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Our proposal for a Lakes Authority at the Halifax Regional Municipality
HRM's response pursuant to our strong presentation to the HRM Council in 2001 with select followups
Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH)
Updated: May 08,

- Lake Management Meeting: with Paul
Dunphy, Director, Planning & Development Services, and Tony Blouin,
Manager, Environmental Policy, HRM; July 09, 2001
- Our presentation to the HRM Council; August 21, 2001
- Staff's response to the Regional Council; September 19, 2001
- Mayor Peter Kelly's response to our suggestion to hire a certified Lake Manager with the resignation of Kulvinder Dhillon PEng; April 09, 2002
- Acknowledgement from Patrick Hartling, Director, Human Resource Services; April 17, 2002
- Our reminder to His Worship, Peter Kelly MBA; June 11, 2003
presentation to the HRM Council asking them to set up a credible and
pragmatic Lakes Authority staffed with qualified Applied Limnologists
and as reported in the media; August 21, 2001:
![[Img- media_2001-08-21]](PIC/media_2001-08-21.jpg)
... and the acknowledgement from the Muncipal clerk, Ms. Vi Carmichael; August 27, 2001
HRM Staff's (noncommittal) response; September 19, 2001:
![[Img- lakes_authority1]](PIC/lakes_authority1.jpg)
![[Img- lakes_authority2]](PIC/lakes_authority2.jpg)
![[Img- lakes_authority3]](PIC/lakes_authority3.jpg)
![[Img- lakes_authority4]](PIC/lakes_authority4.jpg)
![[Img- lakes_authority5]](PIC/lakes_authority5.jpg)

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