
- Application of the SWAT model to the Wilmot River Watershed, PEI. (with Dr. M.G.Satish) Environment Canada. $15,000 for 1996/97.
- Water quality and carrot production in Nova Scotia.
University/Industry Research and Development [with A. Madani (NSAC), R.
Gordon (NSDAM), G. Brown (Oxford Frozen Foods), Tom Bowers (farmer)],
$20,000 for 1997/9.
- Written expert witness reports on non-point source pollution
(from sediment and pesticides applied to farmland) leading to fishkills
prosecuted under the Federal Fisheries Act:
- Valleyfield, PEI, 1999.
- Mt. Herbert, PEI, 2000.
- Tryon River, PEI, 2000/01, including oral testimony, in Provincial Court Case # P2FC200000160.
- Modelling best management practices in potato land in PEI
using the CREAMS model. Agent of EnMod Consulting Ltd. Contract with
Env. Can., $6,000 for 2001/2.
- Environmental Engineering Protection of the Sackville River,
NS. $300 to support student design project, Sackville Rivers
Association, 2001/2.
- Development of parameters for design of sloping bed sand
filters for sewerage effluent disposal (with D. Waller, CWRS). $5,000
for 2002/3 for student design projects. ALICA.
- Written expert witness report on alleged pollution of a
tributary of Barbara Weit River, New Annan, PEI caused by leachate from
cull potato landfill pits.
Theses supervised

- Cousens, D.W.H., 1976. Modelling of small watershed flood hydrographs, M.Sc.Eng., Univ. of Natal, South Africa.
- Bishop, G.A., 1985. Modelling of nitrogen in runoff and
percolate from land spread manure. M.A.Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Agric.
Eng., TUNS. 232 pp.
- Tan, K.B., 1985. Evaluation of DRAINMOD for tile drainage
design in Maritime Canada, M.Eng. Thesis, Dept. of Agric. Eng., TUNS.
205 pp.
- Salah, M.A., 1986. Application of QUALHYMO to water quantity
modelling in Halifax Urban Watersheds. M.A.Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Agric.
Eng., TUNS, 345 pp.
- Frame, P.A., 1990. Controlled evaluation of residue,
compaction and freeze/thaw on rill erosion. M.A.Sc. Thesis, Dept. of
Agric. Eng., TUNS, 143 pp.
- Mbajiorgu, C.C., 1992. Watershed Resources Management Model:
A process-based, continuous, distributed-parameter mathematical
watershed model incorporating conservation structures. Ph.D. Thesis,
Dept. of Agric. Eng., TUNS, 341 pp.
- Arbour, J.H., 1992. Development and validation of an expert
system for soil erosion control planning in Prince Edward Island. Ph.D.
Thesis, Dept. of Agric. Eng., TUNS, 559 pages.
- Parsons, T.S., 1993. Evaluation of USLE soil erodibility and
cropping factors using a field rainfall simulator. M.A.Sc. Thesis,
Dept. of Agric. Eng., TUNS, 247 pp.
- Leyte, J.C. 1995. Laboratory evaluation of post-harvest soil
losses from Prince Edward Island potato land. M.A.Sc. Thesis, Dept. of
Agric. Eng., TUNS, 220pp.
- Hosseini, E. 1998. A multiple-input-single-output (MISO)
fuzzy logic model for generation of watershed Soil Conservation Service
(SCS) curve numbers. Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Biol. Eng., DalTech,
Dalhousie Univ., 152 pp.
- Campbell, B.E. 1999. Laboratory and field evaluation of the
parameters affecting winter trapping efficiency of vegetative filter
strips. M.A.Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Biol. Eng., DalTech, Dalhousie Univ.,
165 pp.
- Jamieson, R., 2000. Evaluation of vegetated-soil infiltration
systems for the treatment of milking centre wastewater. M.A.Sc. thesis,
Dept. of Biol. Eng., DalTech, Dalhousie Univ., 200pp. (co-supervision
with Dr. Robert Gordon, NSAC)
- Caldwell, K. 2001. Assessment of the root zone water quality
model (RZWQM) under Nova Scotia conditions. M.A.Sc. thesis, Dept. of
Biol. Eng., DalTech, Dalhousie Univ.,147pp. (co-supervision with Dr.
Robert Gordon)
- Duties of Head of Department, Agricultural Engineering, TUNS (June, 1981 to May, 1985).
