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Submissions to Halifax's Regional Planning/Secondary Planning Strategies

Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH)

Modified: July 06, 2021              Select submissions relating to Applied Limnology vis-a-vis land planning/development


(Some of the following documents are in PDF format)
[Img-i-arrow-blue.gif]  Introduction on our involvement
[Img-i-arrow-blue.gif]  Formal submissions during year-2004
[Img-i-arrow-blue.gif]  Formal submissions during year-2005
[Img-i-arrow-blue.gif]  Formal submissions during year-2006 (includes our submission to the Regional Council for the public hearing on May 16, 2006)

[Img-i-arrow-blue.gif]  Formal submission during year-2012 to the RP+5 initiative of the HRM: Reference# RP+5_Submission2012april17 (revised)
[Img-i-arrow-blue.gif]  Formal submission to the River-Lakes Secondary Planning Strategy, Public Hearing on October 23, 2012: River-Lakes Secondary Planning Strategy2012october21

[Img-i-arrow-blue.gif]  Formal summarised submission to the Regional Council during the public hearing of RP+5 on June 24, 2014: Reference# RP+5_PHSubmission2014

[Img-i-arrow-blue.gif]  Formal submission to the Public hearing on February 23, 2016:- Case 20150: River-lakes Secondary Plan No-net Phosphorus Loading Policy Amendment

[Img-i-arrow-blue.gif] Critique (2017) of the Key Performance Indicators of the Regional Plan (Part 1 and Part 2)

[Img-i-arrow-blue.gif] Formal composite submission to the RP+10, year 2020 (33 p.)

Introduction on our involvement

We had participated in the regional planning process from its initial conception in 2002! Representatives of our society attended several of the public meetings organized by the HRM's staff over the years.

Formal submissions during year-2004

Formal submissions during year-2005

Formal submissions during year-2006

Select submissions relating to Applied Limnology vis-a-vis land planning/development                    Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH) Master Homepage

We salute the Chebucto Community Net (CCN) of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada for hosting our web site, and we applaud its volunteers for their devotion in making `CCN' the best community net in the world!