- University:
- Academic Planning (Eng.Fac.) (1981-1982)
- Meeting Chairman (Eng.Fac.) (1981-1982)
- Member (1977-1982) Faculty Club Executive, TUNS; President (1979-1980).
- Vice-President, Faculty Association, TUNS (1981-1982)
- Senate, TUNS (ex officio, 1981-1985), (1987-1997)
- Secretary, Engineering Department Heads Meeting (1981-1982)
- Graduate Program Committee, TUNS (1986-1988)
- Academic Affairs Committee, TUNS, Senate (1988-1992), and Appeals sub-Committee.
- Graduate Studies Council, DalTech, Dalhousie University (1999-2001)
- Committee of Co-op Advisors, Fac. of Eng. (2001-2004)
- Tenure and Promotions Committee, Fac. of Eng. (2003-2004)
- External:
- Canada Animal Manure Management Committee (1979 to 1983)
- Atlantic Committee on Agricultural Engineering (1981 to 1985)
- Advisory Committee on Soil and Water (sub-committee of (2) above, 1980 to 1996)
- Junior Engineers Committee, APENS (1981 to 1984)
- Advisory Committee on Structures and Equipment (sub-committee of (2) above, 1978-1980)
- Associate Committee on Hydrology (NRC Committee, 1983 to 1989)
- Associate, Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH), 1989-date
- Education Committee, Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineering (1981-85); Chairman (1984-85)
- Director, Valley Native Herbs and Spices Ltd., Truro, N.S. (1986-86)
- Soil and Water Conservation Issue Group, Province of Nova Scotia (1987 to 1993)
- Member, Sackville River Advisory Board (1988-1990), later Sackville Rivers Association (2002 - date)
- Member, Group Committee, 1st Imperoyal Scout Group (1991-1993)
- Member, Halifax Watershed Advisory Board, Halifax Regional Municipality (1996- 2000, 2004):
- Review Committee Member for national "Watershed Evaluation of Best Management Practices (WEBs)" for Agriculture Canada (2004)
- Refereed:
- Invited Monographs:
- Huggins, L.F. and J.R. Burney, 1982. Chapter 5. Surface storage,
runoff and routing. In: Hydrologic Modelling of Small Watersheds: C.T.
Haan, H.P. Johnson and D.L. Brakensiek, (Eds.) Amer. Soc. Agr. Eng.
Monograph No. 5, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI: 169-225.
- Edwards, L. and J. Burney, 2004. Cover crops. In:
Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment: D. Hillel (Editor-in-Chief)
Elsivier, Oxford, U.K.: 311-318.
- Manual:
- Burney, J.R., W.M. Carson and K.V. Lo, 1980. Mechanized dairy waste
handling systems annual costs. Manual. Submitted to Agriculture Canada.
124 pp.
- Journals:
- Burney, J.R., 1973. An idealized irrigation model with salt concentration constraints. Agr. Eng. in S. Afr. 7(1): 29-35.
- Burney, J.R., 1974. Shallow flow over stable eroded sand
surfaces (Part I): Surface stabilization and physical characterization.
Agr. Eng. in S. Africa, 8(1): 8-19.
- Burney, J.R., 1974. Shallow flow over stable eroded sand
surfaces (Part II): Hydraulic tests. Agr. Eng. in S. Africa,
- Cousens, D.W.H. and J.R. Burney, 1976. Modelling of small watershed flood hydrographs. Water S.A., 2(4): 150-155.
- Podmore, T.H. and J.R. Burney, 1979. Stabilized sand surfaces
for overland flow studies. Water Resources Research 15(6): 1647-1648.
- Burney, J.R., K.V. Lo and W.M. Carson, 1980. Dairy waste
management system selection by network analysis. Can. Agr. Eng., 22:
- Edwards, L.M. and J.R. Burney, 1987. Determination of soil
erosion losses under freeze/thaw and winter ground cover using soil
cassettes and a laboratory rainfall simulator. Can. Agr. Eng., 29:
- Milburn, P. and J.R. Burney, 1988. V-notch weir boxes for
measurement of subsurface drainage system discharges. Can. Agr. Eng.,
30(2): 209-212.
- Edwards, L.M. and J.R. Burney, 1989. The effect of antecedent
freeze-thaw frequency on runoff and soil loss from frozen soil with and
without subsoil compaction and vegetative cover. Can. J. of Soil Sci.,
69: 799-811.
- Hengnirun, S., K.C. Watts and J.R. Burney, 1990.
Microcomputer network model for machinery in dairy waste management.
Can. Agric. Eng. 32(2): 291-297.
- Edwards, L.M. and J.R. Burney, 1991. Sediment concentration
of interill runoff under varying soil, ground cover, soil compaction
and freezing regimes. J. Env. Qual. 20(2): 403-407.
- Edwards, L.M. and J.R. Burney, 1992. Sediment fractions in
interrill runoff under various conditions of ground cover, compaction
and freeze/thaw using a rainfall simulator. Can. Agr. Eng. 34(1):
- Frame, P.A., J.R. Burney and Linnell Edwards, 1992.
Laboratory measurement of freeze/thaw, compaction, residue and slope
effects on rill erosion. Can. Agr. Eng. 34(2): 143-149.
- Burney, J.R. and L.M. Edwards, 1994. Facilities for
continuous monitoring of soil erosion in warm and cool seasons in
Prince Edward Island, Canada. I. Watersheds. Catina 21: 329-340.
- Burney, J.R. and L.M. Edwards, 1994. Facilities for
continuous monitoring of soil erosion in warm and cool seasons in
Prince Edward Island, Canada. II Erosion Plots. Catina 21: 341-355.
- Burney, J.R. and L.M. Edwards, 1993. Size distribution of
sediment in rill runoff in response to variations in ground cover,
freezing, slope and compaction of a fine sandy loam. J. Agr. Eng. Res.
56: 99-109.
- Edwards, L.M. and J.R. Burney and R. DeHaan, 1994.
Researching the effect of mulching on cool-period soil erosion control
in Prince Edward Island, Canada with emphasis on optimum mulching rate.
J. of Soil and Water Cons. 50(2): 184-187.
- Parsons, T.S., J.R. Burney and L.M. Edwards. 1994. Field
measurement of soil-erodibility and cover-management factors in Prince
Edward Island using simulated rainfall. Can. Agr. Eng. 36(3): 127-133.
- Edwards, L.M., J.R. Burney and P.A. Frame. 1995. Rill
sediment transport on a Prince Edward Island (Canada) fine sandy loam.
Soil Tech. 8(2): 127-138.
- Burney, J.R. and L.M. Edwards, 1996. Modelling cool season
soil erosion on a fine sandy loam soil in Prince Edward Island.
Canadian Agr. Eng. 38(3): 149-156.
- Leyte, J.C., L.M. Edwards and J.R. Burney. 1997. Laboratory
measurement and modelling the effects of mulching and furrowing on
post-harvest soil erosion on potato land. Can. Agr. Eng. 39(1): 1-7.
- Edwards, L.M., G. Richter, B. Bernsdorf, R-G. Schmidt and
J.R. Burney. 1998. Measurement of rill erosion by snowmelt on potato
fields under rotation in Prince Edward Island (Canada). Can. J. of Soil
Sci. 78(3):449-458.
- Edwards, L.M., B. Bernsdorf, M. Pauly, J.R. Burney, M.G.
Satish and M. Brimacombe. 1998. Spatial interpolation of snow depth and
water equivalent measurements in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Canadian
Agricultural Engineering 40(3):161-168.
- Edwards L.M., A. Volk and J.R. Burney. 2000. Mulching
potatoes: aspects of mulch management systems and soil erosion.
American Journal of Potato Research 77:225-232.
- Edwards,L., J.R.Burney, G.Richter and A.H. MacRae. 2000.
Evaluation of compost and straw mulching on soil-loss characteristics
in erosion plots of potatoes in Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 81:217-222.
- Jamieson, R.C., R.J.Gordon, L.M.Cochrane, A.Madani and
J.R.Burney. 2002. Slow rate land application of milking centre
wastewater. Canadian Biosystems Engineering 44:
- Conference Proceedings:
- Burney, J.R., K.O. Lo and W.M. Carson, 1980. Dairy manure
management system selection. (In: Livestock Wastes: A Renewable
Resouce), Proc. 4th International Symposium on Livestock Wastes, 1980.
ASAE, St. Joseph, MI, 317-319.
- Burney, J.R. and W.M. Carson, 1982. Swine manure system
analysis. (In: Proceedings of the Worshop on Swine Manure Management
Technologies - Ottawa, Dec. 9-10, 1981, F.R. Hore, Ed.), ESRI, Research
Branch, Agric. Canada, Ottawa, 198-217.
- Edwards, L.M. and J.R. Burney, 1988. Erosion of soil under
frozen and freeze-thaw conditions. Proc. of XIX Conf., International
Erosion Control Association, New Orleans, LA., U.S.A. : 355-366.
- Edwards, L.M. and J.R. Burney, 1986. The effect of freezing
and thawing on the physical stability of three Prince Edward Island
soils in the Atlantic Region of Canada. Trans. XIII Congress of the
International Soc. of Soil Sci., Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany,
August 1986, Vol. II: 44-46.
- Burney, J.R. and L.M. Edwards, 1988. Soil erosion research in
the upper Wilmot River Basin, P.E.I. Proc. CHS-88, Assoc. Com. on
Hydrol., NRCC, Banff, Alberta, 279-282.
- Burney, J.R. and L.M. Edwards, 1989. Measurement and Modeling
of cool season soil erosion. Proc. 11th Cong. on Agr. Eng., Dublin,
Ireland, 4-8 Sept., Vol I: 741-747.
- Edwards, L.M., J.R. Burney and P.A. Frame, 1994.
Relationships between rill sediment and flow time varying with
freezing, groundcover, compaction and slope on a Prince Edward Island
(Canada) fine sandy loam. In: L.J. Olive, R.J. Loughran and J.A. Kesby
(eds), Variability in stream erosion and sediment transport. (Proc. of
the Canberra Symp. Dec. 1994), IAHS Publ. no. 224: 33-41.
- Burney, J.R. and L.M. Edwards. 1995. Sediment monitoring in a
Bedeque Bay watershed. In: Ecological Monitoring and Research in
Atlantic Canada: A Focus on Agricultural Impacts in Prince Edward
Island. eds. R.D. Elliot and P. Chan. 31-40. Occasional Report No. 5,
Atlantic Region, Environment Canada, Dartmouth, NS.
- Richter, G., L.M. Edwards, R-G. Schmidt, B. Bernsdorf and
J.R. Burney, 1997. Cool-period soil erosion due to rilling in Prince
Edward Island, Canada. Proc. Inter. Sym. on Physics, Chemistry and
Ecology of Seasonally Frozen Soils. Fairbanks, Alaska.
- Edwards, L., J.R.Burney, M.Brimacombe and A. MacRae. 2000.
Nitrogen runoff in a potato-dominated watershed area of Prince Edward
Island, Canada. In: M. Stone (ed.) The Role of Erosion and Sediment
Transport in Nutrient and Contaminant Transfer, (Proc. of the Waterloo
Symp.), IAHS Publ. No. 263:93-97.
- Unrefereed Publications:
- Consulting Reports:
- Burney, J.R., D. Thirumurthi, D.H. Waller and Nolan Davis, Assoc.,
1981. Environmental assessment of swine manure management in northern
New Brunswick. Report, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, TUNS,
Halifax, N.S. 125 pp.
- Burney, J.R. and A.E. Ghaly, 1984. Development of possible
linkage: Department of Agricultural Engineering - TUNS and UNN. Phase
I: Visit to Nigeria, CIDA Contract Report. 141 pp.
- Burney, J.R. and A.E. Ghaly, 1985. Development of possible
linkages: Department of Agricultural Engineering - TUNS and UNN. Phase
II: Visit at TUNS, CIDA Contract Report. 42 pp.
- P. Jacobs & Associates, Ltd., 1994. Assessment of
non-point source pollution models. Report to Environment Canada, Queens
Square, Dartmouth, NS (Major participant).
- Burney, J.R., 1999. Report on fish kill at Valleyfield, PEI
on week-end of Saturday 10 to Monday 12 July, 1999. Expert Witness
Report, Wildlife Protection Branch, Environment Canada, Queen Square,
Dartmouth, NS, B2Y 2N6. 7pp.
- Burney, J.R., 2000. Report on fishkill in Fullerton's Creek,
Mt. Herbert, PEI on 09 August, 2000. Expert Witness Report, Wildlife
Protection Branch, Environment Canada, Queen Square, Dartmouth, NS, B2Y
2N6. 7pp.
- Burney, J.R., 2000. Report on fish kill in tributary to Tryon
River, PEI on 19 July, 2000. Expert Witness Report, Wildlife Protection
Branch, Environment Canada, Queen Square, Dartmouth, NS, B2Y 2N6. 9pp.
- EnMod Consulting Ltd., April, 2004. Report on contaminated
tributary of Barbara Weit River, New Annan, Prince Edward Island.
Expert Witness Report, Wildlife Protection Branch, Environment Canada,
Queen Square, Dartmouth, NS, B2Y 2N6. 4pp
- Research Reports:
- Burney, J.R. and L.F. Huggins, 1973. Hydraulics of shallow flows
over stable eroded sand durfaces defined by area spectra. Tech. Rep.
No. 36, Water Resources Research Center, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A. 129 pp.
- Huggins, L.F., J.R. Burney, P.S. Kundu and E.J. Monke, 1973.
Simulation of the hydrology of ungauged catchments. Tech. Rep. No. 38,
Water Resources Research Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
Indiana, U.S.A. 70 pp.
- Cousens, D.W.H. and J.R. Burney, 1977. Modelling of small
catchment flood hydrographs. ACRU Report No. 2, Dept. of Agr. Eng.,
Univ. of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, Rep. of South Africa, 148 pp.
- Burney, J.R., 1977. Manual for small catchment distributed
parameter hydrology model version 9. Report, Dept. of Agr. Eng., Purdue
University, West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A., 55 pp.
- Huggins, L.F., D.B. Beasley and J.R. Burney, 1977. ANSWERS
model concepts. In: Final Report on the Black Creek Project. U.S.E.P.A.
Report #EPA-905/9-77-007-B. 177-203.
- Burney, J.R., G.J. Horne, K.V. Lo and W.M. Carson, 1978.
Dairy waste management design manual: Phase I. Report, Dept. of
Bio-Resources Eng., Nova Scotia Technical College, Halifax, N.S., 171
- Doucette, L.J., J.R. Burney and D.H. Waller, 1979. A test of
the quantity predictability of the NPS model on a Nova Scotia
watershed. Report T-1, Dept. of Civil Eng., Nova Scotia Technical
College, Halifax, N.S., 59 pp.
- Burney, J.R., W.M. Carson and K.V. Lo, 1980. Dairy waste
management design manual: Phase III. Report, Dept. of Bio-Resources,
Nova Scotia Technical College, Halifax, N.S., 60 pp.
- Burney, J.R., 1984. Controlled measurement of soil erosion by
spring freeze-thaw with reference to Prince Edward Island. Report of TD
& CSE Project 615.3D4-1, Charlottetown, Res. Sta. Agr. Can., Dept.
of Agric. Eng., TUNS, Halifax, N.S., 87 pp.
- Burney, J.R., 1986. Development of a field rainfall simulator
for cool season soil erosion studies. Report of Canada/P.E.I. Agri-Food
Dev. Subsidiary Agreement, Tech. Dev. Prog. Project, Dept. of Agric.
Eng., TUNS, Halifax, N.S., 44 pp.
- Burney, J.R., 1986. Design, construction and calibration of
weir boxes for discharge measurement of subsurface drainage system
flows. Report, DSS Project PEI-00835A(R), Dept. of Agr. Eng., TUNS,
Halifax, N.S., 44 pp.
- Burney, J.R., 1988. Controlled evaluation of cover crop
factors and soil factors on soil erosion under freeze-thaw conditions.
Report of Canada/PEI. Agri-Food Dev. Subsidiary Agreement, Tech. Dev.
Prog. Project, Dept. of Agr. Eng., TUNS, Halifax, N.S., 109 pp.
- Burney, J.R., 1989. Modeling and quantifying soil
erosion/soil and water conservation and sediment sources in P.E.I. Part
I: Site geography. Report, Dept. of Agr. Eng., TUNS, Halifax, N.S. 51
- Burney, J.R., 1989. Modeling and quantifying soil
erosion/soil and water conservation and sediment sources in P.E.I. Part
II: Instrumentation. Report, Dept. of Agr. Eng., TUNS, Halifax, N.S.,
106 pp.
- Burney, J.R., 1991. Monitoring and modeling soil
erosion/conservation in the upper Wilmot River watershed, Prince Edward
Island. Data and data analysis. Report, Dept. of Agric. Eng., TUNS,
Halifax, N.S. 64 pp.
- Burney, J.R. and L.M. Edwards, 1992. Monitoring and modelling
soil erosion/conservation in the Upper Wilmot River Watershed, Prince
Edward Island. COSSEM (Cool Season Soil Erosion Model) V1.0. Structure
and Example applications. Report, Dept. of Agric. Eng., TUNS, Halifax,
N.S. 49 pp.
- Parsons, T.S., J.R. Burney and L.M. Edwards, 1993.
Development of equipment to quantify soil erodibility under differing
management practices. Report of Project EI-009, Department of Agric.
Eng., TUNS, Halifax, N.S. 247 pp.
- Parsons, T.S., J.R. Burney and L.M. Edwards, 1993. Soil
erosion measurements using a field rainfall simulator. Report, Dept. of
Agric. Eng., TUNS. 30 pp.
- Burney, J.R., A. Madani, G. Brewster and L. Cochrane, 1996.
Tillage and cover in growing season soil erosion control. Report,
Department of Agricultural Engineering, TUNS, Halifax, N.S. 58 pp.
- Burney, J.R., M.G. Satish, S.T. Green, P.E. Pledge and L.M.
Edwards, 1998. Application of the SWAT model to the Wilmot River
Watershed, P.E.I. Rep. of Contract No. KW203-6-0630, Environment
Conservation Branch, Environment Canada, Queen Square, Dartmouth, N.S.,
B2Y 2N6. 67 pp.
- Sub-Committee on Water Quality. 1999. Recommendations for
monitoring freshwater quality to assess impact of development in the
Halifax Regional Municipality. Report of ad hoc Task Force (Chair: J.R.
Burney), Halifax County/Halifax Mainland Watershed Advisory Board,
Office of the Municipal Clerk, Halifax Regional municipality, P.O.Box
1749, Halifax, NS, B3J 3A5. 25pp.
- EnMod Consulting Ltd. 2002. Modelling the effectiveness of
best management practices in reducing environmentally detrimental
pollutants in runoff from farmland in Prince Edward Island. Report to
Environmental Protection Branch, Environment Canada. 81pp. (Report
written by J.R. Burney, agent).
- Burney, J.R., 2004. Notes on modeling the hydraulics of a
sloping sand filter. Report, Department of Biological Engineering,
DalTech, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, B3J 2X4 : 23 pp
- Conference Papers:
- Burney, J.R. and P.J.C. Vorster, 1967. The determination of soil
infiltration capacities by rainfall simulation. Proc. of Hydrol. Symp.,
Umgeni Catchment Assoc., Durban, South Africa: 8-17.
- Burney, J.R., 1969. Basic soil erosion concepts and the
physiographic development of agricultural catchments. River Eng. Symp.,
Univ. of Natal, South Africa, 8 pp.
- Burney, J.R., K.V. Lo and W.M. Carson, 1978. Network analysis
of dairy manure management systems. CSAE Paper No. 78-406, 24 pp.
- Burney, J.R., K.V. Lo and W.M. Carson, 1978. Network costing
of selected Canadian dairy manure management systems. ASAE-NAR 78-404,
22 pp.
- Burney, J.R., K.V. Lo and W.M. Carson, 1979. Selection
criteria for a dairy waste management system. Joint ASAE-CSAE Paper No.
79-4075, 15 pp.
- Bishop, G.A., J.R. Burney and A.E. Ghaly, 1983. Laboratory
rainfall simulator measurements and modelling of manure pollutants.
CSAE Paper No. 83-307, 19 pp.
- Bishop, G.A., A.E. Ghaly and J.R. Burney, 1984. Adsorption of
the inorganic forms of nitrogen to gravel/sand drainage media. ASAE
Paper No. NAR-84-204, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI., 30 pp.
- Bishop, G.A., A.E. Ghaly and J.R. Burney, 1984. Modelling of
manurial nitrogen in runoff and percolation. CSAE Paper No. 84-314,
CSAE, Ottawa.
- Bishop, G.A., A.E. Ghaly and J.R. Burney, 1984. Fate of the
inorganic forms of nitrogen in gravelly sand drainage media. CSAE Paper
No. 84-315, CSAE, Ottawa, 30 pp.
- Singh, R.K. and J.R. Burney, 1985. Application of a
main-frame computer in teaching a systems course at TUNS. CSAE Paper
85-600, CSAE. Ottawa, 14 pp.
- Singh, R.K., A.E. Ghaly and J.R. Burney, 1985. Nitrogen loss
through leachate and ammonia volatilization from land applied manure.
CSAE Paper No. 85-302, CSAE, Ottawa, 26 pp.
- Ghaly, A.E., R.K. Singh and J.R. Burney, 1985. Land disposal of cheese whey. CSAE Paper No. 85-301, CSAE, Ottawa, 24 pp.
- Burney, J.R. and L.M. Edwards, 1985. Effects of freezing on
resulting soil erosion. CSAE Paper No. 85-310, CSAE, Ottawa, 20 pp.
- Burney, J.R. and L.M. Edwards, 1987. Soil erosion under
freeze/thaw conditions. ASAE Paper No. 87-2601, ASAE, ST. Joseph, MI,
14 pp.
- Frame, P.A., L.M. Edwards and J.R. Burney, 1988. Soil erosion
measurement facilities for cool season recording. ASAE-NAR Paper No.
88-405. 18 pp. Aug.
- Frame, P.A., J.R. Burney and L.M. Edwards, 1989. Effects of
freeze-thaw cycles and incorporated residue on rill erosion. ASAE Paper
No. 89-2152, June 28.
- Burney, J.R. and L.M. Edwards, 1989. Cool season soil erosion. ASAE Paper No. 89-2153, June 28, 16 pp.
- Mbajiorgu, C.C., J.R. Burney and L.M. Edwards, 1990. A
continuous simulation model for watershed resources management. 7th
CSAE/CWRA Atlantic Region Hydrotechnical Conf., Moncton, N.B., June
- Mbajiorgu, C.C., K.I. Wilkie and J.R. Burney, 1990.
Automation of an evaporation pan for water level control and digital
recording. Paper No. NABEC90-305, 1990 Northeast Ag/Bio Eng. Conf.,
Penn State Univ., Univ. Park, PN., 16 pp.
- Mbajiorgu, C.C., J.R. Burney and Linnell Edwards, 1991.
Watershed Resources Management Model evaluation based on an application
to the upper Wilmot Watershed. CSAE Paper No. 91-111. Fredericton, N.B.
July 29-31.
- Mbajiorgu, C.C., J.R. Burney and Linnell Edwards, 1991.
Watershed Resources Management I: Introducing a process-based,
continuous, distributed-parameter mathematical watershed model
incorporating conservation structures. CSAE Paper No. 91-121.
Fredericton, N.B. July 29-31.
- Mbajiorgu, C.C., J.R. Burney and Linnell Edwards, 1991.
Sensitivity analyses and calibration of the Watershed Resources
Management Model for the Upper-Wilmot Watershed. CSAE Paper No. 91-125.
Fredericton, N.B. July 29-31.
- Mbajiorgu, C.C., J.R. Burney and Linnell Edwards, 1991.
Watershed Resources Management Model II: Components, structure and
development. CSAE Paper No. 91-123. Fredericton, N.B. 29-31 July.
- Burney, J.R. and Linnell Edwards, 1992. Size distribution of
sediment in rill runoff in response to variations in ground cover,
freezing, slope and compaction of a fine sandy loam. Paper No. 920907,
Inter. Conf. on Agr. Eng., Uppsala, Sweden. June 1-4.
- Oral Conference Presentations:
- Burney, J.R., 1983. Aspects of Agricultural Engineering in Atlantic
Canada. 7th Annual Conf. Nigerian Soc. of Agr. Eng., Illorin, Nigeria,
23-26 Nov.
- Burney, J.R. and L.M. Edwards, 1985. Controlled evaluation of
the effects of freezing on erosion for three soils. Acadia Section,
ASAE, Sussex, N.B. 27 April.
- Burney, J.R., J. Goit and L. Cochrane, 1986. Observations of
outflow from varying diameter drain tile in a shallow compacted basal
till soil. ACAE workshop, Fredericton, N.B. 25 Feb.
- Salah, M.A., D.H. Waller and J.R. Burney, 1986. Continuous
water quantity modelling in Halifax Urban Watersheds using QUALHYMO.
6th CSAE/CWRA Atlantic Region Hydrotechnical Conf., Charlottetown,
P.E.I. 24, 25 June.
- Burney, J.R. and L.M. Edwards, 1986. Erosion of thawing
soils: current results from lab and field testing. Workshop on
Freshwater Issues in the Atlantic Region. Charlottetown, P.E.I. June
- Frame, P.A., J.R. Burney and L.M. Edwards, 1988. Development
of discrete time soil erosion measurement systems for P.E.I. ACAE
workshop, Charlottetown, PEI, 24 Feb.
- Burney, J.R., 1988. Soil erosion from natural land surfaces. Sackville Rivers Advisory Board Conf., Sackville, N.S., 28 May.
- Parsons, T., J.R. Burney, L.M. Edwards, K.I. Wilkie and G.
Richter, 1993. Use of a Portable Rainfall Simulator for Evaluation of
USLE Soil Erodibility and Cropping Factors. ACAE Tech. Workshop, Truro,
N.S. 16 Feb.
- Leyte, J.C., J.R. Burney and L.M. Edwards, 1995. Effect of
slope, cover and rainfall intensity on soil loss from post-harvest
Prince Edward Island potato land. Agricultural Science and Technology
Workshop, Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, NS. Apr. 19-20.
- Jacobs, P. and J.R. Burney, 1996. Application of the SWAT
non-point source model in the Maritimes. ACAE Workshop, Halifax, NS. 20
- Burney, J.R., A. Madani, G. Brewster and L. Cochrane, 1996.
Tillage and mulch effects on summer soil erodibility. ACAE Workshop,
Halifax, NS. 20 Feb.
- Burney, J.R., M.G. Satish, J.H. Arbour and Linnell Edwards,
1998. Applicability of the SWAT model in non-point source simulation of
the Wilmot River, Prince Edward Island. NABEC '98 Conf., Halifax, NS. 3
- Hauser, T., A. Madani, R. Gordon, J. Burney, L. Cochrane, P.
LeBlanc and V. Rodd, 1998. The impact of carrot production on
subsurface drainage water quality. NABEC '98 Conf., Halifax, NS. 3 Aug.
- Caldwell, K., R. Gordon, A. Madani, J. Burney, V. Rodd and L.
Cochrane, 1998. The effects of timing and application rate of manure on
water quality. NABEC '98 Conf., Halifax, NS. 3 Aug.
- Poster:
- Edwards, L.M. and J.R. Burney, 1987. Soil erosion research in
P.E.I. soil conservation workshop, University of Guelph, Guelph,
Ontario, 20, 21 August.
- Burney, J.R. and L.M. Edwards, 1989. Soil erosion measurement
facilties for year-round monitoring. ACAE Workshop, Truro, N.S. 1 Feb.
- Burney, J.R. and L.M. Edwards, 1989. Erosion studies in the
Upper Wilmot Watershed of P.E.I. Agric. and Groundwater Quality Seminar
and Tour Proc., Atlantic Committee on Soil and Climate, Charlottetown,
P.E.I., 43-47.
- Edwards, L.M., J.R. Burney and P. Frame, 1989. Effect of
cover, soil compaction and freeze-thaw on rill and interrill erosion.
Agric. and Groundwater Quality Seminar and Tour Proc., Atlantic
Committee on Soil and Climate, Charlottetown, P.E.I., 51-53.
- Mbajiorgu, C.C., K.I. Wilkie and J.R. Burney, 1991. Automation of an evaporation pan. ACAE Workshop, Halifax, N.S. 20 Feb.
- Burney, J.R. and L.M. Edwards, 1993. Selected Applications of
the COSSEM Soil Erosion Model using PEI Data. ACAE Workshop, Truro,
N.S., Feb 17.
- Leyte, J., J.R. Burney and L.M. Edwards, 1994. Laboratory
evaluation of post-harvest soil losses from PEI potato land. ACAE
Workshop, Fredericton, NB, Feb. 27.
- Campbell, B.E., J.R. Burney and N. Ben-Abdallah. 1999. Cold
condition modelling of vegetative filter strips (VFS). Atlantic
Committee on Land and Engineering Workshop, Moncton, NB. Apr.27-28.
- Jamieson, R., A.Madani, R.Gordon and J.R. Burney. 1999.
Evaluation of milkhouse wastewater treatment alternatives. Atlantic
Committee on Land and Engineering Workshop, Moncton, NB. Apr.
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